Our Club |
Formed in 1992, we are a very friendly Club, EBU affiliated, and always welcome new members of all abilities. Excellent Facilities and Car Park.
How to learn bridge |
We keep a list of those wanting to learn bridge, and will run a Beginners course when we have sufficient numbers. Contact Alan if interested, and we'll keep in touch.
Contacts |
Please contact any of the following:
Chair: Louise Keeling |
07792 213853 |
louise.keeling1@btinternet.com |
Secretary: Alan Stanfield |
07906 849640 |
thestanfields@outlook.com |
Tourn. Director: Harold Grouse |
01452 610058 |
haroldgrouse@blueyonder.co.uk |
Training: Alan Stanfield |
07906 849640 |
thestanfields@outlook.com |