Craven Arms Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Bridge Solver Online


Bridge Solver Online is a separate online resource that has been tightly integrated into BridgeWebs. It was developed by John Goacher who, together with Mirna Goacher, also developed the BridgePal and BridgeScore software we use for wireless scoring.

Bridge Solver Online uses 'Double Dummy' analysis to determine 'makeable' contracts and the play that achieves those results. This analysis assumes all four players can see all 52 cards, and each player always plays to his or her best advantage. Of course, in actual play the players can’t see all 52 cards, so sometimes the results are unrealistic. But the analysis nonetheless indicates what is possible on a given layout of the cards, both for the declarer and for the defence.

The simplest way to access Bridge Solver Online is by clicking 'Play it again' on the 'Scorecards' page. You can also click on the icon that looks like a blue/green graph plot at the top left of the 'Ranking', 'Scorecards', 'Matrix', 'Travellers' or 'Hands' pages but if no pair has been pre-selected Bridge Solver Online will open showing analysis for pair 1 NS.

In addition to the main 'Play it again' view BridgeSolver Online provides three other views ('All Pairs', 'Personal' and 'Board'), accessed by clicking 'Results Analysis'. Detailed help for these is available from Bridge Solver Online (by clicking 'Help') or can be opened by clicking the link below. The 'Personal' and 'Board' analysis views provide the most detailed information about your partnership's play.