Release 2.19r
Member Application Form
Last updated: 19th April 2017


Membership Application Form



Please return the completed form to the Club Secretary.


Date of Applying: (Day) (Month) (Year)
Title: First Name: Surname:  
Home Phone: Mobile: EBU Number:  
Email Address:  
Proposer: Seconder:  
Would you like to receive communications from the Club by email?

(You can withdraw from this arrangement at any time by notifying the Secretary.)



I apply to become a member of Claygate Bridge Club. I have read and I accept the Club's Constitution and Values1. I agree to act as a Host as and when required by the Rota2. I acknowledge that my Proposer and Seconder are vouching for my expected conduct at the Club. I also recognise that the Committee's decision with regard to my membership of the Club is final.
  1. The Constitution and Club Values are posted on the Club's website at
  2. No member will be requested to perform hosting duties more than once a year. The Rota is published on the home page of the Club's website.
Signature of Applicant:  


  • By becoming a member of Claygate Bridge Club, you automatically become a member of the English Bridge Union (EBU). If you wish to restrict the information which the Club passes on to the EBU — your title, first name, surname, address, email address, and telephone number — please inform the Membership Secretary in writing.
  • From time to time the Club issues a list of members' primary contact details — phone number or email address — to all members. If you do not wish your primary contact details to be included in such a list, please inform the Membership Secretary in writing.
  • There is a one-off Joining Fee of £10 for new members. In addition there is an Annual Subscription, currently set at £10, for all members. For new members accepted during the course of the club year, the pro-rata Subscription for that first year is as follows:
  January-March: £10.00
  April-June: £7.50
  July-September: £5.00
  October-December: £2.50



☐ Played three times
☐ Joining Fee paid
☐ Annual Subscription Fee (or part thereof for the portion of the Club year remaining) paid
☐ Added to Membership List
☐ Email Address added to broadcast list