C & N U3A Bridge Group
Release 2.19r
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Welcome to C & N U3A Bridge Group
Information for all Crewe and Nantwich U3A Bridge Players

 Membership of all U3A groups can be made only via the Crewe and Nantwich U3A (candnu3a.org.uk) 
 There are four Duplicate Bridge groups, one playing on Monday afternoons at Shavington Village Hall, the others on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at Wybunbury Village Hall. A Rubber Bridge group meets at Wistaston Memorial Hall on Tuesday afternoons and we also run a course for beginners on Tuesday mornings (September to June) at Shavington Village Hall.
 An annual membership fee is charged for membership of the U3A (£15 in 2024) and an additional fee is payable per group per term to cover venue hire. This is currently calculated at £1.50 per session.
♣ Details of all bridge and other U3A groups, along with contact details for leaders, are available on the Crewe and Nantwich U3A Website (candnu3a.org.uk) and via the "Information" tab on the menu of this page. 

Latest updates

No partner for the next session?
There may well be other players also looking for partners. Check the Calendar (or click Find a Partner) to see if anyone's put in a Partner Request.
If so, click on the request -  (Partner?) - to see their contact details.
If not, follow the instructions given in the  How to find a Partner  section on this page. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need any more information.

**Please remove your request as soon as you have found a partner (untick the PR box, then SAVE) to avoid any confusion

Special Message
23rd September 2024
Monday Duplicate
Shavington Village Hall 13:30
25th September 2024
Wednesday Duplicate
Wybunbury Village Hall 09:30
26th September 2024
Thursday Duplicate
Wybunbury Village Hall 09:30
Friday Duplicate
Director: Mary Butterworth
Scorer: Alan Elkes
Thursday Duplicate
Director: Michael Covell
Scorer: Susan Wilkinson
Wednesday Duplicate
Director: Susan Wilkinson
Scorer: Chris Millings