Compton Martin Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Pages viewed in 2024
Welcome to Compton Martin Bridge Club

We are a small club playing in the village Hall at Compton Martin where there is ample parking.
We play duplicate bridge, and are not affiliated to the EBU.

Play starts at 7.00 on Tuesday evenings, with a short break at half time.
Players should arrive not later than 6.45.

Covid Constraints:

Masks to be worn at the discretion of players

Activate New Membership
Not have or forgotten your password?
Click on 'Membership' (in Blue Menu Box )
Enter your email address & click 'Set/Reset Password'.
Instructions to set password will be to you by email.
(If an email does not arrive, check your spam folder)
Tuesday Pairs
Tuesday Pairs
Tuesday Pairs
23rd July 2024
No Bridge
30th July 2024
No Bridge
6th August 2024
No Bridge