Release 2.19p
Address of this website

President — Mary Blundell

REMOVE: never

Your Committee

Chairman — Gavin Wilson 

Treasurer — Rowena Austin 📧


Membership —  📧

Refreshments  Julie Minards 📧

Refreshments   📧

REMOVE: never
The Director team

The Director team comprises:

  • Rowena Austin
  • John Murtagh
  • Gavin Wilson
REMOVE: never
The Scorer team

The Scoring Team comprises:

  • Gavin Wilson

Claygate now uses a wireless scoring system called BridgePal, which runs on smartphones and tablets.  Further information about BridgePal can be found here.

6th August 2018


Minutes of the Meeting of the Claygate Bridge Club Committee held at 10.00 on the 6th August 2018 at Torrington Close


Chairman: Gavin Wilson (GW)
Elected Committee Members: Yvette Barton (YB), Muriel Hodder (MH), Kay Wilson (KW), Pauline Harris (PH)
Co-opted Committee Members: none
Other Club Members: none

1. Apologies for Absence



2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 16th April 2018

The minutes of the meeting of 6th April 2018 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


3. To Report on the Actioning of Items from Previous Meetings

  • 17-3Ⓐ1 GW to provide training to the scoring team. ⓄⓅⒺⓃ
  • 18-2Ⓐ1 GW to send a draft of the contact page to members before taking the Calendar Card to print.. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 18-2Ⓐ7 MH to send GW the list of members to prod for subscriptions. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ

4. Chairman's Report

The committee, directors and scorers are enjoying the three-week break provided by the closure of the Day Centre for refurbishment. We incur no variable costs or complaints about slow play, bad behaviour etc. Play will recommence on 13th August.

  • 18-3Ⓐ1 GW to visit Day Centre on morning of 13th August to check that it will be open in the evening.

5. Treasurer's Report

The club remains solvent. Arrangements for the collection of table money during MH's protracted absences have been arranged.


6. Electronic Scoring — Progress Report

Apart from a mess-up on the Teams evening — when GW upgraded the software on the handsets but not on the server — the system has been working well and is accepted by the majority of members. The chairman and secretary recently experienced the BridgeTab software at another club, and remain convinced that BridgePal is the most cost-effective solution. We continue to learn the intricacies of the software. Ruth Rettie has volunteered to learn to score.


7. Director Recruitment & Retention

This remains the №⓵ long-term problem at the club. The club will of course reimburse any member who wishes to train to become a director, provided they go on to direct at Claygate.


8. Strategy and Direction

All incidents of bad behaviour should be called to the Director's attention as soon as possible.


9. Any Other Business



10. Date of Next Meeting

The committee agreed that the next meeting should take place at 1000 on Monday 12th November at Torrington Close.
