Commercial Club Albury Bridge Club
Members Requiring Partners

To facilitate finding a partner, please place your name and relevant details on the Flyer located on the Bridge Room Notice Board.

♠   ♣ 



$3.00 coupons are now available

Strips of five @ $15.00

Please purchase on line


Banking Details: CCABC

BSB: 062-500   

Acc: 0091 0894

Please tag EFT with name

♠   ♣  

23rd September 2024
Duplicate less 200 mps
Director: Mike Pemberton
Scorer: Mike Pemberton
23rd September 2024
Monday Night
Director: Richard Harman
Scorer: Cathy Giltrap
25th September 2024
Director: Sue McConnell
0 0 0 0 0 0
Pages viewed in 2024
Release 2.19q
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If you use the same email as someone else at the club, then enter your Name as spelt in the results instead of Email.
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If you have forgotten your password, click .
If you would like to register to use the pages of Commercial Club Albury Bridge Club, click [Register].