Chichester Bridge Club
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Release 2.19r
Bridge Club Library
Bridge club library

We now have a small library of bridge books that are available to be borrowed by members and students. It is on the shelves in the room where the table cloths are held.

If you want to borrow any book, please record the details in the folder with the books.  If there is a book  you would like to borrow that is already out, by all means approach the borrower with a request to borrow it. We would expect books to be passed on within a month if this is the case.

If there are any problems or queries, please contact Peter Burns.

Library books (and DVDs) are 

Title Author Comment
There must be a way Andrew Diosy
You have to see this  Andrew Diosy & Linda Lee
Duplicate Pairs for you Andrew Kambites
Defensive Skills for you Andrew Kambites
Slam Bidding for you Andrew Kambites
Stayman Transfers weak two endplay & squeeze - bridge lessons Andrew Robson CD Rom
Double overcall slam - bridge lessons  Andrew Robson CD Rom
Bridge Common mistakes Andrew Robson
Bridge what should have happened Andrew Robson
Bidding as opener - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Finesse - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Stayman & Transfers - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Weak twos - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Declaring No trump contracts - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Overcall - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Slam - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Doubles - bridge lessons Andrew Robson
Barbara's bridge tips Barbara Seagram
Planning the play - the next level  Barbara Seagram & David Bird
Planning the Defense Barbara Seagram & David Bird
Responding to 1NT Bernard Magee DVD
Play & Defence of 1NT contracts Bernard Magee DVD
Competitive Auctions Bernard Magee DVD
Making the most of high cards Bernard Magee DVD
Finding & bidding slams Bernard Magee DVD
Doubling & defence against doubled contracts Bernard Magee DVD
Ruffing for extra tricks Bernard Magee DVD
Losing trick count Bernard Magee DVD
Pre-Emptive bidding Bernard Magee DVD
Avoidance play Bernard Magee DVD
Play & defence at pairs Bernard Magee DVD
Thinking defence Bernard Magee DVD
The Big PayOff - slam bidding at bridge Bill Treble 
Two over One - a first course Bill Treble 
Winning at matchpoints Bill Treble 
Defending at bridge - a first course Bill Treble 
Conventions Today Brian Senior
Really easy mistakes Bridge for all EBU
Precision System of Bidding Charles Goren
Don't be fooled Danny Roth
Bridge Squeezes for everyone David Bird
The Abbott, the parrot, and the Bermuda Bowl David Bird
The headmaster, the matron, and the scissors coup David Bird
Another 52 great bridge tips David Bird
The Rabbi and the weaker sex David Bird & Ron Klinger
The Rabbi's magic trick David Bird & Ron Klinger
Better Balanced Bidding (Banzai valuation method) David Jackson & Ron Klinger
Passport to Duplicate Bridge David Parry
Really easy modern acol EBU
Really Easy bidding EBU
Introduction to Defense Eddie Kantar
Introduction to Declarer Play Eddie Kantar
Roman Keycard Blackwood Eddie Kantar
Bridge for Dummies Eddie Kantar
Close encounters - Bridge's greatest matches 1964 - 2001 Erix Kokish & Mark Horton
Bridge Odds complete Fredrick H. Frost
The Daily Telegraph book of bridge G. C. H. Fox
Advanced play at bridge H. W. Kelsey
Practice Negative Doubles Hacketts Practice series pamphlets
Practice Benji 2 bids Hacketts Practice series pamphlets
Practice Weak 2 bids Hacketts Practice series pamphlets
Practice Pre-emptive bidding Hacketts Practice series pamphlets
New ideas in defensive play Helge Vinje (English version edited by Terence Reese)
Logical bridge play Hugh Kelsey
Sharpen your bridge technique Hugh Kelsey
Bridge odds for practical players Hugh Kelsey & Michael Glauert
A taste of bridge Jeff Bayone
Master of bridge psychology Jeppe Juhl with Peter Fredin
Bridge with the Times Jeremy Flint
Hand of the week Joel Martineau
Useful Probability for bridge players Julian Laderman
New Instant guide to Bridge Ke;lsey & Klinger
Partnership Defense in bridge Kit Woolsey
100 winning duplicate tips Klinger
Opening Leads for Acol Players Lwarence & Klinger
Better Signalling Now Mark Horton
Defence in depth Martin Hoffman
Better Bidding with Bergen Vol 1  Marty Bergen
Better Bidding with Bergen Vol 2 Marty Bergen
The right way to play bridge Mendelson
Tips on Competitive Bidding Mike Lawrence
False Cards Mike Lawrence
Tips on cardplay Mike Lawrence
Tips on Bidding Mike Lawrence
Standard bidding with SAYC Ned Downey Ellen Pomer
Practice Asptro Nevena Senior Practice series pamphlets
Bridge Literature Nick Smith
Bridge games Omar Sharif CD Rom
Demystifying Defense Patrick O'Connor
Coming back to bridge Paul Goldfinger
100 tips for better bridge Paul Mendelson
Bridge winning ways to play your cards Paul Mendelson
Playing 2/1 Paul Thurston
Bridge Conventions Made clear Rhoda Lederer
Opening Leads Robert Ewen
Never a Dull Deal: - Faith, Hope, and Probability in bridge Robert F MacKinnon
Ron Klinger's Master Class Ron Klinger
Modern Losing Trick Count Ron Klinger
Better Duplicate Bridge Ron Klinger
Guide to good Acol Bidding & play Ron Klinger
Basic Bridge Ron Klinger
Playing Doubled Contracts Ron Klinger
Defending Doubled Contracts Ron Klinger
When to bid, when to pass Ron Klinger
Improve your declarer play at No-Trumps Ron Klinger
Improve your opening leads Ron Klinger
Teach your child bridge Ron Klinger
Improve your bridge memory Ron Klinger
100 winning bridge tips Ron Klinger
Bridge - Conventions, Defences, and Countermeasures Ron Klinger
Card Play Made Easy 1 - safety plays and end plays Ron Klinger & Andrew Kambites
Card Play Made Easy 2 - suit combinations Ron Klinger & Andrew Kambites
Practice your Acol Bidding Rowlands et al 
Double Trouble Sally Horton
25 bridge conventions you should know Seagram & Smith
The art of coarse bridge Spike Hughes
Accurate Cardplay Terence Reese & Roger Trezel
Imaginative Cardplay Terence Reese & Roger Trezel
The Mistakes you make at bridge Terence Reese & Roger Trezel
Those extra chances in bridge Terence Reese & Roger Trezel
Practice defense to multi Tom Townsend Practice series pamphlets
The deadly defence quiz book Wladyslaw Izdebski, Roman Krzemien, Ron Klinger
Breakthrough Bridge - Defence Zia & Grant
Breakthrough Bridge - Declarer Play Zia & Grant
Modern Bidding Systems in Bridge