Chichester Bridge Club
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Release 2.19r
Monday Apr 29th - Board 8

Board 8 on Monday April 29 is interesting. 


Let’s assume North plays in 6S, and gets a diamond or trump lead.


Provided trumps are 3-2, one can count 12 tricks. However East discards on the second round of spades, and it is now clear that a trump trick will be lost.


The only real hope is for West to have the HK and for Declarer to be able to eliminate the minors before throwing West in, to lead away from the HK.


So the play should be:

- Take a third round of trumps.

- Win CA, CK (discarding a heart from hand), and ruff a club. 

- Cash the top diamonds.

- Then throw West in with the 4th spade.


Of course, West may have been able to keep a club or diamond as an exit card. But, on this hand West has to lead away from the HK and the contract will be made.