Release 2.19r
2017 Accounts
2017 Income and Expenditure Accounts

Financial Accounts




Notes 2017 2016 2015 2014
INCOME £ £ £ £
Table Money 1 3,959 5,947 6,419 4,266
Subscriptions 1,115 1,070 1,200 1,382

Total Receipts 5,074 7,017 7,619 5,648
Hire of Hall 3,579 3,657 3,416 3,657
Refreshments 215 125 328 422
Stationery 2 811 225 592 670
EBU 857 760 423 1,005
Website 61 108 68 93
Electronic Scoring 3 996 - - -
Christmas Party 4 481 300 300 123
Sundry Expenses 91 284 187 99
Total Payments -7,091 -5,459 -5,314 -6,069

Surplus for Year -2,017 1,558 2,305 -421
Net Surplus Brought Forward 6,771 5,213 2,908 3,329

Total Surplus 4,754 6,771 5,213 2,908
Total Surplus represented by:
Cash at Bank 4,724 6,741 5,183 2,888
Cash in Hand 30 30 30 20

4,754 6,771 5,213 2,908

Notes to the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st December 2017

1. Table Money

  • Throughout 2017, table money has been levied at £2 per member.
  • For the first nine months of 2016, table money was set at £3 per member. The rate was dropped to £2 in October 2016.

2. Stationery

The significant elements of the year's spending on Stationery were:

  • £380 on packs of cards, and
  • £331 on customised convention cards. (The club now has over three year's supply of these cards.)

3. Electronic Scoring

The Club has acquired 17 handsets, a PC and a WiFi router to enable live scoring of duplicate sessions at the Day Centre. This is one-off expenditure, and no further major expenses are envisaged to support electronic scoring.

4. Christmas Party

The figure shown for 2017 is the cost of the Christmas Party of December 2016 — not December 2017. (Payments for the party are typically taken from the Club's bank account in the month after the party, which is in the next financial year. These accounts are compiled on a cash basis, rather than an accruals basis, so transactions are recorded in these accounts against the date on which money leaves or arrives in the Club's bank account — not against the date of the event to which they relate.)
