Chichester Bridge Club
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Release 2.19r
NGS Handicap Rules

Club NGS Handicap Competition 2013/2014


1) The competition will run on the third Thursday of each month from October to June, except for December when it will be the second Thursday (the third is the Christmas Party).

2) Only after the scores have been submitted to the EBU and Master Points awarded will they be re-scored for a separate club competition “The NGS Handicap”.   For this competition each person’s score would be adjusted as follows.

a) NGS rankings change daily.   To avoid confusion and have some consistency the NGS rankings which will determine handicaps will be taken on October 1 and revised on January 1 and further revised on April 1.

b) Any player who does not have an NGS ranking or who has elected to not have it displayed will be classed as an ace.

c) Each player’s NGS rating would give a handicap as follows:

A = -6%             K=-5%     Q= -4%     J= -3%     10= -2%     9= -1%                8 = 0

7 = +1%           6= +2% 5= +3% 4= +4% 3= +5% 2= +6%

d) The handicap for each pair would be the sum of the percentage adjustments awarded for each individuals NGS grade as shown in c) above and this would be added (which in many cases would mean subtracted) from their percentage score on the evening.  i.e. a partnership of two players with NGS ranking of ace would have 12% subtracted from their score and a partnership of an NGS 2 and an NGS 3 would have 11% added to their score.

e) This would produce a new score for the event. Using these new handicapped scores, each pair would be awarded points as follows: subtract 40% from your score and lose anything after the decimal point.  So 47.3% = 47.3 – 40 = 7.3 = 7.    The maximum score for any evening would be 20 and this would be achieved by having a handicapped score above 60%.


Handicap Score     Points awarded                 Handicap Score     Points awarded

Below 41%             0                            50% - 51%             10

41% – 42%            1                            51% - 52%             11

42% - 43%            2                            52% - 53%             12

43% - 44%            3                            53% - 54%             13

44% - 45%            4                            54% - 55%             14

45% - 46%            5                            55% - 56%             15

46% - 47%            6                            56% - 57%             16

47% - 48%            7                            57% - 58%             17

48% - 49%            8                            58% - 59%             18

49% - 50%            9                            59% - 60%             19

                                                          60% and above          20

f) Using the same rules as the ladder, the event will run 9 times with best 6 scores counting. 

g) Players can play with the same or a different partner each time. It will not affect the competition

h) If you have any queries please address them to David Telfer who will be scoring the event on behalf of the committee.