The Bridge Club of Chiang Mai
Release 2.19q
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If you wish to join us in a game of contract bridge in a friendly, congenial atmosphere, please contact Jim.

We hope you like what you see and that we will be playing bridge with you at the Club soon!

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Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meetings
of the Bridge Club of Chiang Mai

2010 to present date

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  AGM Minutes 18 January 2025



 JANUARY 18 2025


Neil , Dot, Jim, John, Jan, Kevin, Anne, Peta, Cheron, Jim, Alan, Cinda, Maudrene, Dennis, Veronica, Bruce,  Trevor,  Murray, Lek, Theo, Peta, Pen, Richard L., Cyril, Thoom, Terri, Pierre, Christine, HongLi, Bob, Erik, Kevin Y, Jimmy, Tom, Mil X, Nick, Charlie, Tommy.

  1. Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the AGM held on January 13, 2024, were unanimously accepted

  1. Chair’s Report by Jim
  • Financial Update
    •  The Club’s finances are in better condition than in previous years.
    • Sufficient reserves exist to purchase new Bridgemates

  1. Treasurer’s Report by Dot
  • Key Points
    • Veronica audited the accounts.
    • THB 16,000 spent on new playing cards.
    • We have sufficient reserves for normal needs. However, if we need to buy a new dealing machine in addition to cards and bridgemates, this will strain our finances.
    • Table fee collections remain strong, supported by visiting guests.

  1. Thank you and Tribute to the Outgoing Committee

Jim expressed gratitude for the dedication and hard work of the outgoing committee members.

  1. Nominations for  2025 Committee

The old committee will stand for reelection

  • Committee Size increase
    • The number of seats increased from 7 to 8.
  • Nominations
    • Veronica was nominated by Anne.
    • The nomination cutoff date is the second Friday of February 2025.

  1. Request for Assistance with  Lessons
  • Upcoming Lessons
    • Jim will resume lessons around April or May.
    • Members are encouraged to inform others about the lesson.
    • Jim is asking for volunteers to assist at teaching tables, one person assisting per table would be ideal.

  1. Handling of  Card
  • Issues
    • Dirty cards are causing problems with the dealing machine
  • Proposed Solutions
    • Players must wash their hands before sessions.
    • Eating during sessions is prohibited.
    • Directors will reinforce these rules

  1. Members discussions

Comments on Accounts

  • Dennis complimented the committee’s effort but expressed dissatisfaction with how the accounts are presented.
  • Neil advised against publicizing accounts to avoid misunderstandings or being perceived as making money.
  • Veronica agreed, emphasizing the need for discretion in Thailand.
  • Maudrene requested details on revenue and spending.
  • Leslie proposed that members with questions about the accounts speak directly to Veronica.
  • Veronica agreed to show accounts on her computer during bridge days to members who asked but, no hard copies will be provided.

Legal Issues

  • Pen asked if playing cards must have stamps. It was confirmed that unstamped cards are illegal in Thailand.

Dealing Machine

  • Alan asked about repairs of the dealing machine. Dot assured that the old machine could still be used while the second machine is being repaired or replaced.
  • Neil mentioned that if repairs fail, purchasing a new dealing machine and other equipment might necessitate raising table fees.
  • Leslie asked about delivery time for a new dealing machine, Jan estimated it at approximately one month.

Team Competition

  • John proposed organizing team competitions, about 10 players expressed interest and would be available on Sundays.
  • Tommy emphasized the importance of balanced teams for fair competition.

Old Equipment

  • Dot announced that old bidding boxes would be donated to bridge teaching organizations in Thailand, with members free to take any they wanted beforehand.

Lessons and Recruitment

  • Leslie asked if lessons are open to the public and about other lesson opportunities in Chiang Mai.
  • Jimmy mentioned that CMU has its own bridge club offering lessons.
  • Jim suggested reviving Sunday games with CMU students to increase club participation, John cautioned about space limitations (16 tables max).
  • Dot added that students under 25 play for free, and membership for those under 30 is also free, making it a non-revenue activity.

Reserves and Expenses

  • Veronica stressed the importance of maintaining solid reserves to handle unforeseen expenses, referencing past challenges during COVID-19.


  • Murray suggested moving the Welcome Back Day to November, when more snowbirds would have returned.
  • Neil noted that Welcome Back Day is one of the club's two annual club days, with the main one in early January. It was formerly Summer Club Day in the middle of the year. Moving Welcome Back Day to November would put the two annual club days too close together. It is not actually a welcome to snowbirds, but a welcome back for summer players now to the winter session (plus any snowbirds who have made it back).
  • Erik suggested changing the name to reflect its function. The committee will address this at the next meeting.


  • Theo emphasized minimizing loud conversations and movement during rounds.
  • Cinda requested that directors remind players to maintain quiet during sessions.

9. Any Other Business

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.


Minutes of the BCCM Committee Meeting


8 January 2025



Present: Jim (Chair), Dot, Jan, Kevin, Neil, Anne


Regrets: John



  1.       Treasurer’s Report


Dot had previously emailed the accounts from April up to 31st December to the



Committee. December was a strong month, showing an increase in table fees revenue and new memberships.




Club Day/AGM




10.30 am          AGM



Noon                Lunch



1.15pm            Bridge session


Item 1:             Approval of previous meeting’s minutes.


Item 2:             Report by the Chair on the current condition of the club.


Item 3:             Treasurer’s report.


Item 4:            Thank you and tribute to the outgoing committee.


Item 5:             Call for nominations for the new committee.


Item 6:            Request for help for lessons.



Item 7:              Talk by Dot, Jan and Jim about the importance of proper card



handling during the bridge session.



Item 8:

Member discussion


Item 9:

Any other business





There is no parking at the Club, Members are to park at the school next door as



pre-arranged by Jan.




Discussion of the movement for 6 and a half tables


The movement of two boards per round will remain, as voted on by club members.


Care of the dealing machine

The dealing machine has been experiencing issues lately, primarily due to


dirty/sticky cards that damage its system. The machine needs servicing, Eric will


dismantle and clean it. If this doesn’t resolve the problem, a new dealing machine


may need to be purchased in the near future.



Increase of Table Fees and Membership Dues

There is no need to increase the fees at this time. However, a new dealing machine


may need to be purchased in the future, potentially costing up to Bht300,000


including transport and import taxes.


It was noted that our table fees are lower than those of other bridge clubs in





Food considerations with respect to the dealing machine

To ensure clean hands during bridge sessions, no food should be consumed during


the session. Food may only be eaten before or after the session. This will help keep


the cards clean and ensure the dealing machine functions properly. Recently, the


dealing machine has frequently jammed due to dirty and sticky cards, resulting in


hours of preparation time for the boards.




Any unfinished business

The committee will be increased from seven members to eight members.


The next committee meeting is scheduled for 26 March 2025.

  BCCM Minutes 23 October 2024

Minutes of the BCCM Committee Meeting

23 October 2024

  1. Present: Jim (Chair), Dot, Jan, Kevin, Neil, John, Anne

2.       Treasurer’s Report

Dot previously emailed the accounts for April up to September to the committee which show that we haven’t caught up with pre-Covid time income yet but we are on a rise. We had big expenses in the last few months, deposit on rent with the new rental contract and an increase in monthly rent as well as a few repairs on our venue for which we shared the cost with the house owner. Dot remarked that although we had to share costs of different repairs the Landlady is quite amenable.

3.      Away Session Chiang Dao

Kevin proposes playing some Social Bridge on the day of arrival and Peta suggests drawing for partners for that day to make it more fun. The next day will replace the Wednesday’s Club session. There will be a table fee as usual on the Wednesday Play. The deposit from the participants will be used to settle the first hotel night, the second night will be settled individually by each participant upon checkout.

Participants can bring their own drinks as the hotel can provide only tea, coffee and water. There will be no corkage fees. As the hotel doesn’t have a restaurant, Jim proposes the Jam’s restaurant, Italian food, which is nearby and Jan also mentioned a Thai restaurant specializing in Pad Thai owned by a renowned Thai Chef from


4.      Club Day/AGM

Will be held on January Saturday 18th 2025. The AGM will be held in the morning followed by a light lunch of antipasti/tapas and cold cuts then, we will have our usual bridge session after which we will have dinner catered by Billy at the Club.

5.      End of the Year Festivities

Dot is proposing a Potluck before our Bridge regular session. The actual date will be communicated soon.

6.      Bridge Cruise

John proposes a Bridge Cruise. The bridge session would be organized by us. The cost would be approximately US$ 500. All details and organizations will be further investigated by John.

7.         Increase of Table Fees

Jim and Neil agree that we will eventually have to increase the fees but, not at this moment. Our bank has an adequate reserve at the moment but, at some point,we will need to buy a new dealing machine which might cost up to Bht 250,000. We also need a reserve as a cushion for unseeable expenses. Jan is going to check with our playing cards supplier if we could get a better deal from them for the dealing machine.

8.         Committee Dinners

Some members raised concern about the cost of the dinners. Neil proposes to make a written statement about this to the members.

9.         Nuan

Jan has again seen Nuan and family using our cushions as mattresses. It has been agreed by all that Jan would buy two rollable mattresses and tell Nuan again that they are not allowed to use the cushions.

10        The next committee meeting will be held on 8th January

Minutes of the BCCM Committee Meeting

5 June 2024

  1. Present: Jim (Chair), Dot, Jan, Kevin, Neil, John

Apologies: Anne

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read and accepted.

      3.   Treasurer’s Report

Dot previously emailed the accounts for April and May to the committee. They show a loss, because of the increase in rent and because we paid a two month deposit to the owner. The electricity bill for April was high. This could be expected because it was exceptionally hot. The committee discussed the fact that the electricity bill also covers the upstairs and there may sometimes be as many as 10 or even 12 people occupying that floor. The committee nevertheless accepted that the bulk of the bill came from our use of air conditioners. The committee noted that this helps to support Nuan and that it has a charitable element to it. In view of these factors, the committee decided to accept the situation as is. The Committee thanked Dot for the report and this was accepted.


  1. Welcome Back Party

This will be held on Friday Oct 4th, to welcome Summer Session players to the Winter Session and to welcome back those players who have returned for the winter already. It will probably be a pizza party, like last year. At the party, Neil will mention that the 15th anniversary of      the club was earlier this year. He will briefly thank the club founders, who built the club in the first year, and will mention those founder and early members who are still loyal participants after 15 years.

  1. Away Trips

Neil proposed a trip to Pai, as we have done in the past. Jan proposed a trip to Phrae and Nan and offered to organise it, in cooperation with Kevin. The committee accepted this offer. Subsequent to the meeting, some committee members discussed that such a trip would require considerable effort from the organisers. Jan and Kevin decided to change to Pai instead, for this year, because this is a simpler trip to arrange. The trip will probably be in early November when the weather will be good and many members will have returned to Chiang Mai.

  1. Time per Board

The committee previously decided this issue in an email vote. In general, when there are a large number of boards per round, it makes sense to set the clock for faster times. The committee decided that the Director should have discretion to set the time.

  1. Invitation from the Royal Bangkok Sports Club

Jan reported that the RBSC has invited us to participate in a tournament in Bangkok in November. The committee felt that only a limited number of members would be interested in travelling to Bangkok for this. We will try to work on a joint event early next year, probably in February.

  1. Lessons

Jim plans to hold lessons for 8 weeks during July and August. The lessons will be three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Jim noted that, if there were more than 4 students, he would need additional help so will ask for volunteers.

  1. Bank Account Arrangements

The bank account is held in the name of a member, currently Jan. This is a concern because, if something were to happen to the single account holder, then we could have problems accessing the account. The committee decided that it should be a joint account to avoid this problem. Some other committee members were reluctant to be on the account because of home country tax considerations. John said that he would ask Lek if she would be willing to be the second signatory.

Subsequent to the meeting, John reported that Lek would also have problems, because of submitting a US tax return. Neil agreed to be the second signatory. A new, joint account, was subsequently opened.

  1. Water Pump Issues

The water pump broke down on Monday, so that there was no water. The pump was only revived by pouring water on it, to cool it down. This is not a sustainable solution. The lease places responsibility for maintaining the water system with the owner. Jan contacted the owner, who initially declined to pay. Jan arranged with her plumber to investigate the problem. The club opted to replace the pump at a cost of 7,500B, not repair it, to avoid a repeat breakdown. Jan discussed further with the owner who eventually agreed to pay 3,000B, as the cost of repairing rather than replacing the pump.

Jim noted that the owner’s initial reluctance to pay had undermined his trust. We did not have this problem with previous arrangements---the landlord was always willing to arrange repairs or to pay. Jan reported that the owner said that previously, when Oak rented the restaurant from her, he had simply repaired items himself. Thus she was unprepared for this issue.

This uncertainty about the willingness of the owner to take responsibility emphasises the need to have a backup location in case we need to leave the Oak Tree (see item 11 below). Currently the lease obliges us to stay for at least eleven more months, unless the owner breaks the lease.

  1. Search for a Backup Venue

Jim has talked with the restaurant Chefs Together about hosting us and arranged a meeting at the restaurant to discuss further. Subsequent to the committee meeting, Jim, Jan and Neil met there. The space available is good. However, the conditions, particularly the need to set up our equipment and tables each playing day and put them in storage afterwards, probably rule it out.

Jim is investigating another venue which has offered to host us. Jan also suggested the possibility of a space at Meechok Plaza.

Neil noted the downsides of a move, particularly if we no longer have our own exclusive space. Also we would not be employing and helping Nuan any longer. The committee hopes that the current arrangements will work out, but accepted the need for backup in case of further problems.

  1. Inoperative Light Fixtures

Dot noted that four of the light fixtures are inoperative. John will investigate the non-working sockets.

  1. Etiquette

Dot raised the issue of etiquette at the table, particularly two items:

- Players must not talk about the play during the play of the hand. In particular, players must not criticise their partner’s play during this period.

- After the hand, it is acceptable to discuss the board. However, such discussion must be quiet and brief.


Present :  Neil , Dot, Jim, John, Jan, Kevin, Anne

  1. Club Secretary Anne
  2. Minutes  Unanimous approval of the last meeting 10 January 2024
  3. Outgoing Chair, Neil,  gave thanks to  all who supported the Club during his tenure and especially big thanks to Dot, Jim Jan and John. Neil also mentioned Bob Bassak who said that you have something precious with this club, don’t change it. It takes a lot of work to keep the club unchanged and make sure it continues healthy and vigorous. Jim pointed out that recruiting new members is not easy as the percentage of people staying on after lessons and joining the club is very small.

  1. Financial report has been approved unanimously. The committee thanks Dot for her good work.

  1. Allocation of roles within the committee for the upcoming year:

            Chair                                                                           Jim

            Treasurer                                                                    Dot

Secretary                                                                     Anne

Social events/activities coordinator             Kevin and Anne

External liaison                                                          Jan

Website manager                                           Dot and Neil

Purchasing manager                                                  Dot

Club Contact                                                              Jim

Beginner lesson coach                                               Jim

Bridge lesson coordinator                                         John

Session director/Scorer/Registrar

Monday                                                                      John/Lek

Wednesday                                                                Jim/Kevin

Friday                                                                          Neil/Jan

Registrar                                                                     Dot

Card dealing                                                               Jim/Jan

Bank signatory                                                                       Jan

Auditor                                                                       Veronica

IT hardware support                                                  Eric Barham

6.  Lease update: as it stands now, we still have an agreement with the actual landlord. But,   since it’s uncertain if  he will continue leasing the restaurant, due to difficulties with staff, lack of clients resulting in a considerable loss of money and moreover his stepdaughter who is now in charge of  the restaurant at the moment might cease to do the job as she finds it too difficult and time consuming.  Jan recommends that we make a new contract directly with the owner before the landlord resigns his contract. 

Jan has talked to the owner who resides in Bangkok but is from Chiang Mai. Jan , after negotiation with the owner, has come up with a monthly rent of Bht 14’000.

In conclusion, since we still have a binding contract with the landlord we should wait until the landlord has finished his new renegotiations with the owner before taking any decision regarding having a lease contract directly with the owner. Jim pointed out that it would be easier for us to find a new place than the owner finding a new tenant…

7. Social events/activities for the coming year: Jim and John proposed The Nest Chiang Dao for a weekend away as they find it more conductive for social interaction among members than Away day. Jan would like us to continue with our tournament session with RBSC and CBLT.

8. Air purifiers:  The purchase of Air purifiers  has been approved by the committee, Neil volunteered to source a big Xiaomi and Anne will source 4 smaller ones from  AirDeveloppa Chiang Mai at Bht 1795 per unit (covering 30 square meters per unit 120 square meters in total) .

9. Use of tablets instead of cards at the Club: has been declined due to the unpopularity of tablets among members which was very apparent when we used tablets for a while for the half tables in the past.

10. Other business:

Lighting: Jim had quite a number of members approaching him pre-meeting regarding the lighting. Many suffer from the harsh white lights and would prefer warm lights. The vote to change 50% of the existing white light bulbs to warm light has been approved.


ADDENDUM to the Minutes of BCCM committee meeting of March 27 2024

10 April 2024

7. Social events/activities for the coming year: Jim proposed the Nest for the Weekend Away only as his own opinion, as he has always had good experiences there. However, not everybody on the committee had the same experience or opinion. 

No concrete plans have been made as yet, we are researching for a suitable place in terms of distance from Chiang Mai and of the catering on offer.



13 JANUARY 2024


Jan, Steve A, Bruce, Theo, Veronica, Frans, Cinda, Anne, Stewart, Murray, Lek, Jim G, Erik, Cheron, Dennis, Maudrene, Pen, Jack, Toom, Kevin Xu, Mil, Barry, Azim, Trevor, Harriet, John H, Neil, Dot, Alan, John B, Steve K, Jim P, Peta and Tim

  1. Minutes of the last AGM held on 15 March 2023

Theo proposed that the minutes of that last AGM be accepted. Steve Ault seconded this proposal, which was unanimously accepted.

  1. Report by the Chair on the condition of the Club

The Chairman, Neil, welcomed everyone to the meeting and said he was pleased to see so many members attending.

He said that the Club had recovered very well from the Covid pandemic. Attendance at bridge sessions continues to rise. He was especially pleased that the summer season, which is normally the low season, was very well attended sometimes with 6 or 7 tables or more playing.

During the year, the Committee was helped by suggestions and feedback from members. For example, a referendum was held on the choice of movements. He thanked the members for participating in this. Also, at the last AGM it was suggested from the floor to move the AGM to a time when there were more members present and to hold it before rather than after a game. The idea was to encourage more members to attend and to receive early nominations for positions on the new Committee. This, as you can see, was taken up.

Overall, the Club was thriving. Neil thanked members once again for their support.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Dot reported that Veronica has audited the accounts for the period April 2022 to March 2023. She said that the state of the Club’s finances was favourable. The main investment this year were new chairs. Other expenditures were in line with previous years. The increase in attendance has helped to improve our income and our bank balance is growing, slowly but steadily, towards our pre-Covid figure. Sufficient funds were now available to purchase new equipment if necessary.

On behalf of the Club, the Chairman thanked Veronica for auditing the Club’s books over the past 4 years. She was presented with some flowers as a token of the Club’s appreciation.

  1. Thank you and tribute to the outgoing Committee

Neil reminded the meeting of all the work members of the Committee put in behind the scenes to keep the Club running smoothly.

Jim P continues to hold beginner’s bridge classes which involves a lot of preparation time. He also operates the dealing machine to get the cards ready for play and directs.

John was to be congratulated on resurrecting tutorials before the games on Monday which are popular with members.

And finally it is easier to say what Dot doesn’t do. Her multifarious tasks include the accounts, registration, procurement, public relations, finding bridge partners, staff matters, and together with her husband Eric maintains the electronic equipment. All this keeps the Club running smoothly, and is done with competence and cheerfulness. A very heartfelt thank you to Dot.

The Chairman thanked all the members of the Committee and especially the three who will be standing down at the next election: Alan, Steve Kirby and Peta.

  1. Nominations for the new Committee

In August, the Committee had agreed to relax the conditions for membership of the Committee in the Charter of the Club. Only those who are mainly resident in Thailand are eligible. Members who expect to be out of Thailand for uninterrupted periods greater than approximately 3 months are not eligible.

Neil asked for nominations from the floor.

Steve Ault nominated Jan

Neil nominated Steve A

Pen nominated Theo

Maudrene nominated Geoff

Pen nominated Kevin Xu

Murray confirmed that he and Stewart would act as tellers for this election.

  1. Request for help with future Lessons

Jim confirmed that Lessons would begin on Monday 15 January 2024 in the Club House. They would take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.30 to 12.30. He may need volunteers to help him with some instruction and sitting in to make up tables of 4.

  1. Discussion from members

Steve A asked about the status of our rental lease.

Neil explained that as the Club had no legal standing, Jan had very kindly agreed to sign the lease on our behalf. He had drafted the lease which is automatically renewed year by year with a 3 months’ notice to terminate on both sides. Neil asked Jan to give her impression of the new leaseholders of the Oak Tree. She reassured the members that they are very approachable and positive about renting to the bridge club. When asked to fix a problem at the club, it was done immediately.

Jim P was concerned about our parking rights if the restaurant wanted to open for lunch. Jan said that the owners were very cooperative and a solution would be sought. At the moment the situation was very stable.

Maudrene asked why we shouldn’t have a longer lease. Neil replied that the lease at the Oak Tree was very favourable to the Club. We would not want to be tied down to a long-term lease. At the moment we are in a win/win situation.

Theo proposed that Club Days and Away days should not replace the normal playing days but be additional to them. This would generate more income for the Club. This topic would be considered by the new Committee.

Pen raised the issue of the cleanliness of the Club, particularly the smell. She said that with the doors and windows open it was better. It was pointed out that the housekeeping much improved since the staff had changed. Dot emphasised that humidity interfered with the electronic equipment used by the Club, and that air conditioners were essential. She also added that the cards became tacky with the humidity if the air conditioners were not on and could not be used in the dealing machine.

Erik said that the benefit of A/C was that it filtered the air. It was seasonal, smoky and humid.

Maudrene brought up the problem with the lighting. Soft white would be better. After some discussion, it was agreed the new Committee would address this problem.

Murray pointed out that the rules of etiquette were being ignored by some members on a regular basis. He thanked Neil for writing to members asking them to be more aware of our etiquette rules but didn’t feel that this has improved things. The Committee agreed to send out the official Rules of Etiquette to the membership and have a copy of these Rules on display in the Club House.

Lek said that some of the floor fans were not working. She was asked to investigate and inform the Committee who would either repair those broken or buy new ones.

Steve K complained about some members constantly bending the cards during play. Erik suggested that the culprits should be asked personally by a member of the Committee not to do so.

After a discussion about the playing cards, it was concluded that it would not be worthwhile lobbying the Government to rescind the ban on imported cards.

Steve A stated that there have been several mishaps with the scoring. He wondered what the status of the computer was. Dot replied that the computer was functioning well but the problems arose because the internet connection was unreliable. Neil said that the present scoring system was clunky and that John has been asked to research alternative scoring systems.

Cinda asked the Committee why the Personal Analysis on the Club website was not up to date. Neil said that at the last Committee meeting he had volunteered to look into various problems on the website. She also commented that Monday which used to be a beginners’ day is now attended by some advanced players. She suggested that Mondays now be classed as a competition day. Neil said that Mondays should remain a gentle duplicate day for novices and improvers and hoped some of the better players would mentor the learners.

Theo asked why members were denied access to the Club’s internet. Dot replied that when the line was open it had been used by outsiders which made it insecure. Other members from the floor suggested a very economical phone package from any of the providers would enable him to have mobile data on his phone.

Trevor asked the Committee to consider holding team events. Neil replied it was a good idea and had been used in the early days of the Club but that it had proved to be disruptive if there were no-shows.

Jim G asked what the maximum number of tables the club House could accommodate. 16 but it’s a tight squeeze.

Bruce asked the Club to provide more small side tables as there were not enough to go round. Jan and Peta said they would liaise and have 12 new tables made.

  1. Any Other Business

Neil assured the members that the Club was heading in the right direction and thriving.

There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 11.30 am.


Minutes of the Committee Meeting

Held on 10 January 2024

  1. Present:          Neil, Dot, Alan John, Jim, Steve, Peta

  1. Minutes:         The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read and accepted.

  1. Club Website: Neil pointed out issues with the website as it stands.

Photos: The archive of photos on the website has disappeared and it is very difficult to upload new ones.  People have taken many photos of Club activities over the years and a selection should be on the website so we can see the history of the Club.

Personal Analysis: Needs updating.

List of Members: Needs updating.

Neil volunteered to look into these problems and fix where necessary after the next election.

John Bucher felt that a new scoring system and a new computer would be more user friendly and reliable than the one we have already. Dot strongly disagreed stating that The Pair Scorer system was good and had an excellent email helpline.  Also, the majority of users (6 from the current 8 scorers) were satisfied with the system.  After discussion, it was agreed that John would research simple scoring options which would work with Bridgemates.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

Neil proposed that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted, and Alan seconded it.

The Committee once again thanked Dot for her good work.

  1. Club Day Agenda:

10.30 am AGM

After the Treasurers Report, a bouquet of flowers will be presented to Veronica thanking her for auditing the Club’s books over the past 4 years.

12 noon

Lunch will be served.

Summer Awards will be presented.


Play begins.

The Chairman said he would send a reminder to the membership including the Agenda for the AGM.

  1. Service Charge

At the suggestion of Veronica, the Committee unanimously agreed that in the future a service charge would be built into the cost of Club Days and Away Days.

  1. Game Start Time

Neil proposed that if a member is not at the Club by 1.15, the game may start in their absence, at the discretion of the Director.  The motion was passed unanimously.

  1. Actions previously agreed by the Committee.

Reduction of vouchers for competition winners.

Neil asked the Committee to reopen this topic to further reduce the value of vouchers given to competition winners.

On 3 October, the Committee agreed to reduce the value of the vouchers from 800 baht and 500 baht to 500 baht and 300 baht.

The Chairman suggested a further reduction to 400 baht and 200 baht.

After a lengthy discussion, the Committee could not agree.  This motion was put to the vote. The Committee voted by 4 votes to 3 on reducing the value of vouchers to 400 baht and 200 baht.  The motion was carried.

Warning to member for breach of zero tolerance policy

The Committee gave a written warning to a member for breach of the zero-tolerance policy. The Committee welcomes the positive response of the member in question.

  1. Any other business

Jim reopened the subject of membership of the Committee.  It was agreed that this topic would be discussed after the next election by the new Committee.

Jim agreed to be a roving teacher on Mondays to give advice to novices and others.

Dot said that she has bought additional chairs for the Club.

Peta agreed to find a carpenter to make 12 small side tables for the Club.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6.55pm

Minutes of the Committee Meeting

23 August 2023

Present: Neil, John, Dot, Jim, Peta

Apologies: Alan, Steve

  1. Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read and accepted.

      2.  Outstanding Items from the last meeting

2.1 Charter Revision

At the last meeting Neil volunteered to present a draft revision of the Charter to the Committee for approval.  All draft revisions were accepted by all 5 Committee members present.  The revised Charter can now be read on the website.

The Committee expressed their appreciation for a job well done.  Thank you Neil.

2.2 Membership Votes

Neil showed the meeting his draft questionnaire on the choice of movement for 6½ tables and on whether or not to use a coin toss. This will be sent to members in October to vote on. The Committee thought the questionnaire clearly showed an unbiased case for each of the movements and approved the draft, but suggested that Peta work with Neil to finalise it. The final version would be approved by email after the meeting. Thanks were expressed again for Neil’s work.

2.3 Movement for 6 tables

Historically a ¾ Howell movement has been used. Recently, at John’s suggestion, we have tried a Mitchell movement several times. It was agreed that the decision on which movement to use should be at the discretion of the Director. 

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The Committee thanked Dot for her comprehensive report and this was accepted. The state of the club finances is positive.           

  1. Monday Bridge

John was asked to give an update on recent changers to Monday bridge.  He said that at first members were a bit hesitant about changes, but they have been more receptive as time goes by. He is planning on a follow up programme using more visual aids.  The Committee is aware this initiative is time consuming and a lot of hard work. A vote of thanks was given for his endeavours.

  1. Lessons

Jim confirmed that lessons had commenced.  He has two candidates who have a limited knowledge of bridge and two Club members who would like to improve their play. For the sake of continuity, he has increased the number of teaching days from 2 to 3 a week.  This is working well.  Once the course is complete and the students are ready to be introduced to the Club on Mondays, they will be guided by mentors from the membership. He hopes to start a new teaching session in the winter for novices and improvers.  The Committee thanked Jim for this valuable work.

  1. Lighting

Neil told the committee that he had received 5 complaints from members about the lighting in the Club.  These complaints focused on the lights being too bright and harsh.  Some said this had caused them headaches and difficulty in seeing the cards and reading the Bridgemates.

The Committee noted that, when in the past we used warm white bulbs (which give a softer light), there were complaints about the light not being bright enough to read the cards. The fundamental problem is that the ceiling and much of the walls in the club are dark. This makes the club difficult to light well whatever bulbs are used. The Committee decided that, as the existing bulbs burnout, they will be replaced with warm white ones until a 50/50 balance has been reached. This will avoid discarding bulbs while they are still working. The Committee continues to be committed to saving resources where reasonably possible.

  1. Welcome Back Day

Saturday 14 October is confirmed.  Jim agreed to ask Billy for a quote on a pizza supper after the game. Neil would ask Jan to liaise with the school next door about parking. The format for the day and numbers will be advised later.

  1. Proposed Awayday

Neil told the committee about a proposal from Jan on a possible Awayday later this year.  The venue, Garden Hill Café, is set amongst rice paddies, and is about 20kms from the bridge club.  Neil had visited the place and was impressed with the space.

The committee welcomed the idea and asked Neil to provide the committee with more detail on costing and food choices.

  1. Printed hand records

Trevor wrote to the Committee asking them to consider printed hand records be provided after each game.  This was carefully considered and the Committee decided against providing printed hand records based on more information than on printed hand records, including contracts reached, scores, lead etc., being already provided on our website and the Club’s awareness of saving resources as much as possible.

Neil wrote to Trevor explaining our decision and thanked him for raising the topic.

  1. Photos on the website

This item will be discussed at the next Committee meeting.

  1. Adjournment

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 18.55

Minutes of the Committee Meeting

Held on 5 April 2023

Present: Neil, Dot, John, Steve, Jim, Peta

Apologies: Alan (Peta nominated as proxy)

  1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

Minutes of the last meeting were accepted.

Neil thanked Dot for listing the Committee positions on the website.

Neil confirmed that Jan has agreed to continue to be the signatory for the lease and bank account. The Committee thanked Jan.

It is confirmed that a letter to David Blum had been sent to him inviting him to play at the Club.  So far, there has been no response from him.

  1. Financial Report

Dot informed the Committee that Veronica would move the membership fees into a transitory account for the new financial year, when she next audits the accounts.

Neil felt heartened at the financial situation of the Club.  An increase in attendance had helped.

The report was duly accepted with a thank you to Dot.

Items 3-7 below were raised by members at the recent AGM and/or in Maudrene’s email of February 2023

  1. Date and Time of AGM

It was suggested that the AGM should be earlier in the year, to increase attendance. Also that it should be before a bridge game, not after.

After some discussion, the Committee agreed these suggestions had merit. Neil asked the Committee to consider holding the AGM on the Club Day usually held mid-January. The basic format for the day would be

               10.30am - AGM

               12 noon - Lunch

               1.15pm - Play

This suggestion was enthusiastically welcomed by the Committee and agreed to.

Details will be finalised later.

It was noted that the Charter would need to be updated to reflect this change.

  1. Nominations for Committee

Members suggested that nominations could start at the AGM, with further email solicitations to maximise participation and voting should be earlier than at present.

The Committee accepted this proposal and it was agreed that nominations could begin at the AGM, followed by online nominations.

The Charter would be updated showing these changes.

  1. Club Day Costs

These are a significant expense.  It was suggested that members attending could pay something towards the costs, to reduce the impact on club finances.

This was accepted by the Committee and they agreed that members should make a small contribution to costs on Club Day. A table fee of 200 baht, for Club Day only, will come into effect on Club Day in January 2024.

  1. Notices to Players on the table

It has been pointed out by members that an individual had been placing notices to players on the bridge table.  The Committee unanimously disapproved of this practice.  However, it was agreed that if members have legitimate questions these should be shown to the Committee in the first instance and approved.

  1. Foreign Students

The question was – should foreign students be exempt from paying fees, in the same way that Thai students are.

After much discussion, it was agreed that the definition of ‘student’ should be changed to any person aged 25 or younger.  The Charter should show this change as of 5 April, 2023.

  1. Revisions to BCCM Charter

Neil has volunteered to go through the Charter and propose specific revisions for the next meeting.

For example:      Student definition

                              Proxy voting

                              Date of AGM and other changes

                              Club Days, Winter and Summer

                              Away days

                              Charity Day (abeyance)

  1. Membership Vote on Choice of Movements

Previously, the Committee had agreed that, early in the winter session, members will be asked to vote on the choice of movements to use where there is a half table and either a Howell or Mitchell movement could be chosen. This decision is now reflected in the minutes.

In addition, John raised the topic of the movement used for 6 tables and whether we should use a Mitchell instead.  The Committee will review the available movements and consider changing the preferred movement.

  1. The Use of the Coin Toss

The question was should there be a membership vote on the use of the Coin toss where there is a half table, for appropriate movements.

A long discussion on the pros and cons resulted in the Committee agreeing that there should be a membership vote.  This vote will be at the same time as the vote in Item 9 above.

  1. Minute of Silence

The Committee liked the idea and agreed to hold a minutes silence for absent friends on Club Day.

  1. Summer Club Day

The Committee agreed that a party welcoming back members could be held in late September. This will be instead of the Summer Club Day normally held previously.  The precise date to be decided. The Club will provide the pizzas or similar and awards for the previous winter session will be handed out.

The Charter will need revision on this.

  1. Monday Bridge

John told the Committee of his plans and ideas on making Monday bridge a day for improving and not focussed on winning.  He has lots of ideas and feels encouraged to try

them out.  The Committee thanked John and welcomed his contribution.  Neil asked him for a plan of action which could then be discussed at a later date.  This would include Monday bridge talks on various topics, a learning session once a month and the use of convention cards.  The focus would be on members improving their game at every level.  

  1. Recording email or Line discussions/decisions

Neil pointed out that significant discussions/decisions should be added to future committee agendas so that they are recorded in the minutes.

Peta agreed to monitor these.

  1. Any other Business

Peta asked the Committee to encourage members with minor complaints about card play, etiquette, behaviour, etc. whilst playing, to call the Director immediately and have the issue resolved.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

9 April, 2023.

Committee Meeting held on15 March 2023

Present: Neil, Dot, John, Steve, Jim, Peta

Apologies: Alan

Committee Positions

Chairperson: Neil

Treasurer: Dot

Auditor : Veronica

Bank Signatory: Jan

Secretary: Peta

Purchasing Manager: Dot

Website Manager: Alan, Neil and Dot

Technical Hardware person: Eric

Contact person/general information giver: Dot

Social Coordinator: Peta, Alan and Steve

Bridge Lesson Coordinator: John

Beginners Lessons: Jim/John

Contact person for Oak and Boem: Jan

Session Directors and Scorers Coordinator: John

Card Dealers: Jim and Jan

David Blum

At the AGM on 15 March, Geoff made a plea to the Committee to allow David Blum to play again at the Club.  This motion was seconded by Erik, Maudrene, Kob, Pen and Theo.  It was agreed at that meeting that the new committee would revisit this issue as a matter of urgency.

After some discussion, the following motion was put before the Committee:

We agree to welcome David Blum to return to the Club and play, on probation, subject to the two conditions as follows:

He abides strictly by the club Bridge Etiquette Guide and Zero Tolerance Policy.

He shows commitment to playing at the Club by paying the full year membership fee of 1000 baht before playing. Should he be unable to play at the Club for any reason whatsoever (including inability to find a partner or being expelled for violating the conditions) there will be no refund.

Any infringement of the above at any time will result in immediate expulsion from the Club.

A vote was taken.  4 agreed to allow David back and 1 vote disagreed.  1 abstention.  The motion was carried.

Neil agreed to inform David of the Committee’s decision.

The next Committee meeting will be held on 5 April 2023 after the bridge session.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7pm.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held on 15 March, 2023.


Jan, Neil, Dot, Cheron, Jim P, Peta, Erik, Kob, Maudrene, Pen Theo, John, Lek, Geoff, Bruce, Dennis, Tim, Murray, Steve K, Prasong, Trevor

Apologies: Stewart, Alan, Les


Jan, as the Chairperson of the Club, welcomed members to the meeting and thanked everyone for the support she had been given during her tenure as Chair.  She wished the Club continued success in the years to come.

Treasurer’s Report

Auditing 2021-2022

Dot reported that Veronica had agreed to audit the Club's financial report.  Overall the Treasurer received full reassurance that the books were kept in excellent order. However, Veronica did express concern over forward planning and the need to generate income in the future.

A vote of thanks to Veronica was proposed and this was accepted by all.

General comments on the Club’s financial position

In answer to Maudrene’s request from the floor, Dot listed the major expenses during the year 2021-2022.  They were:

Rent, Electricity, Internet, Club Day and general bridge equipment.

Maudrene proposed that members should be asked to contribute to Club Day expenses.  This motion was seconded by Theo.  The panel agreed that this item would be discussed in full by the new Committee.

John asked a question about the sale of alcoholic drinks and whether the Club benefitted from any profits made.  It was explained the staff have the concession on their own account, because we want to support them.  Dot said that we make a small profit on the sale of coffee.

Dennis asked about the bank balance of the Club’s finances.  Dot told him the Club’s finances were sound and a contingency fund was in place should a major expense like buying a new dealing machine or a new computer arise.

The question of whether foreign students should be exempt from paying playing fees was brought up from the floor.  It was agreed that this item be taken up by the new committee.

Erik asked the Treasurer about Committee expenses.

Dot told him that the annual budget for 2021-2022 was 20,000.00 baht.

It was suggested that the air conditioners be serviced regularly.  Dot explained that the Club’s equipment was of high quality and servicing once a year was sufficient especially because they are only used 3 afternoons a week.

Thanks to Out-going Committee and welcome to the new Committee

Neil said that since the last AGM 3 years ago, the Club has continued to be on track and new members were actively sought.

Three members of the present committee were leaving.

Cheron. Neil on behalf of the Club thanked her for her well thought out contributions as well as her excellent minute recording.

Leslie. The Committee liked his very pertinent comments and his solid common sense. We thank him.

Jan. As the outgoing Chair, Neil expressed how grateful the Club are for her tireless work on the Club’s behalf.  Much of this work was done behind the scenes but invaluable to the Club’s operation.  Jan reached out to other bridge Clubs in Bangkok and we had a very pleasant Away session with players from The Royal Bangkok Sports Club bridge club at the Horizon Resort. Jan liaised with the owners of our Club premises and a lease has been signed which would give us more tenure. As it was not possible for the BCCM to sign the lease, Jan volunteered to personally sign the lease.  These tributes were welcomed by all present.

Neil welcomed Steve and John onto the new Committee.

Members (other than committee) to be encouraged to help with various duties within the Club

Dot expressed a wish that more members volunteer to help with the day to day running of the Club.  For example, learning the scoring system and helping with the dealing of hands.  Kob volunteered to help with dealing.  She has had experience of this in Switzerland.

Thoughts from the floor for the committee to discuss

Maudrene asked the Committee to consider changing the date of the AGM to a time when we have more attendees, for example in December or January.  Also, she did suggest that the nominations and voting for future Committees be done in the same months as well for the same reason.  These issues will be on the agenda for the first full meeting of the committee.

Geoff made an appeal to the Committee to reconsider allowing David Blum to play again at the Club.  Kob, Erik, Pen, Theo and Maudrene all agreed with Geoff that he should be given a second chance.  It was agreed that the new Committee discuss this as a matter of urgency.

Geoff asked the Committee to discuss Azim’s unauthorised use of a homemade yellow notice to players at his table.

Any other business

Peta read out a message from Stewart expressing his heartfelt thanks to the outgoing committee for all their hard work in making the club so successful.

Dot expressed her thanks to Stewart for taking the time to help with the many bridge movements on offer.

Also a vote of thanks was made to Stewart and Murray for supervising the nomination and election process.

Jan thanked everyone for their attendance and valuable comments.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 6.00pm.

Amended 21 March 2023

Committee meeting

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Present: Jan, Dot, Neil, Alan, Jim and Peta

Apologies: Leslie, Cheron

Jan welcomed us to her home.

The Committee had noted that Cheron was unable to attend the meeting but she would like to nominate Peta as her proxy. Neil told the meeting that historically proxy votes have not be allowed.  After reflection, the committee could see no good reason why proxy votes should not be allowed and decided to change the present policy and allow Proxy votes in the future.

Cheron’s nomination was accepted.

1 Minutes of the last meeting were accepted.

2 Matters Arising None

3 Financial Report

Dot presented her financial statements.  The Committee thanked her for the reports and they were accepted.

Dot and Jim told the Committee that Veronica had completed her audit but before signing them off had told them of her concern on forward planning.  Dot would ask Veronica for more clarification and report back to the Committee.

The Committee discussed at length the global cost of living and financial crisis and how this has impacted our Club.  The Committee looked for a way to increase income and decided to increase the Membership Fees.

As from 1st April 2023, the fees will be as follows:

Annual: 1000 baht (increased from 800 baht)

Winter or Summer Session: 700 baht (increased from 500 baht)

Neil will draft a letter to the membership justifying this increase.

4 David Blum’s Request to rejoin

The Committee considered his written request to play at the Club.

The two motions put before the Committee were:

  1. Allow him to play but on probation
  2. Not to renew his membership

There were 5 votes for 2), 1 vote for 1) and one abstention.

It was agreed that David would not be allowed to play at the Club. A letter will be sent to David explaining the Committee’s decision.

5 Azim’s letter

The Committee discussed thoroughly the points made by Azim and have concluded as follows:

Display of scores during play

Members of the Committee talked about their own experiences in bridge clubs around the world and the consensus was that some Clubs outside the US do display the scores throughout play.

Our position is clear, we will continue as we are.

Putting cards fully face down

Some members of the Committee had different interpretations of the meaning of “face down”.

It was agreed that members will be urged to display cards clearly during the course of play.

Snapping cards

Snapping and bending cards causes damage not only to the cards but the shuffling machine also.

Members will be asked to respect all our equipment at the Club, including cards.


The thermostats will be set appropriately.

Bulletin Board

The Committee agreed that our online request for partners has a proven track record thanks to Dot.  This will continue.  Dot reminded the Committee that as we lease the premises, any alteration to the fabric of the building should be passed by the Committee and then with the approval of the Landlord.

Minute of Silence

The Committee liked this idea.  This could be discussed further by the incoming committee for 2023.

Putting phones on silent

Some members of our Club need their phones on at all times for compassionate reasons.  Members who have businesses require to be at the end of a line always. 

The Committee agreed that unanswered phones in bags is a nuisance. Members will be urged to put their phones on silent or turned off during a session.

6 Voting for new committee

Dot will ask Stewart and Murray to process the nomination process as soon as possible.

7 Furnishing and Maintenance

  1. New chairs - an essential. Dot will purchase 12 new chairs.
  2. Members were shown a suitable fabric for new tablecloths. It was approved.  12 tablecloths would be made. Jan, Peta and Alan will see this project through.
  3. Jan will arrange to have the air conditioners serviced.

8 Bidding Boxes

Cheron asked if we could replace some of the tatty bidding boxes (bidding cards) with new ones. Dot said that she was in the process of weeding out old boxes and replacing them with new ones.

9 Club policy on when to remove bidding cards from the table

Cheron requested a clear policy decision on this topic.

Neil led a discussion on this.  The policy that was set early on was until the end of the first trick. The rationale for this is because when a player plays their first card they still have a right to ask for a full review of the auction.

It may also be an aide memoire for members.

The Committee unanimously agreed that our Club policy should now be followed and members asked to follow this ruling.

10 Any other business

The date of the Annual General Meeting will be Wednesday 5 April after bridge.  This will be followed by the 2023 Committee meeting.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7.30pm.


Committee meeting minutes – 4 January 2023

Attendees:  Jan, Dot, Peta, Neil, Cheron, Jim P., Leslie, Alan,

Minutes of last meeting & unfinished business

No issues. Minutes of last meeting were approved.

Financial Report

Dot provided a detailed financial report and it was accepted by members.  It was agreed that we are in decent shape with a big enough cushion of funds.

New Business

Veronica suggested an “away day” at the Mediterranean Kitchen restaurant in Hang Dong. She is working on the details with Stephano the owner.  It has been scheduled for 10 February 2023 starting at 2pm. The bridge game will be followed by dinner.  We can bring our own wine with no corkage charge.  We will work on announcements and signups after Club Day.

There was some discussion about issues that are discussed and/or decided on via email but are not documented anywhere. 

A decision on the coin toss has been put on hold and may be addressed again in the future.  For the time being we will continue to try to have movements that minimize sit-out times. We will attempt to accommodate people with special needs also.

Regarding Club Day, we will give medals out as usual.  There will only be A & B stratification as we have less people playing now than we have had in the past.  Jan will talk to the school about letting us park in their parking lot. Subsequent to the meeting we got more signups for club day so we will have A, B, and C groups as in the past.

The AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held in the March/April time frame after the election of committee members is completed.

There was some discussion about mixing up partnerships occasionally on Mondays. No decision was made.  We may re-visit this idea in the future.

Next Meeting

We will most likely hold the next meeting with the new committee on Wednesday 5 April.

Committee meeting minutes  7 September 2022

Attendees:  Jan, Dot, Peta, Neil, Cheron

Absent: Leslie, Alan, Jim P.

Minutes of last meeting & unfinished business

No issues.

Financial Report

Dot provided a detailed financial report.  Tim Jones, resident accountant, said it was a good report.  Attendees were happy to see that we are getting back on track with bank balance.

Committee Positions

Chairperson: Jan

Treasurer: Dot

Bank signatory: Jan will take care of transferring from Tri to herself

Secretary: Cheron

Purchasing manager: Dot

Website manager: Dot and Neil

IT person: Eric B

Contact person/general information giver: Jim P.

Social coordinator: Peta and Jan

Bridge lesson coordinator: Jim P.

Beginner’s table coordinator: Jim P

Contact person for Khun Boem and Khun Doe: Jan

Session registrars

               Monday: Dot, Wednesday: Jan, Friday: Neil

Session directors

               Monday: Dot, Wednesday: Jim P., Friday: Neil


               Monday: Dot, Wednesday: Jim P., Alan,   Friday: Neil

Card dealers

               Monday: Jim P, Jan, Wednesday: Jim P, Jan, Friday: Jim P, Jan

Summer Club Day

Since it is already so late in the year we decided to not hold a Summer Club Day.  Vouchers to winners will be awarded on January Club Day.

Away Days

Jan gave a detailed description of the agenda and costs for the proposed away day in Sukhothai. The dates would be 7-10 Dec 2022. Accommodations and meals would be at an organic resort.  The bridge club of Bangkok RBSC has been notified and asked if they are interested in joining us. A van for transportation from Chiang Mai to Sukhothai will be organized if there is sufficient interest among the members.  Neil will put together a trip description to be sent to members to see how many are interested in participating. It was agreed that we will need a minimum of 12 bridge players to make it viable.

The bridge club of Bangkok RBSC has invited us to participate in an away day in Phuket that they have scheduled for 10-12 February 2023.  We decided that because of the distance from Chiang Mai to Phuket, we would likely want to extend the trip by several days. We will check on member interest at some point in the future.

New Business

There was some discussion and agreement that we should have a formal lease for our space.  Peta, Cheron and Neil volunteered copies of leases that we could use for input in drafting one.  Neil will make a first pass at it and circulate it to the committee to review and fill in the blanks.

There was a question as to whether there has been sufficient follow-up with students after completion of beginner’s lessons.  To be discussed with Jim P.

There was a short discussion of whether we should go to an international school to teach high school students how to play bridge. We decided not to pursue it at this point.

Some members asked if there was anything we could do with the A/C at the club to help with the global warming issue. Turning off the A/C and opening the windows is not a good idea because of the humidity and what it does to wear out the playing cards. Dot has been raising the temperature on the A/C units a little bit and will continue to do this in the future.

Next Meeting

Date to be determined

  BCCM Minutes Addendum 16 April 2021

BCCM  Minutes Addendum   16 April 2021

4  Verification of committee positions

Chairperson  Jan Merckx  

Elected by the committee, following the resignation of Steve Ault

7b/7c  Air purifiers and air conditioners

The air conditioners have been serviced and cleaned.  They are perfectly functional.

There is no need for air purifiers at this time.

9   Next meeting        Wednesday 9 June 2021 after Bridge game


Bridge Club of Chiang Mai Minutes          17 March 2021 at 5.35 p.m.

In Attendance: Dot, Jim, Jan, Shirley, Steve Ault, Alan, Leslie, Neil

  1. New committee and former committee members welcomed:

Alan was welcomed as a new committee member and Neil and Leslie were welcomed back to the Committee by others present.

  1. New agenda item proposed:

Jim proposed that an extended away trip be added to the agenda for discussion. Seconded by Alan.  Item added to New Business e)

  1. Matters arising from last minutes:

No matters raised.

  1. Verification of committee positions

All present agreed to the following:

Chairperson                Steve Ault

Treasurer                    Dot Barham

Extra bank signatory  Tri stated he no longer wanted to be a bank signatory.   Outcome:  Jan Merckx will take this responsibility.

Secretary                     Shirley Worland

Procurement Manager                Steve Ault

Website Manager       Dot Barham

IT Person                    Eric Barham

Contact Person/general information            Jim.

Social Coordinator     Jan Merckx with sub-committee to be formed when needed.

Bridge Lesson Coordinator    Jim Peukert

Contact person for owner, Oak,          

            and Dang         Jan      

Session Registrar        Leslie (Monday)

                                    Jan (Wednesday)

                                    Neil (Friday)

Session Directors       Dot (Monday)

                                    Wednesday (Jim)

                                    Friday (Steve)

Session Scorers          Dot Barham (Monday)

                                    Alan (Wednesday) (Jim                             to teach how)

                                    Dot (Friday)

Session Dealer                        Jim Peukert (Alan to                                               learn)

  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Petty Cash and Bank account details were sent prior to the meeting to the Committee members for their approval. 

Steve moved that the account pages sent be accepted as tabled.  Shirley seconded the motion. All in favor.

Dot then added that his has been a difficult year with Covid forever looming on the doorstep.  We have had to close the Club twice, but we still paid the rent and the staff. Thus, our bank balance has decreased considerably. Membership is down to a third of last year. In some cases, people were unable to return to Thailand.   There has been extra spending to ensure health and safety during the current crisis.  However, we remain buoyant with the bank balance being adequate to cover any foreseeable contingencies.

  1.  Old Business

A motion concerning creating a Memorial Board for members who have passed away has met with mostly negative feedback.  Jim now withdraws this motion.

  1. New Business

7a. Outside Appearance:  Jim proposed having the outside area cleaned up of rubbish. All agreed to explore this issue further.

Action:     Jan will first talk with Doi as to what of the items outside belong to his family, and then                            report back by 24th March to decide on next action.

 If to employ a contractor to take away rubbish and clean up the area generally, Shirley recommended Dong Thongaram Gardening Allround as a reliable contractor.

7b. Air Purifiers: Jim proposed purchase of air purifiers to combat the effects of PM2.5.  Alan raised questions of cost, who benefits, how long needed for and if a new air conditioner could help with the air quality problem.  Jim answered that the area size of the club would need 3 @ US $300 each.  Dot and Eric had researched specifications which suggest that 3 larger purifiers @ 24,000 baht each would be required.

Action:     1) Leslie who worked in air-conditioning industry and Neil will research specifications.

                  2) Club will purchase a meter to measure air quality

                  3) Leslie and Neil to report findings to Committee by Friday, 2nd April.

                  4) Small meeting to be held at that point to make decision

7c. New air conditioner:   Discussion took place regarding the need (or not) for a new air-conditioner.  Questions were raised if the two older ones which are not working had been inspected to see if they could be fixed – answer was ‘no’.  Dot motioned that an air-conditioning technician be engaged to 1) examine the two not working to see if they can be repaired, and 2) to service the two newer ones.  All agreed. 

Action:  Jan to organize a technician to come next week.

7d. Bangkok Bridge Club proposed visit: Jan reported that the BBC have plan to visit Chiang Mai from the 5-7th November.  There will be 25 pairs (50 persons).  Their planned itinerary is as follows:

      Day 1 (5th November) – Arrive and play 1 session of Bridge.

      Day 2 (6th November) – Tour day.  Then play 1 session of Bridge in the evening

      Day 3 (7th November) – Return to Bangkok

The CBLT have requested Jan to liaise with our Club to join them in play of the 2 sessions and to research a suitable hotel for their accommodation and play venue.

Action:     1)         It is agreed that we will join the CBLT in this event (Dot raised a caveat to which                                        all agreed, that if there is any new COVI-19 outbreak in Bangkok, that this                                                decision will be revoked).

                  2)         Sub Committee formed (Shirley, Cinda, Alice) to work with Jan to organize this.

7e. An extended away event:  Jim motioned to take advantage of low hotel rates in seaside locations such as Krabi to have an ‘away’ event of 4-7 days.  Most committee in favor of this motion.  Discussion re best time to schedule this event resulted in all agreeing best tine would be late April or early May.

Steve highlighted an issue raised in the past re Away play days that the BCCM Charter states that an official ‘away event’ must consist of minimum of 4 tables.  Neil asked for clarification of what exactly counts as ‘official’.  Steve replied that if less than 4 tables participating in an away event, then the Club must remain open for normal play days. 

Action:     Jim, Alan and Cinda to explore venues and cost and report back to Committee by 24th                               March.

  1. Next meeting             Wednesday, April 14th after Bridge game

Meeting closed 6.00 pm.


Minutes of the BCCM Annual General Meeting     Friday 28 February 2020

Committee present: Theo, Dot, Ken, Jim.  Absent: Steve A (illness), Les (family illness)

Members present: Cheron, Jim G, Mike W, Daniel, Michael McC, Luc, Steve K, Tom, Peta, Kob, Mark.

Dot opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

1 Email from Stewart

“Please accept my and Murray's apologies for being unable to attend the Club's AGM.

We thank the current committee for all the work that they do to ensure the smooth running of the Club.

Many thanks also to those members who have put themselves forward as Committee members for 2020/21.

We would be grateful if you could communicate this message to the Club at the AGM.”

2 Treasurer’s Report

Auditing Report                     April 2018 – March 2019

“I have been supplied by the Treasurer Dot lots of excel sheets and the respective bills.  I have checked all the sheets with the respective bills to my best knowledge and received all respective answers from Dot to my satisfaction.

Proper record of all spending and income has been kept with the respective bills for the year.”

Many thanks to Veronica for the audit and help in setting up the accounting program.

3 New Committee for 2020 – 2021

Theo, Dot, Jim, Steve A, Peta, Shirley, Jan, Denny.  First committee meeting will be Monday 2 March, after bridge.  This will be a short meeting to assign positions for the coming year.

4 Members (other than committee) to be encouraged to help with various duties within the club.  Tutorials will be given to anybody wishing to learn the scoring system etc

5 Sale of iPads by “Silent Auction” to Frans and Luc.

6 Thoughts from the floor for the committee to discuss:

    • Future Away Days – suggestions were The Nest, Nan and Hard Rock Café.
    • Lessons – to begin probably in May 2020.  Followed by Monday Beginners’ session.
    • Regular evening session.  May need new extra boards.

Meeting closed at 5:30 pm

  BCCM Committee 5 February 2020

BCCM Minutes           Wednesday 5 February 2020 at 5:15 pm


This took place regarding Zero Tolerance Policy, at the transgressor’s request, when the warning letter had not been accepted.  At the hearing the warning regarding inappropriate behaviour was accepted and the transgressor apologised.  It should be noted that the transgressor is on probation. Any further action required by the committee would be a 1 year suspension from the bridge club.

Committee Meeting

In Attendance:           Dot, Leslie, Steve, Theo, Ken and Jim.

1          Matters arising from the last meeting

 None reported

2          Treasurer’s Report

 Comprehensive documents emailed to the committee.  Various amounts listed on the Profit and Loss refer to Petty Cash Receipts.  No major expenditure this session.

3          Zero Tolerance/Etiquette update

It was agreed that the 2 policies

    • should be emailed to all BCCM members
    • to be displayed on the walls of the Bridge Club

Both these policies can also be found on the Club Website.

4          AGM date

Friday 28 February 2020, after bridge.

5          Possible disruption to games due to haze or other reasons

In the event that there may be a lack of committee personnel to organise games or people to make up the required 3 tables.

  • The room will be available for ad hoc bridge on the usual days – Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.
  • Rent will be paid and bar staff will be available.

6          Ipads

The 2 machines will be auctioned as separate entities.

  • Starting bid at 10,000 baht for each machine
  • Minimum increment at 500 baht
  • Silent auction by sign-up sheet
  • Friday 7 February through to Friday 14 February 2020

7a        Software update

  • The BCCM computer software has been updated to be compatible with Bridgewebs. 
  • It now has Windows 10, Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Office.
  • All the Hard Disk Drive information, including the operating system, is backed up externally on a USB device.  This is technically referred to as an image file.
  • Should the BCCM computer fail, for whatever reason, then this image file can be loaded onto a new computer in a matter of hours. 

7b        Wi-Fi Access

The Wi-Fi is kept for Bridge Club business only.

8          Any Other Business

  • Club Day results query 
    • Club Day results were included in the competitions last year and henceforth will always be included.
  • 2 new filing cabinets to be purchased

Next meeting to introduce the new committee to positions.  Monday 2 March after bridge.

Meeting closed at 7:00 pm. 

  BCCM Comittee 20 November 2019

BCCM Minutes           Wednesday 20 November 2019 at 5:25 pm

In Attendance:           Dot, Leslie, Steve, Theo, Ken and Jim.

1          Matters arising from the last meeting

 None reported

2          Treasurer’s Report

 Comprehensive documents emailed to the committee.  Various amounts listed on the Profit and Loss refer to Petty Cash Receipts.  No major expenditure this session.

3          Away days update

The away day at Serene Lake will be on Tuesday 26 November 2019.  Serene Lake have donated 4 prize vouchers to be spent at the venue.

4          In Club social occasions

Pot Luck Supper         Friday 13 December 2019, after bridge.

Members will be requested to provide a plate of finger food for sharing after the bridge session.  Any members with Christmas decorations that we could borrow for the day?

Club Day        Saturday 18 January 2020

Jim to make arrangements for Billy to provide his usual excellent lunch.

Steve to organise the stratified pair arrangements.

5          Progress report re the new stratified pairs system

Steve gave a demonstration of the ranking system of stratified pairs in the new competition system.

6          World-wide bridge tournament

Leslie referred to the email from Mark B-R.  The tournament is a one day bridge session.  Pre-dealt hand information is sent to clubs who wish to participate.

Leslie to check with John Bucher to see if these would be possible to use on the BCCM system.

7          Software update

The computer software needs updating to be compatible with Bridgewebs.  It will be going to Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge.  Eric Barham to be asked to perform the operation. 

8          Any other business

Projected trip to Nan suggested by Neil, to Theo.  This could probably be in November 2020.

It would be 4 days/3 nights and cost approximately 10,000 baht.

Chairs are being replaced.  We have purchased 10 and will buy more.

Cleaning:  Dot to talk to Veronica re asking Doy to do a thorough clean, inside and out.

Next meeting:             Wednesday 5 February 2020

Meeting closed at 6:15 pm. 

  BCCM Committee 17 July 2019

BCCM Minutes           Wednesday 17 July 2019 at 5:15 pm

In Attendance: Dot Barham, Leslie Varghese, Steve Ault, Theo DeVisser, Ken Seidel, and Jim Peukert.

1          Matters arising from the last meeting

                 None reported

2          Treasurer’s Report

Comprehensive documents were presented to the committee.  Spending from Petty Cash has been greater than normal.  These include air conditioners, fridge repairs, new coffee maker and the duckboard.

Ken left the meeting at this point.

3          Financial responsibilities of the BCCM regarding the venue/landlord

The landlord has asked for a rent increase.  The committee feels that with new air-conditioners, and the possibility of a new fridge, that we would like to review this option next April.  Jim will convey this message, Veronica may be asked to help with the translation.

4          Proposed membership fee options

This proposal by Ken was discussed.  The committee unanimously voted to remain with the present status quo of either yearly or half-yearly fees.

5          Stop card

There is a large variety of usage regarding the stop cards mostly not correct, therefore Steve made a motion to have them removed, and this was passed

6          Bridge Etiquette

The Bridge Etiquette guide is on the BCCM web-site.  However, most of the guide-lines are not being followed. The noise level is increasing.  Points include carrying on discussing the previous round when arriving at a new table, discussing the hand just played whilst the next hand is being sorted and talking over the director at the beginning of a session.  The committee will review the guide lines for the elucidation of the membership.

7          Michael McCarthy’s complaint.

There was much discussion but no actual definitive decision.  A decision on the substance needs to be made.  The committee unanimously agreed to ask the Appeals Committee to adjudicate.

Addendum:  If the Director is involved in the incident, then any appropriate person can be asked to arbitrate.

8          Away Days, Away Trips, Nest or others.

Visit to Terra will take place Friday 30 August.

An email regarding other events will be sent in September.

9          Any other Business.

    • Confidentiality.  The committee was requested not to forward emails to other people.
    • Web-site manager required.
    • Steve to ask Charles how to manage stratified pairs and result list.

  BCCM Committee 17 April 2019

First BCCM COMMITTEE MEETING OF NEW COMMITTEE (for the year April 2019 through March 2020)

Convened on Wednesday April 17, 2019 at 5:15 pm. at the Oak Tree location. Chaired by JimPeukert. All 5 other members present: Ken Seidel, Theo DeVisser, Leslie Varghese, Steve Ault, Dot Barham.

Committee Positions

Ken was selected as Secretary.

Chairperson nominations: Leslie nominated & voted unanimously.

Dot nominated & voted Treasurer unanimously.

Decided to continue Tri as Bank signatory.   Decided that if an alternative were needed, would contact Jan M.

Purchasing  Mgr: Steve Ault agreed to continue in this role, as before.

Website manager: Ken will endeavor to fulfill this role, counting on tutelage from Charles Quast.

IT person will continue to be Eric Barham.

BCCM contact person (interfacing with the outside world) will continue to be Jim. Jim will provide liaison with Oak and Daeng (landlords).

Bridge lesson coordinator: Jim, as before.

Beginners table coordinator will be Leslie.

Running the Bridge Sessions

Steve A. and Dot will collaborate to create a clear and concise document for use when Director is called.   Card dealing: Jim is in charge







Michael McCarthy



Dot or Jim

Steve Ault



Jim or Dot


Event Calendar

Quarterly committee meetings are to be held in July, October and January; other meetings will occur if the need arises.

Summer Club Day: in June on a Friday TBD in June; Theo will undertake planning.

A possible ‘away’ session in November (Thur thru Sat) at the Nest is to be explored by Theo.

In December there will be an end-of-2019 Pot Luck Supper (on a Friday TBD).

In January 2020 we will have Club Day on a Friday TBD; bridge plus meal on the BCCM premises, catered by Billy (as in the recent past).

In March 2020 there will be the Annual General Meeting of the Bridge Club of Chiangmai—TBD.

Old Business

“Let sleeping dogs lie” was adopted as philosophy, in response to rhetorical questions such as “why don’t we get a legal opinion…”.

We discussed an audit this year on the club finances and Veronica has agreed to undertake this task.
Some members had asked for this to be done and the new board agreed..

New Business

Cleaning (maintenance) of AC units: Jim will contact Mike Neun’s technician for this task.

Stratified Pairs: a proposal by Steve A & Leslie was discussed and it has been approved, to be put into effect for the Winter Season (defined as October through March, at BCCM). The purpose will be to enable winners at different competitive levels (this is an automated end-of-season awards scheme, having no effect on normal session results, and it involves all games that are played at BCCM except Mondays).

Non-display of partial standings during play: The proposal by Azim to suppress the visual display on the large screen of interim standings during the play was adopted. The purpose is to (a) eliminate congestion (b) reduce delays in changing tables, and (c) reduce  anxiety.

Proposed membership fee options: This proposal by Ken was tabled.

New coffee machine: Theo has been authorized to obtain a replacement for the coffee machine, which served our caffeinists well for four years until developing an unrepairable leak.

Maintenance & cleanup: A general tidying up within and without the premises will be requested of our Thai support staff. To overcome the rainy season flooding at our entry area, a boardwalk will be commissioned and built, from the sloping edge of the gravel parking lot through the portal and onto the porch leading to the front door of the play room. Also the loose brick pillars will be made solid based on masonry principles


The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

  BCCM Committee 30 January 2019

BCCM Committee Meeting, Wednesday 30 January 2019

Held at The Club

Present:Jim Peukert, Steve Ault, Leslie Varghese, Michael McCarthy, Dot Barham, Peta Jones

1. Matters Arising

Intermediate Lessons

It was agreed that another course of lessons would be held in the Autumn.

Stratified Pairs

The Committee would consider Steve’s proposal at a later date.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Dot presented her comprehensive reports which were accepted by the Committee.

3. AGM

It was agreed that this would be held on Friday 1 March after the bridge session.

Steve suggested a more interactive format be adopted.  Members would be asked to submit issues or suggestions, in writing, to the Committee, before the AGM for discussion during the meeting.  Dot agreed to send out a notification to members.

4. Election of the new Committee

Dot told the Committee that Stewart and Murray had agreed to administer the voting procedure.  

A letter would be sent out to members asking for nominations which should be submitted by 8 February.  Members would then be asked to vote on these nominations no later than 22 February.

5. Australian Tour Group Visit – March 2019

Jim told the Committee that he would be meeting the group leader on 8 March to discuss final arrangements with him.

In the meantime, he would write to him to ask for a list of names beforehand so that they could be allocated a number before playing at the Club.  Jim agreed to do this.

It was agreed that when they play on a scheduled bridge day a table fee of the usual 100 baht per person would be charged.  On an unscheduled day the table fee would be 200 baht per person to cover expenses.

Once we have confirmation of numbers, arrangements would be made to ensure there were enough tables to accommodate them.  Leslie offered to lend the Club his 5 folding bridge tables should we need them.

6. Robots

It was agreed that the general membership be asked to vote on either:

Continuing using the robots with a dedicated person offering guidance and advice


Discontinuing using the robots.

Dot said she would send out a letter.

7.  Awayday Bridge Session at Saen Kham Terrace Friday 8 February

Peta told the Committee that there had been a good response to this event. 

Stewart had to asked to be guest director on that day which he has agreed to.

This event replaces the usual bridge session at the Oak Tree.

8. 10thAnniversary Celebration

Peta had submitted a proposal to the Committee prior to the meeting.  This was unanimously accepted by the Committee.

The date set for this party is Friday 8 March after the bridge session.

It will be held at Keep in Touch restaurant a 15 minute drive from the Clubhouse.

A glass of sparkling wine would be offered on arrival and the dinner would be served at 7pm.  The menu consists of 4 courses, with choices, which would be pre-ordered by members. Wine or beer will be provided with dinner.  Neil Robinson has kindly agreed to order the wine for us.

This special celebration would be funded by the Club.

A letter to members would be sent out in due course.

Peta and Kob will finalise arrangements with the manager of the restaurant.

9. Any Other Business


An improvement to the appearance of the outside of the Clubhouse would be discussed by the next Committee.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6.40pm.




  BCCM Committee 7 November 2018


Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 7 November 2018


at Food for Thought Restaurant


Present:  Michael McCarthy, Dot Barham, Steve Ault, Leslie Varghese, Peta Jones

Apologies: Jim Peukert

1. Minutes of Meeting held on 31 October 2018

These were formally accepted by all.

2. Matters arising

Appeals Committee

Neil Robinson, Steve Ault and Leslie Varghese have accepted the invitation to serve on this Committee.

Daniel Thouvignon has declined the invitation.

Time allotted for Play of Boards

Steve Ault brought the Committee’s attention to historical Committee decisions made on 26 June, 2013.

It was decided that for the time being, we will leave the time per boards set at 8 to 8.5 minutes per board, depending on the session. 26 June, 2013.


Late plays would be allowed at the discretion of the Director, not as a matter of course. 12 November, 2014.

After some discussion, Michael McCarthy proposed that the allotted time per board should be 7.5 minutes.  Peta Jones seconded this proposal.

The Committee unanimously agreed that the default time per board be 7.5 minutes, with the director having the discretion to move on to the next round with time remaining on the clock when all tables had completed the round.

They also agreed that the Committee decision about late play made on 12 November, 2014, should stand.

3. Use of the Robots

The Committee agreed that the Robots will continue to be used on Wednesdays and Fridays but not Mondays whenever there is a half table.

Pairs MUST play againstthe robots, sitting out the round is not acceptable,  Pairs refusing to follow these directions will be given a zero score for the missed boards and instructed to play on Mondays only.

They also agreed that someone familiar with the operation of these devices should be on call to help those less familiar with them.

4. A Proposal: Combine Sunday, Wednesday and Friday games into one competition with stratified pairs

Steve and Leslie jointly presented a written proposal. 

After a lot of discussion, the committee was divided on this issue.

Steve Ault and Leslie Varghese appealed to the committee to study the proposal carefully and this would be discussed in detail at the next meeting.

It would then be put out to the general memberships for comments.

5. Any Other Business

Christmas Tree

Dorothy Portch offered to lend an artificial tree for display in the Clubhouse during the festive season.  The Committee thanked Dorothy for her offer but declined the offer because it did not want to show preference for any particular religion.

Intermediate Lessons

Peta told the Committee that a number of people attending these lessons felt that once a week was too intense and too much to take in. The Committee suggested that lessons be held every two weeks, commencing in the new year.

The Jack of Hearts

The quilt which has been hanging in the Clubhouse for a few months has had favourable comments.  The quilter has offered it to Club at a very reasonable price and the Committee has agreed to purchase the quilt.

Smoking Area

The proposed smoking restriction regulations would mean that smokers would have to be at least 5 meters away from the entrance to the Clubhouse.  Although these regulations have not yet come into effect, it was agreed that the old Bird Cage be the designated smoking area and that the Club would make that area comfortable and attractive.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6.55pm.

11 November, 2018.

  BCCM Committee 31 October 2018

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 31 October 2018

at Dukes Restaurant, Maya 

Present:  Jim Peukert, Michael McCarthy, Dot Barham, Steve Ault, Leslie Varghese, Peta Jones

1. Treasurer’s Report

Dot presented her report.   The financial position of the Club remains sufficient.  This was unanimously accepted by the Committee.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

These were formally accepted by the Committee.

3. Matters Arising

Purchase of the iPads(Robots)

Michael McCarthy expressed concern that the purchase of this equipment did not follow the normal procedure, ie approval by the Committee for this expenditure.  Members of the Committee apologised for the fact that this expenditure was approved but had been inadvertently left out of the recorded Minutes of the meeting held in April.  This will now be rectified.

4. Possible restrictions on artificial bidding systems

Dot made a formal complaint to the Committee

“I am making a formal complaint to the Committee.  I feel that their (Jazi and Daniel) system needs some form of explanation of the various bids, that a suitable defence should be furnished and it should not be used until these provisos be met.”

It was pointed out that a vote on the ban of artificial systems taken at the Committee Meeting held on 4 April 2018 Item 8, was by a majority, resulted in the ban be lifted.  These systems would not be allowed in the Club during the Monday bridge sessions.

After some discussion, Michael proposed that Jazi and Daniel be allowed to use their system but will be asked to furnish the Club with a comprehensive convention card as well as a defence to their system. Steve seconded this proposal and it was passed.

It was also discussed that the Club reintroduce a standard convention card to be used as a matter of routine by members.  This idea would be taken forward.

5. Rulings and Appeals

John Bucher wrote to the Committee asking them to consider establishing an Appeals Committee.  This was welcomed by the Committee and the following members would be asked to establish an Appeals Committee:

  • John Bucher
  • Neil Robinson
  • Steve Ault
  • Daniel Thouvignon
  • Leslie Varghese

It was also agreed that a one week limit for appeals and rebuttals be imposed.

6. Forthcoming Events

Club Day

This is now scheduled for Saturday 19 January 2019.

Neil will be asked to organise the format for the day as he has done in the past.

Jim will ask Billy (restaurant) if he would be willing to cater (lunch) for the Club.

Pre-Christmas Bridge Session

This will be held on Friday 14 December 2018.

It is proposed that, like last year, drinks and snacks will be on offer after the bridge session and that members will be asked to contribute a plate of snacks.

10th Anniversary of the Bridge Club of Chiang Mai February 2019

All members of the Committee agreed that this milestone in the history of the Bridge Club be marked in a special way.

When and how is yet to be discussed and the Committee would welcome suggestions from members.

A possible Away Day or an Away Session

Peta is still researching possible venues.

7. Intermediate Lessons

The lessons have been very well attended by members with excellent feedback.  These lessons will continue throughout the winter season, with a break for Christmas and New Year.

The Committee expressed their appreciation to all the tutors for volunteering their time to help with these lessons.

8. Website

All members of the Committee agreed that Charles Quast has done an excellent job on the Club’s website.  They all wanted to thank him for all his hard work and continued enthusiasm.

Michael agreed to talk to Charles and personally thank him on behalf of the Club and suggest he consider joining the Committee again.

It was also agreed he would be invited to attend the next Committee meeting.

Another suggestion made was to ask Charles to give a simple presentation on the navigation of the website. 

9. Historical Review of the Committee meeting minutes

Steve presented a list of topics mentioned in the Club archive of minutes.

It was suggested that further discussion, together with additional items on the agenda that were not discussed due to a time constraint, be discussed at an additional meeting which will be convened shortly.

The meeting adjourned at 7.30pm.

  BCCM Committee 15 August, 2018

Minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee Meeting of 15 August, 2018

In Attendance:  Dot Barham, Leslie Varghese, Michael McCarthy, and Jim Peukert.

Location of Meeting:  BCCM venue at the Oak Tree Annex.

Start Time of Meeting:  5:20 PM

Item (supplemental):  Peta’s readmission to the committee.

At the opening of the meeting Leslie brought up the topic of Peta’s readmission to the committee, saying that she had indicated a desire to rejoin the committee.  All were unanimous in approving this, and she is welcome back at any time.

Item 1: Steve Ault’s readmission to the committee.

Leslie spoke first saying that Steve was and would continue to be an asset to the committee, and readmitting him to the committee would be essential to begin the healing of the recent controversy.

Dot and Michael stated that they although they felt that the committee had done nothing wrong, and that Steve left of his own choice, they agreed that reinstating Steve to his previous status would end the rift within the ranks of club members.

Jim agreed with Leslie, that Steve would continue to be an asset to the committee, and to reinstate him would help the club members to put this event behind them.

All agreed that (1) Steve should be readmitted to the committee assuming all of his previous responsibilities, and (2) this would put an end to the controversy and any discussion about it.  All felt firmly that Steve must agree to end any discussions regarding the original complaint and subsequent actions stemming from that complaint.

Jim agreed to write a letter to Steve, presenting a draft of the letter to the committee before sending it to Steve. 

Item 2:  Addition of a ping pong table in the club.

Basically all four committee members were in favor of this with the understanding that it may not interfere with regular bridge play. We agreed also that the table should be folded up and bridge tables restored to their original positions immediately after ping pong play.  All of this was made contingent upon approval from Kuhn Dang and Kuhn Oak.  Jim was tasked with the job of talking to Kuhn Dang and Kuhn Oak.

Item 3:  Acquisition of a more sophisticated coffeemaker.

Jim had made the suggestion to upgrade the coffee machine to the level of a good quality coffee shop, with a device to grind the beans and a commercial quality coffee machine.  All agreed that better coffee would be appreciated by the entire club, but price remains a factor.

Jim was tasked with the job of researching prices and availability.

The meeting closed at 5:44 PM.

Minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee Meeting of 15 August, 2018

In Attendance:  Dot Barham, Leslie Varghese, Michael McCarthy, and Jim Peukert.

Location of Meeting:  BCCM venue at the Oak Tree Annex.

Start Time of Meeting:  5:20 PM

Item (supplemental):  Peta’s readmission to the committee.

At the opening of the meeting Leslie brought up the topic of Peta’s readmission to the committee, saying that she had indicated a desire to rejoin the committee.  All were unanimous in approving this, and she is welcome back at any time.

Item 1: Steve Ault’s readmission to the committee.

Leslie spoke first saying that Steve was and would continue to be an asset to the committee, and readmitting him to the committee would be essential to begin the healing of the recent controversy.

Dot and Michael stated that they although they felt that the committee had done nothing wrong, and that Steve left of his own choice, they agreed that reinstating Steve to his previous status would end the rift within the ranks of club members.

Jim agreed with Leslie, that Steve would continue to be an asset to the committee, and to reinstate him would help the club members to put this event behind them.

All agreed that (1) Steve should be readmitted to the committee assuming all of his previous responsibilities, and (2) this would put an end to the controversy and any discussion about it.  All felt firmly that Steve must agree to end any discussions regarding the original complaint and subsequent actions stemming from that complaint.

Jim agreed to write a letter to Steve, presenting a draft of the letter to the committee before sending it to Steve. 

Item 2:  Addition of a ping pong table in the club.

Basically all four committee members were in favor of this with the understanding that it may not interfere with regular bridge play. We agreed also that the table should be folded up and bridge tables restored to their original positions immediately after ping pong play.  All of this was made contingent upon approval from Kuhn Dang and Kuhn Oak.  Jim was tasked with the job of talking to Kuhn Dang and Kuhn Oak.

Item 3:  Acquisition of a more sophisticated coffeemaker.

Jim had made the suggestion to upgrade the coffee machine to the level of a good quality coffee shop, with a device to grind the beans and a commercial quality coffee machine.  All agreed that better coffee would be appreciated by the entire club, but price remains a factor.

Jim was tasked with the job of researching prices and availability.

The meeting closed at 5:44 PM.

  BCCM Committee 11 July 2018

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 11 July 2018


Present:  Jim Peukert, Michael McCarthy, Dot Barham, Peta Jones


Apologies: Leslie Varghese


Item 1 – Mike Neun’s Resignation from the Committee


The Committee expressed their thanks to Mike for his work on the Committee over the past 2 years.


Mike has volunteered to help with Club activities whenever he can.  He will be asked to step in when necessary.


Item 2 – Steve Ault’s resignation from the Committee


The Committee expressed their regret that Steve feels unable to continue being a member of the Committee.  A vote of thanks was made to Steve for his valuable contribution to the Club and on the Committee for many years.


Michael McCarthy has agreed to take on the duties of Purchasing Officer.


Item 3 – Charles Quast’s resignation from the Committee


The Committee has agreed that Charles’ improvements to the Club’s website has been a huge success and the Committee thanked him for all his hard work.  The Committee agreed that Charles should been approached and asked to continue to be the Website Manager.  Jim said he would do this.


Item 4 – The Robots


The Committee expressed their gratitude to John Bucher and Eric Barham for all their work in getting these robots operational.  John gave the first training session on 11 July and they were put into use during play that afternoon.


Item 5 – Treasurer’s Report


Dot presented her Report which was accepted by the Committee.  It was agreed that in the future, any purchases over 4,000 baht should be researched and given approval by the Committee.


Item 6 – Events


An announcement of two forthcoming events, Summer Club Day on 27 July 2018 and dinner at The River Market and Veronica’s Bridge Lunch on 10 August has been sent out to the general membership.


Item 7 – Intermediate Tutorials


Jim has agreed to begin these classes in October 2018.  He would need volunteers to help with these lessons.


Item 8 – Housekeeping


It was agreed that the staff at The Oak Tree would be asked to give the Clubhouse (inside and out) a thorough clean once a month at the cost of 500 baht.  Peta volunteered to supervise the upkeep of the Clubhouse.


There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 6.30pm.


  BCCM Committee 4 April 2018

 Minutes of the Committee Meeting of 4 April, 2018

The meeting began immediately following Wednesday bridge at 5:10 PM.

1. Welcome

In attendance were Dot Barham, Mike Neun, Jim Peukert, Steve Ault, Michael McCarthy, Leslie Varghese, and Charles Quast. Absent was one member, Peta Jones.

Peta had requested the ability to vote by proxy, haven given her opinions on matters listed on the agenda. The right to allow Peta to vote by proxy was put to a vote, and of the seven present, 4 were in favor and 3 were against.

The matter of a permanent procedure for proxy voting will be debated and voted upon at the next meeting.

2. Approval of Minutes

Items unresolved from the last meeting. Steve mentioned that on 1 April, 2016, item #9 read, “13 ½” and it should have read “14 ½” Thank you, Steve. There were no other unresolved items.

3. Treasurer’s Report

It was reported by Dot that although a total of 4 months during the past year had expenditures greater than receipts, the other 8 months more than made up the difference. The current funds are sufficient for any foreseeable contingencies. Dot noted that our fixed obligations of rent plus electricity, internet, and Doi’s wages come to approximately 15,000 baht per month.

4. New Committee and Functions

The functions were decided as follows:

Chairperson – Jim Peukert Organizes meetings & contacts membership.

Treasurer – Dot Barham Collects fees, pays monthly bills, reimburses money spent, keeps tallies of expendatures and cash flow, deals with the bank.

Bank Signatory - Tri and Luc Berte Has access to bank account.

Secretary - Peta Jones. Writes up the minutes.

Purchasing Manager - Steve Ault. Oversees competition auditing, replenishes coffee and cleaning supplies.

Website Manager - Charles Quast. Updates the webpage.

IT person(s) - Charles Quast and Eric Barham Manages technical hardware.

Contact person, General information giver. - Jim Peukert. All inquiries are routed to this person.

Social Coordinator. - Peta Jones. Organizes all social affairs. Must have assistance from volunteer members.

Newsletter Editor - Mike Neun Writes and organizes newsletter. Must have assistance from volunteer members.

Bridge lesson Coordinator - Jim Peukert, with assistance from Leslie Varghese. Conducts, plans, and organizes lessons for new bridge players.

Beginners’ table overseer - Steve Ault.

Contact person for Oak and Dang - Jim Peukert. May request assistance from fluent Thai speaker.

Session Registrars:

  • Monday: Charles Quast
  • Wednesday: Charles Quast
  • Friday: Michael McCarthy
  • Sunday: Jim Peukert

Session Directors:

  • Monday: Dot Barham
  • Wednesday: Jim Peukert
  • Friday: Steve Ault
  • Sunday: Jim Peukert


  • Monday: Charles Quast
  • Wednesday: Neil Robinson
  • Friday: Mike Neun
  • Sunday: Mike Neun or Jim Peukert

Card dealers:

  • Monday: Jim Peukert
  • Wednesday: Jim Peukert and Michael McCarthy
  • Friday: Jim Peukert and Michael McCarthy
  • Sunday: Jim Peukert and Michael McCarthy

5. Events

It was thought that we might have an away session or an away day in June, and a Summer Club Day in June or July. Selection of events and dates will be at the discretion of Peta Jones with assistance from other members in the implementation.

6. Oak Tree Items

The air conditioners were well serviced and put in good working order by Mike Neun’s AC guy. The plumbing was repaired by Steve Ault’s plumbing guy. The refrigerator is not working and will have to be serviced by a company specializing in such things.

7. The Honor Board

Note that there is no “u” in the word “Honor.” The Honor Board stands as is, and it was noted that it looks fantastic.

8. Artificial Systems

A vote on lifting the ban on artificial systems for Friday bridge passed with 6 allowing the ban to be lifted, 1 not allowing, and 1 abstaining. It was noted also that any member may make a formal complaint to the committee on any artificial system used at the club. The committee would then allow or disallow the system in question. Finally, it was decided that Frans and Gerard must furnish the committee with a suitable defense for their system.

9. Venue Search

Note on pursuing other venues, quietly and discretely. All were advised to keep on the look out.

10. Competition Prize Awards

Vote on changing awards from cash to vouchers passed unanimously.

11. Other Items:

Leslie suggested furnishing tablets for sitouts to play bridge on-line while sitting out. We will look into this.

The meeting ended at 6:15 PM.

  BCCM AGM 2 March 2018

BCCM Annual General Meeting

Friday 2 March 2018 at 5pm


Jim Peukert, Luc Berte, Mike Neun, Dot Barham, Peta Jones, Michael McCarthy, Charles Quast, Neil Robinson, Stewart Simpson, Brian Craw, Alan Saunders, Cinda Rankin, Steve Kirby, Frans Middlekoop, Gerard Westerhout, Murray Forgie, Mike Williams, Pen Hall, Theo de Visser, Erik Oksanen, Veronica Mannhart, Tim Jones, Michael and Connie Geller, John Bales, Geoff Davies, Bill Killian, Jazi Tricks, Cheron Gelber, Jim Grimes.


Before the meeting commenced, prizes were awarded to winners of competition.


Part 1:  Thank you to the past year’s committee.

Dot has been the “go to” person who has kept everything running and organized.  She and Eric have worked wonders with the sometimes trying dealing machine, and Dot has been the person to make sure that everything was done and the club running smoothly.  She always steps in when we need someone.

Peta has not only organized social events, but she has spearheaded the makeover of our venue. 

Mike Neun has done a great job in taking over the newsletter, and has spent countless hours with the dealing machine and scoring.

Luc has taken over the job of treasurer along with directing and scoring and has been an asset to the committee

Ken was a huge help in taking over the lessons last fall in my absence, and successfully completed the bridge course.

Steve initiated the Monday beginners’ table and has directed quite effectively.  The beginners table has been a very helpful addition to Monday bridge.

I have initiated beginning bridge lessons, worked with the dealing machine, directed, and on occasion scored. 

Part 2:  Introduce the new committee.

Our new committee will consist of 8 members.  We have 5 returning members, Dot Barham, Peta Jones, Mike Neun, Steve Ault, and myself, Jim Peukert.

We have 3 new members, Leslie Varghese, Michael McCarthy, and Charles Quast.

Part 3:  A review of Activities for 2017-2018

We have transformed our venue from a somewhat dingy, poorly lit room to a freshly painted, very well lighted, clean home for our club.  The inside and outside were painted, the lights were replaced, new tablecloths were made, and the outside was greatly improved with a planting and clean-up campaign.  We can thank Peta and other members of the club for overseeing all of this remodelling.

We had two away sessions in June and October, again, organized by Peta with assistance from Mike and myself, both at the Doi Inthanon Golf Resort.  The first was terrific, but the new ownership was lacking for the second event at Doi Inthanon.

In July Veronica Mannhart and her husband Andy hosted a lovely away session at their club house in the Mae Rim area.  Thank you Veronica.

In August we were visited by a number of Australians from their club in Perth (?).  They were impressed and very complimentary of our members and our venue.

In December we had Charity Day followed by drinks and snacks

In January we had Club Day with an Italian buffet lunch catered by Billy and his crew.  It was a wonderful buffet for the third year in a row.  Thank you Billy.

In February we had an away day at the SaenKham Terrace restaurant followed by a fabulous reception hosted by Cinda and Alan.  Thank you Cinda and Alan.

Part 4:  Summary.

This past year has been a really good year for the club.  Visitors have all expressed favourable opinions of the condition of our venue and the congeniality of the club.  Let me stress that last part.  Many clubs around the world are not particularly friendly, but ours is known for our camaraderie and a light-hearted atmosphere, and this makes our club very special.

I want to give special thanks to John Somerville in his creating the newsletter.  He went to great effort for this.  Thank you John.  Mike Neun has taken on this responsibility, and his first effort was deemed excellent by all.

Also, special thanks goes to Eric Barham for maintaining our (very expensive) dealing machine.  Thank you Eric.

As Luc, our treasurer, will tell you, we are solvent financially, well able to weather a mediocre summer season.

Although Sunday attendance is still not overwhelming, we have been somewhat buoyed by the attendance of the Chiang Mai University students.  Sunday is a good day for them to play, and we hope to keep this association going in the future.

We hope to add some permanent summer members with the bridge lessons, and the current class is encouraging in being the largest class we have ever had.  A special thanks to Charles and Ron for their much needed assistance with this.

The Monday’s beginners’ table initiated by Steve has been a very helpful addition to Monday bridge.  We hope to continue this especially since there will be several new players needing assistance on Mondays.

Many thanks also to Neil for his continuing help with the Bridge Club and especially with the new Honours Board.

Last, but not least, many thanks to Doy for all the care and effort towards the upkeep of the building and in looking after the culinary needs of the members.

In summary, our club continues to be something very special and I believe it will continue to be so with the hard work from many of the members.

Alan Saunders proposed that this report be accepted and Brian Craw seconded it.

The report was formally accepted.


In presenting his report the Treasurer told the meeting that the financial situation of the Club is sound.  His report was taken as read.

Alan Saunders proposed that this report be accepted and Michael McCarthy seconded it.

The report was formally accepted.


There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 5.45pm.

  BCCM Committee 27 December 2017

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 27 December 2017


  1. Present

    Jim Peukert, Luc Berte, Steve Ault, Dot Barham, Mike Neun, Peta Jones


    Ken Seidel resigned from the Committee on November 20, 2017.


Minutes of the last meeting and Matters arising

Club Day

Jim had spoken with Billy who agreed to cater for this year’s Club Day lunch on Saturday 20 January.  The cost per head would be 700 baht.  The number of players would be restricted to 64 on a first come, first served basis.

It was agreed that the format for the day’s play would be the same as last year.  Certificates would be given to the winners as well as random prizes given at the discretion of the Committee.  For example, the worst bid of the day and winning a trick with the 2C etc.

Jim would talk to Dang, the manager of the Oak Tree about these arrangements.

Dot and Peta would buy enough tableware for the event.  They would also produce the winners’ certificates.


The Committee were informed that the Somerville’s were returning to Scotland early in March 2018.  Mike Neun agreed to take on John’s role as Editor and he would produce a more precise Newsletter.  It was agreed that circulation of the Newsletter be more widely accessible to the general public.

The minutes of the 4 October Committee meeting were formally accepted.

3.  Treasurer’s Report

Luc presented his Report.  The Club’s financial position remains buoyant.  His report was accepted.

4.  Date of the Annual General Meeting

The Committee agreed that this would be held on Friday 2 March 2018.

5.  Voting for the new Committee

Stewart and Murray will be returning to Chiang Mai on 10 January 2018 and they would be asked to administer the voting procedure.  The general membership would be asked for nominations.

6.  Artificial Bids

The Committee considered Steve’s proposal that:

“The BCCM Committee shall evaluate artificial bids brought to its attention on a case by case basis and pass judgement in conformance with WBF policy”

After much discussion without decisive progress, Mike Neun proposed to maintain the current situation that is artificial bids would be allowed on Wednesdays but not on Fridays (the status quo).  The Committee voted on the ensuing motion: 3 votes FOR the motion, 3 votes AGAINST the motion.  This being a split votes, the status quo remains.

7.  Steve Ault’s Proposal

The Committee debated on Steve’s proposal to have seasonal competition based on stratified pairs.

After an indecisive discussion, Steve withdrew his proposal to give room for the motion proposing to have one overall seasonal champion instead of the two champions from the two separate championships. Such a motion would entail deep changes in the spirit of the Club, prevalent since the time of its inception and would conflict with the status quo mentioned in Para 6 above, so it was decided, after much careful thought, to postpone the decision this subject until the next Committee is appointed.  Steve was thanked for his time and effort in this regard.

8.  Doy’s Daughter

Peta reported to the Committee that she and Steve Kirby took the baby to see an ENT specialist at Sri Phat Hospital in December.  The doctor, after a very thorough examination concluded that no remedial surgery should be done until the child was about 10 when the ear was fully formed.  She did suggest a hearing test be done when the child reached 6 months.  An appointment has been made for this test on January 11 and Peta would inform the Committee of the results.

9.  Sunday Bridge and Wednesday Bridge (summer)

Jim proposed that to encourage people to attend these sessions, an enhancement, such as snacks and wine be offered after these sessions.  Mike Neun thought that a pot luck lunch/supper also be considered.  The Committee thought this a good idea.

10.  Away Sessions

Jim told the Committee that a member had asked him to propose an Away session at the Nest in February 2018.  Whilst the Committee welcomed suggestions from members on future events, it was thought that The Nest could be considered in the low season rather than high season.

Peta proposed an Away Day on 9 February 2018 which would replace the usual session at the Club.  She and Dorothy Porch had spoken to the management at the Saen Kham Terrace restaurant, off the Canal Road near the Night Safari, and they would be happy to have us.  The private room would suit our purposes.  It was suggested that a start at 10 am followed by a break for a buffet lunch, with a finish fairly early in the afternoon to avoid rush hour traffic.  The Committee agreed on this and Peta and Dorothy would talk with management as soon as possible about the cost etc.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7pm.


  BCCM Committee 4 October 2017

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 4 October 2017  at 5.30pm

  1. Present

    Luc Berte, Steve Ault, Mike Neun, Ken Seidel, Dot Barham and Peta Jones

Jim Peukert was absent

  1. Minutes of the last meeting and Matters arising

Para 6 – Ex-Chair inclusion on correspondence

The penultimate sentence should now read “They may be included in correspondence by the Committee.”

Para 8 – Trophies

The Committee reconsidered this point and revised the prizes to the winners of competitions.

The overall winner will receive a cash prize of 1000 baht and their names will go on the honour board, the runner up a cash prize of 500 baht and third in place would receive 300 baht.  In the event of a tie in first place, the cash prize would be 750 baht for each pair.

Para 10 – The Newsletter

As there was not much happening during the months John Somerville was away no issue of the Newsletter was published.  John will be asked to prepare a newsletter on his return.

The minutes of the last meeting were formally accepted.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

    The Treasurer presented his report.  It was agreed that Committee members would now pay the same table fees as everyone else ie 100 baht.  A review of the table fees would be considered next year.  His report was accepted.

    Charity Bridge Day

This will be on Friday 15 December.

At a suggestion made by Dot the Committee agreed that Charles Quast would be asked to produce cakes etc for members and that seasonal drinks after bridge would replace the Christmas Dinner which had been poorly attended over the past two years.  Members would be asked to bring a plate of appero or pre dinner snacks should they wish to do so.

Money raised on Charity Day will be dispensed at the discretion of the Committee and a full account of these monies would be made.

Doy, our man who looks after the Clubhouse and Bar had a baby daughter earlier this year.   This little girl was born with a malformed left ear.  Peta consulted a paediatrician friend of hers who suggested that a full check up by an ENT specialist be made.  The Committee agreed to talk to Doy about this and if he agrees, an appointment would be made at Ram.  Medical fees for this consultation would be met out of the charity fund.

  1. Substitution of Committee Members in the event of absence of elected members

The Committee accepted this and a substitution would be made, when deemed fit, from the list of people who had stood for election.

  1. Students introduction to formal bridge sessions

Steve suggested that a separate group on Mondays be introduced whereby students would play Chicago bridge under the mentorship of more experienced players.  This was welcomed by the Committee.  Members would be asked to volunteer as mentors. The students would then be more confident with the game and less intimidated by competition bridge.   An announcement will be made at bridge and a letter to the general membership sent out, inviting beginners and intermediate players to join this group.

  1. Steve Ault’s Proposals

The Committee thought that Steve’s proposals were complex and far reaching so it was agreed that a separate meeting be called in November to discuss his paper.

  1. Use of the STOP card during bidding

Steve proposed that this card should remain as part of the bidding procedure but that it should be used for its intended purpose.

The Committee concurred and the STOP card would now become mandatory on any jump bid followed by a pause of approximately 10 seconds before continuing the bidding.

Steve will produce a note to players to this effect.

  1. Any other Business

Water Leak in the Men’s Washroom - Peta will consult with Dan, the manager of the Oak Tree and if he agrees, we will have it repaired by our own plumber.

Bridge during the funeral and cremation of the late King – Peta will talk to Dan about bridge on Wednesday 25 October and Friday 27 October and whether he deemed it appropriate to still hold these sessions.  This has now been done and Dan has said its fine to play bridge on those days with extra parking in the school grounds next door if street parking is a problem.

Sunday Play – a letter will go out to the general membership asking if Sunday play should now be held on Tuesdays.  Dot agreed to do this.

Winter Club Day – this will be held on Saturday 27 January and Billy will be asked to cater for this event.  Steve will organise the format on this day.

Steve Yarnold’s weekly newsletter – Dot will write to Steve and ask him to feature the bridge club events on a regular basis.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 7pm.  A date for the special meeting to discuss Steve proposals will be held in November at a date to be arranged, and the next full committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 3 January 2018 after bridge.


  BCCM Committee 5 July 2017

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 5 July 2017 at 5.30pm

1   Present: Jim Peukert, Steve Ault, Dot Barham, Mike Neun, Ken Seidel, Peta Jones.
Absent: Luc Berte

2.   Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

Jim had written to his pupils from the last beginner’s lessons inviting them to rejoin the Club but the response was negative.

3 Treasurer’s Report

Dot, as Acting Treasurer presented her Report.  The financial health of the Club remains buoyant.

4   Forthcoming Events

·Summer Club Day

This is scheduled for Friday 28 July. The usual bridge session will begin at 1.30pm followed by dinner at The Oak Tree and the presentation of trophies.  The Club will foot the bill for food but drinks will be paid for by the individual.  Spouses or non-playing partners will be charged 300 baht for the dinner.  A list of attendees will be drawn up.                                                                                                         DB

Khun Oak and his manager Khun Dan will be informed.                             JP/PMJ/SA

·Visit by the Australian Bridge Tour Company

Scheduled to visit the Club on 9 and 11 August.  Jim agreed to write to the organisers to confirm numbers, etc.                                                                                     JP

It was suggested that, once we have confirmation from the Tour company, we would offer them afternoon tea on the Wednesday and drinks and snacks on the Friday.

5   Renovation of the Clubhouse at The Oak Tree

 The improvements so far, the track lighting and the painting and general tidy up of the Clubhouse, have been welcomed by Club members.

 Further improvements are planned as follows:

At a later date, should blinds for the back windows be needed during the winter months, these would be sourced. 
Standard sized card tables (foldable) to be made.  Peta will get a quote.             PMJ
Painting the outside entrance.  Ken and Peta will get quotes.                   KS/PMJ
Small side tables.  These will be sourced and priced.                                 ALL
Doy will be asked if he and his team would give the Clubhouse and outside area a thorough clean once a month.  He will be asked to give us a price.  We will also ask if he knows of a gardener to clean up the garden when needed.                         JP
Dot and Peta will look for a table for the outside.                                      DB/PMJ

6   Ex-Chair Inclusion

After much discussion, it was agreed that a Panel of Advisers be appointed.  The role of the Panel would be to offer advice on Club policy and give guidance on the running of the Club when required. Neil Robinson, Stewart Simpson and Bernard Garwood would be asked to be on the Panel.  They may be included in correspondence by the Committee.  Jim will write a letter to them.                                                                                                         JP

7   Roster of Members

Dot agreed to produce a list of members who would be willing to be contacted at short notice.  This list would be available to whoever takes the Register.  Dot agreed to continue to be the base for people looking for partners.                                                          DB

8   Trophies

Ken brought up the subject of trophies versus certificates and the comparative cost.  After much discussion, it was agreed that starting in the autumn, the overall winner will receive a cash prize of 1000 baht and their names will go on the honour board, the runner up a cash prize of 500 baht and third in place would receive 300 baht.  In the event of a tie in first place, the cash prize would be 750 baht for each pair.                                              SA/MN/PMJ

9   CBLT

Ken brought up the subject of our involvement with the CBLT.  After some discussion, Jim agreed to write to them asking for clarification on the financial status of Bridge Clubs in Thailand.  (This has now been done and we await their reply).                         JP

10   The Newsletter

Jim thanked John Somerville for his continued efforts with the Newsletter.  It was thought that the Newsletter be made more accessible to the general public.  It was also suggested that the Newsletter should be more community based.  A profile of an individual member could be included in each issue.  The Committee welcomed these comments.

As there was not much happening during the months John Somerville was away no issue of the Newsletter was published.  John will be asked to prepare a newsletter on his return.                                                             MN/JP

11  Bridge Lessons   

Jim felt very strongly that the lessons by themselves do not result in a knowledge of the game and that self-study had been a missing element to learning the game. He suggested that future beginners should be given and required to read from start to finish a copy of the Audrey Grant Beginners’ book on Bridge before attending lessons at the Bridge Club.  This would give them a basic foundation which could be built upon by at the lessons.

12   Date of next meeting

There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 6.50pm. The next Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 4 October after bridge.

  BCCM Committee 17 May 2017

Minutes of the Committee Meeting 17 May 2017 at 5.15pm

 Item 1        Opening remarks

 Present: Jim Peukert, Luc Berte, Dot Barham, Steve Ault, Mike Neun, Ken Seidel and Peta Jones

 This meeting was called primarily to discuss a possible Away Bridge Session at The Inthanon Golf Natural Resort and other Club events.

 Item 2        Minutes of the last Meeting

 The minutes were posted on the website.

 Item 3        Treasurer’s Report

 Nothing to report.

 Item 4        Club Events

 Steve Ault had proposed by email to Committee members that any event not held in the Clubhouse should attain a critical mass of 4 tables minimum.  The Committee agreed. 

This decision was taken when the general membership’s response to the anticipated Away Session at the Reverie Siam Hotel in Pai proved to be minimal (7 people).  This event was subsequently cancelled.

 The Inthanon Golf Natural Resort

The Committee considered a proposal made to hold the next Away Session at the Inthanon Golf Resort from Thursday 22 June to Saturday 24 June  2017.  Steve Ault proposed that this be accepted and Mike Neun seconded it.  It was carried unanimously.

The Committee expressed their gratitude to Jintana Neun, Mike’s wife, who negotiated on the Club’s behalf and secured an exceptional package from the Resort.

A letter will be sent out to the general membership inviting them to this event.

Summer Club Day

After much discussion, it was agreed that the Club’s Summer Club Day be on Friday 28 July followed by dinner at the Oak Tree Restaurant where the presentation of trophies will be made.  Steve Ault agreed to purchase the trophies.

Khun Oak will be advised of this at a later date.

Item 5        Monday Bridge

Mike brought up the idea that before bridge began on a Monday an experienced player would present a short tip to the players on a point of play or bidding.  The Committee welcomed this idea.  Mike agreed to set the ball rolling.

Mentoring was also discussed.  The Committee noticed that this was beginning to happen more and more on regular days.

Jim has agreed to get in touch with his “pupils” from the last two sets of lessons to see if they would consider coming back on a Monday and playing with a mentor.

Item 6        Date of the next meeting

The next Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 5 July.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 5.55pm.


  BCCM Committee 5 April 2017

Minutes of the Committee Meeting  5 April, 2017

Item 1:  Welcome and Apologies.

New Committee Members in Attendance: 

Dot Barham, Luc Berte, Mike Neun, Steve Ault, Peta Jones (by Skype), and myself, Jim Peukert.  Ken Seidel was unable to attend.

The meeting began at 5:25 PM, Chaired by Dot Barham.

Item 2:  Minutes from the last meeting. 

The minutes were posted on the website, and there were no outstanding issues arising from that meeting.

Item 3:  Treasurer’s report, a brief review.

Both petty cash and the bank balance show a fair increase since the last meeting.  Cash flow has been positive over the Winter months, with the bank balance being adequate to cover any foreseeable contingencies.

Item 4:  New Committee and Functions.

The new committee will fill the necessary positions as follows:

Chairperson:  Jim Peukert. 

Treasurer:  Luc Berte.  In Luc’s absence until late July, Dot will continue performing the duties of Treasurer.  The bank signatory will change from Tri to a new account with both Tri and Luc as signatories.

Secretary:  Peta Jones.

Purchasing Manager:  Steve Ault.

Website Manager:  Dot Barham.

IT Person:  Eric Barham.

Contact person, from website:  Jim Peukert.

Events Coordinators:  Peta Jones and Ken Seidel.

Session Registrar:  Jim Peukert

Session Directors: 

     Mondays: Dot Barham until Mid-May, then with Ken Seidel

     Wednesdays: Luc Berte (Jim will sub while Luc is away)

     Fridays: Steve Ault

     Sundays: Jim Peukert, when play resumes in November


     Mondays: Dot Barham until Ken Seidel has been properly trained.

     Wednesdays: Neil Robinson

     Fridays: Mike Neun, with assistance while training

     Sundays: Jim Peukert and Mike Neun, when play resumes

Card Dealers:

     Fridays and Sundays: Mike Neun and Jim Peukert, to be done on Wednesdays

     Mondays and Wednesdays: Dot Barham and Steve Ault, to be done on Friday

Special Notes: 

Events Coordinator function encompasses away sessions and special events such as Club Days, Holiday Events, and Special Dinners.

Treasurer’s responsibilities include collecting and depositing funds from the Registrar, keeping a spreadsheet of collections and dispersals, reimbursing money spent, obtaining receipts, and paying all bills related to the rental of the building.

Purchasing Manager’s responsibilities include auditing the competition, buying trophies, and buying supplies for coffee and toiletries.

Registrar’s responsibilities include collecting playing fees and membership dues, paying the Thai employee, leaving water money, and providing accountability to the Treasurer.

Item 5:  Events.

Away Days: There is still a question as to whether or not we will repeat an away session to Pai.  The events coordinators will look in to this.

Mike Neun agreed to research the possibility of having an away session at one of the local golf courses.  As an addendum to this, Mike researched this the next day and found that (a) it was expensive, and (b) the golf course had no interest in pursuing it.  Case closed, I guess.

We will explore having a summer club day – preferably on a Friday - with dinner provided by the club at the Oak Tree.

Item 6: Oak Tree matters.

Jim will speak with Kuhn Oak about repairing the roof over the outside area and with repairing the plumbing leak in the ceiling of the men’s bathroom.

Item 7: Lessons.

Jim pointed out that nearly all of those in the past that had never before played bridge did not continue with the club after the lessons ended.  It was felt that a mentoring system would be a way to keep new players.  Jim will send emails to all who have dropped out, explaining that we want them back, and that they would have a personal mentor to help them on Mondays.  We would solicit the membership to find mentors.

Next Meeting:  The first Wednesday in July.

The meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.

  BCCM AGM 10 March 2017

Bridge Club Chiang Mai AGM  10 March 2017         5:15 pm

Committee present:  Dot, Jim, Luc and Steve.  Apology from Neil, Theo.

Year-end report

It has been an extremely busy year.  We continue to settle into we settled into our present home at the Oak Tree.  As with all new places, we have now started renovations to suit our needs.  The outside area is one of the projects, building work started by Ken and gardening with Peta in charge.  Indoors the library has been sorted - this has been one of Cinda's projects.

Another of Cinda's projects has been the initiation of the Buddy system and the "In case of Emergency" card.  Talking of emergencies - don't forget to refer to the Emergency Numbers, checked out by Steve Kirby, at the back of the Newsletter.  And the Newsletter - many thanks to John Somerville for all the time and effort in the production of the information sheets.  Don't forget to support your club's publication - John will always appreciate any contributions.

Not only have we been running 3 bridge games per week, 4 games during the winter season, we have had many extra-curricula activities. 

There have been two away sessions: one at the Reverie Siam Resort in Pai in June  and the other session at the Nest in November.  Both away events were enjoyed by all participants. 

The BCCM, through the charity event in December donated to two organisations: the Wildflower Foundation home for women and the Orphanage for Group 2 children at Baan King Kaew, re-flooring the dorm and repairing the toilets.  Once again, many thanks to you all - both for your participation and for your offers of help for the children. 

Eating out we had a Summer Club day dinner at the Oak Tree, including the awarding of the Winter session trophies.  The BCCM Christmas Dinner was held at the Bake and Bite. A great dinner - but very poor attendance.  However, last year's Club Day Lunch so successful that we asked Billy to cater again this year  - wonderful food and 15 tables of bridge.

Bridge lessons started in September with Jim Peukert with a further session in February.

Membership this year has been 117 members.  The successful Bridge lesson series brought a few new members.  We have also had many walk-in members.  Many of these walk-ins were as a result of the BCCM web-site. 

And naturally, many thanks to all tutors for lessons and Monday sessions, web-site worker and the equipment engineer.  And especially thanks to the directors and scorers, both committee members and other helpers, without whom there would not have been any bridge games.   If anybody would like to learn how to score and use the machinery, please see any member of the committee.  Most of all thanks to the out-going committee:

Neil - who seems to have been around forever.  A great deal of his time this year has been dealing with the importation of the new dealing machine.  A very frustrating business.

Theo - who has been in charge of Entertainments and particularly finding a new Away venue in Pai.

Rick - who quietly moved in and moved along as other personal duties took over.

The new committee, starts on Friday 1 April.    Members are alphabetically, by forename:

Dot Barham, Jim Peukert, Ken  Seidel, Luc Berte, Mike Neun, Peta Jones and Steve Ault.

It is great to have fresh people to inject new ideas into the club.

Financial report

Finances remain good.  As well as the monthly outgoings of rent, electricity, bar-boy fees and internet we now have the weekly water bill.   The major output this year was for the dealing machine and the associated local duties paid.   Another big area was for the renovations to the Club house.  Hopefully, these will continue this year.


General discussion regarding the dealing machine, Bridgemates  and computer.  All will be on a maintenance schedule for March and April.

John Bucher spoke of a program for balancing hands, developed by Michael Macrossan.  This will need further discussion by the new committee.

Vote of thanks given to the present committee by Mark Barber-Riley.

Meeting closed 5:45 pm.


  BCCM Committee 4 January 2017

Minutes of the BCCM Committee Meeting

4 January, 2017


  1. Welcome and Apologies.

    The meeting began at 5:20 PM.  In attendance were Dot Barham, Chairperson, Luc Berte, Theo DeVisser, Neil Robinson, Steve Ault, and Jim Peukert.  Rick Boutilier, was unable to attend.


  2. Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising.

    There were no unresolved issues from the last meeting.  Fans and cushions were purchased.  The Christmas dinner had questionable support, and will likely not be repeated.


  3. Treasurer’s report.

    Rent and electricity have remained constant, and the bank balance shows a significant  increase since our last meeting.  


  4. Oak Tree  matters pending. 

    The roof over the water pump area is in bad shape.  We will check to see if Khun Oak will help us financially to repair it.


  5. Events – Club Day.

    At this time we project having 16 tables.  We will assign all participants to A, B, or C groups depending on the results over the last year.  Billy will cater the event, since he did such a great job last year.


  6. Election.

    We will soon know who of the current committee members is standing.  Dot will send an email to all members describing the process.  Nominations will be due by Friday, 10 February, and voting will be due by 24 February.


  7. AGM.

    The next general membership meeting will be Friday, 10 March, 2017


  8. Lessons.

    Tuesday and Thursday beginner’s lessons will proceed through the end of February.  At that time we will consider having “supervised” tables for Monday play.  Individual participation in a supervised table will be on a voluntary basis.

    Intermediate lessons will begin in March.


  9. Emergency Card.

    An emergency notification card was made available to all members courtesy of Cinda Rankin.  Thank you, Cinda.


  10. Next meeting.

    The next meeting will be the first Wednesday of April, 5 April, 2017.

  BCCM Committee 5 October 2016

BCCM Committee Meeting  for  Wednesday, 5 October, 2016


Item 1:  Welcome and Apologies.

The meeting began at 5:25 PM.  In attendance were Neil Robinson, Luc Berte, Theo DeVisser, Steve Ault, Dot Barham, and myself, Jim Peukert.  One member, Rick Boutilier, was not able to attend.

Item 2:  Matters arising, minutes of the last meeting.

There were no unresolved issues from the last meeting.

Item 3:  Treasurer’s report.

Although the current balance is sufficient to cover any contingencies, it is noted that September, traditionally our lowest net income month, was a net loss this year.  Ways of countering this trend were discussed, and it was hoped that the lessons for new players would increase the membership to avoid future losses.

Item 4:  Equipment update, esp. fans.

The committee decided that an additional three fans were needed, and those would be purchased at Macro.

Item 5:  Oak Tree , any matters pending, esp. outside area.

With the new area of the patio now complete it was thought that we needed more chairs and a designated smoking area by the well.

Item 6:  Lessons in general and two sessions on the rules of duplicate bridge.

The lessons will begin on the 18th of October, overseen by Jim and to be assisted beginners at this point.  On a date to be determined we will conduct two sessions on the rules of duplicate bridge.  For future lessons we will create a specific announcement to forward to Steve Yarnold and to the Expat Club.

Item 7:  Possible referendum on  moving the Sunday game to Saturday.

A poll will be taken by Dot on whether the Sunday game should be moved to Saturday.  The game will begin on the first Saturday or Sunday in November.

Item 8:  Events:

     Charity bridge day:  The charity bridge day will be on the first Friday in December, and the donation will be 200 baht per person.

     December dinner/lunch:  We decided to change from Billy’s.  Jim will check with Bate ‘N Bite for the 16th of December.

     Club Day:  Jim will check with Billy for Saturday, the 14th of January.  Billy had said last year that 600 baht per person was not enough.  We will offer 800 baht.

Item 9:  On call system for visiting players:  We agreed that this is still a difficult task.  We will explore the possibility of sending out emails when a visitor has given pre-notification.

Item 10:  Buddy system, Robert Holt.

Luc will create a contact card for a buddy system.  It was noted with sadness the passing of Robert, and the committee sends its gratitude to Ken for his crucial assistance to Robert in Robert’s final months and days.

Item 11:  Next meeting:

Our next committee meeting will be the first Wednesday in January.

The meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM.

  BCCM Committee 8 July 2016

BCCM Committee Meeting Minutes for 8 July 2016


Item 1:  Welcome and apologies. 

The meeting commenced at 5:30 pm. 

Those attending are: Dot Barham, Luc Berte, Neil Robinson, Theo DeVisser, Jim Peukert.

Apologies from Steve Ault and Rick Boutilier. 


Item 2:  Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising. 

There were no matters pending from the last meeting.


Item 3:  Treasurer’s report. 

The club is currently solvent with all pending equipment issues easily within the budget.


Item 4: Equipment update.

Various equipment issues are pending at this moment.  Neil will attempt to resolve them through a facilitator.

Legal cards have been received and paid for through CBLT.

We need 2 additional filing cabinets.  Theo will research this.


Item 5: Oak Tree matters pending.

Outside area is not clean and quite unsightly.  We will have Doy clean things up around the bird cage.  Around the gazebo we proposed filling in the ground with gravel and surrounding the structure with a lattice work similar to that on the second floor balcony. 


Volunteers are requested to form a group to refurbish the outside  area.


Inside, the men's bathrooms smell bad.  Signs needed to say, “Please flush” and “Have you washed your hands?"


Item 6: Rotation of director and scorer.

It was generally agreed that the position of director would be restricted to more experienced players, while the scoring could be taught to anyone interested. 

Additionally, it was decided that Luc / Neil direct on Wednesdays, Steve /  Dot on Fridays. Jim / Theo on Mondays.   Jim will be back to tutoring  on  Mondays starting in August.


Item 7:  Scoring

It was suggested that we offer training on scoring to the general membership and all agreed. 


Anybody wishing to learn how to score please see any committee member - we can do hands on (one on one) scoring before and after any game.


Item 8:

It was suggested that we change Sunday play to Saturday play.  A questionnaire will be given to the membership in November.

Item9: Lessons.

Beginning on a date to be specified in September,  Jim will start beginner’s lessons.


Item 10:  Membership to run for six months or one year from the joining  date. 

This would involve creating a data base and close monitoring.  Several committee recalled the accounting nightmare resulting from when we used this system in the past.  It was unanimously rejected.


Item 11: AOB

  • It has been suggested that we have a day or days where we intentionally partner a very good player with one that is still learning.  The committee liked the idea and will implement this on a Monday to be specified.


  • Mention was made of the Kuching tournament in Malaysia next summer.  A discussion ensued as to having a club function outside of Thailand, in the future.


  • A proposal was made to having someone in the club create a BCCM newsletter.  Volunteers are requested.


Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 October 2016.

The meeting closed at 7:00 pm.

  BCCM Committee 1 April 2016

BCCM Committee Meeting Minutes for 1 April 2016


Item 1:  Welcome

The meeting commenced at 5:30 pm. 

Those attending are: Dot Barham, Luc Berte, Neil Robinson, Theo DeVisser, Jim Peukert and new committee members Steve Ault and Rick Boutilier.  The need for confidentiality was stressed.


Item 2:  Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising. 

To be dealt with through the other agenda items.


Item 3:  Treasurer’s report. 

The current available bank balance and cash flow remain good.  The balance remains fairly high due to the contingencies for a new dealing machine and other new equipment.  Finalised balance sheets for the end of the year will be sent to committee members for approval.


Item 4:  New Committee and functions

See web-site information.


Item 5: Mid-year function

A Club Day to be organised.  Friday 1 July, after bridge, at the Oak Tree.  Food paid for by BCCM.


Item 6:  Oak Tree, any matters pending

Bathrooms have not been sufficiently cleaned and the doors need replacing.  Also the outside area needs refurbishing.  BCCM will pay.  Jim will talk to Khun Oak. 


Item 7:  Change to BCCM charter

Section 8.1 to be amended.  Only full Annual Members, who are full-time resident in Thailand (one who lives here at least nine months of the year), are eligible to stand for election. 


However, problems with sessions could arise if everybody is away at the same time.  


Item 8:  Mitchell movements 

When there is a Mitchell movement there will be a coin toss to decide on NS/EW places.  Heads  on the coin will give the choice to North.


Item 9:  Standardise Preferred Movements

Howell to be played up to 6 tables;  Mitchell from 6½ upwards;  6½ to 8: 7 rounds of 4;  8½ to 12: 9 rounds of 3; 12½ and up: 13 rounds of 2 (with option for 14 rounds of 2 with 13½ and up).  Steve will arrange for these standard movements to be put on the computer.




Item 10:  Use of alerts and stop cards

BCCM alert-able bids are based on ACBL.  The web-site provides more information.  However, directors need to be more vigilant regarding people who "hover" over the bidding boxes or take an inordinate length of time in declaring their bid.


Item 11:  Artificial bidding systems

There is a clear expectation that the Friday game was always planned to be a session suitable for intermediate players. Its purpose is in part to provide a step up for players graduating from the Monday session. The majority of the committee (4/3) consider the use of artificial systems incompatible with an intermediate session. Furthermore, it was considered that, if one such system were allowed, it would be difficult to draw a line against any future use of other, possibly more complex, artificial systems on Fridays.


The committee reiterated that use of such systems is welcomed on Wednesdays and Sundays.


Item 12:  Trophy for individuals

The committee have considered this matter  and we have found it unworkable.  An individual prize sounds impractical.  If it were just the highest percentage for a person, it would just be one of the same people who win in the pairs competitions. 


Item 13:  Club souvenirs

Neil is still investigating the matter.


Item 14:  Lessons.

Lessons will be organised by Jim P using an ACBL format.  They will begin in mid to late June, the date to be announced.



Next meeting:  Friday 8 July 2016

There was no other business to be discussed.  Meeting closed 7:20 pm


Year-end report

It has been an extremely busy year.  In April we settled into our present home at the Oak Tree.  Many thanks  to Mike Williams  for finding the place and recommending it to the committee.  We moved in with scarcely a blink and games continued as per usual.  Not only have we been running 3 bridge games per week, 4 games during the winter season, we have had many extra-curricula activities. 


In June, many of our bridge players participated  in the Chiang Mai University Tournament  alongside many bright young Thai University people.   A good time was had by all.


Bridge lessons started in September with Jim Peukert.  Jim had to go to America on family business and the lessons were continued by Neil Robinson and Ken Seidel. 


In October we were visited by the Brisbane Bridge Club who all seemed to have a great time here.  The group included an Australian grand master, who gave a lesson whilst we enjoyed afternoon tea at Peta's house.


There have been two away sessions: one lunch and afternoon bridge sessions at Nok Mueng Restaurant  in October and an away weekend at the Nest in November.  Both away events were enjoyed by all participants. 


While some people were away at the nest, a small group of people organised a successful participation at the 10th annual Citylife Garden fair with teams of players running games throughout the day.


The BCCM, through the charity event in December raised 24,000 baht.  This year we donated to two organisations: the Baan Moon Muang near Rak Thai border at Mae Hong Son  and the Orphanage for Group 2 children at Baan King Kaew, re-flooring the dorm and repairing the toilets.  Once again, many thanks to you all - both for your participation and for your offers of help for the children. 

Following the Charity Bridge game, many players went to Billy's Restaurant for our BCCM Christmas dinner.  This was so successful that we asked Billy to cater for our Club Day in January  - wonderful food and 15 ½ tables of bridge.


Membership this year has risen to 132 members.  Last year's tally was 111. The successful Bridge lesson series brought a few new members.  We have also had many walk-in members.  Many of these walk-ins were as a result of the BCCM web-site. 


And naturally, many thanks to all tutors for lessons and Monday sessions, web-site worker and the equipment engineer.  And especially thanks to the directors and scorers, both committee members and other helpers, without whom there would not have been any bridge games.   If anybody would like to learn how to score and use the machinery, please see any member of the committee.  Most of all thanks to the out-going committee;  for most of the year we have been at 5 members and occasionally at 4.  But we survived.

  BCCM Committee 13 January 2016

BCCM Committee Meeting Minutes for 13 January 2016

The new committee, starts on Friday 1 April  with a meeting after the game.  Members are alphabetically

Steve Ault, Dot Barham, Luc Berte, Rick Boutilier, Theo Devisser, Jim Peukert, Neil Robinson.


Financial report

Finances remain good.  Dot gave a brief overview of the year's outgoings, including a mention of the life membership to CBLT, the Bridge Club in Bangkok.  Also discussed were the monthly outgoings of rent, electricity, bar-boy fees and internet.



Out of town events.  Suggestions are welcome for any events especially during the summer months.  The committee will be discussing the idea of a dinner, provided by the BCCM, for summer members and year-long residents.


Membership.  Theo reminded members that the membership fees, mentioned in the last BCCM minutes, will be 800B for yearly membership and 500B for seasonal membership.  This will hopefully iron out any anomalies in visitor fees and membership.


Internet.  A brief discussion on the merits of using "Hot Spot" on mobile phones or an on-site provider.  The on-site method was deemed to be more feasible.


Vote of thanks to the committee by Alan Saunders. 

  BCCM Committee 13 January 2016

BCCM Committee Meeting Minutes for 13 January 2016


Welcome and Apologies

The meeting commenced at 5:30 pm.

Those members attending are: Dot Barham, Luc Berte, Neil Robinson, Theo DeVisser, and Jim Peukert.  Those not attending are John Bales, who has relocated and resigned, and Kuhn Prasong, who has health issues.


Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising.

There were none.

Treasurer's report.

The financial picture continues to look good.  See report.

Oak Tree, any matters pending.

The parking problem seems to be resolving itself with spaces available in a parking lot on Huay Kaew by The Harbour, and on the street in front of the Oak Tree.  Bathrooms have not been sufficiently clean and windows are dirty; Jim will talk to Kob.  Two more lights were purchased to make lighting acceptable in all areas of the playing room.


Equipment needed

From the last committee meeting, Neil has succeeded in procuring boards, bidding boxes, and cards, and all are en route.  The total expenditure is approximately 18,000 baht.


Club Day

Due to the impressive performance of Billy and his staff at our Christmas dinner, Billy and his staff will cater Club Day.  It was discussed that the price per person (650 baht) is more than it was last year (450 baht), but the quality should be vastly improved.



The election of members for the next committee will be done as it has in past years.  Requirements are that the person is a full time resident, and the nominations and election will take place in February.  Details will be emailed to all members.


The annual AGM will take place as always on the second Friday in March.  This year this will be on Friday, 11 March, 2016.  Announcements will be sent to all members.


Setting up winter season on-call partners for visitors.

A list was made of players that often do not have partners, and Jim will approach some of those on the list to be on call.


Tidy up.

Players are reminded that one of the duties of the North player is to ensure that the table is tidy at the end of the day.

Membership fees.

The committee voted unanimously to increase membership fees.  The new fees will be 800 baht for an annual membership, and 500 baht for a seasonal membership.  It was pointed out that the current low membership fees were not commensurate with the player fees, especially the visitor fees.  The new fees will take effect on 1 April, 2016.


Excess Funds.

The Committee voted unanimously to use some excess BCCM funds toward club dinners, possibly at the Oak Tree Restaurant, the frequency of which will be decided by the amount of excess funds.


Award Money.

The committee voted unanimously to allow award money to apply, if desired by the individual, to the membership fee.



Lessons will be organized by Jim P using an ACBL format.  They will begin in mid to late April, the date to be announced.  Jim will notify Steve Yarnold and to use in his web posts.  Theo is going to bring in the Audrey Grant books that we might use as the basis for our lessons.


Club Souvenir/Merchandise.

Coasters and polo shirts were suggested.  Neil will source these.


Allowable Bids.

The committee voted unanimously to limit the use of artificial bidding systems to Wednesday and Sunday play only.  It was noted that four years ago such systems were banned on Mondays, so Fridays were added to the ban.  The committee also voted that any new bidding system must be approved by the committee to be used on any day.


Next Meeting.

The next committee meeting will be held on 6 April, 2016.



There was no other business to be discussed.  Meeting closed 7:10 pm

  BCCM Committee 7 October 2015

BCCM Minutes for 7 October 2015


Welcome and apologies.

The meeting commenced at 5:30 PM.

Present: Dot Barham, Theo deVisser, Neil Robinson, Luc Berte

Apologies: Jim Peukert

Absent: John Bales, Ahjahn Prasong


Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising.

Accepted.  Some points to  be covered in the meeting.

Treasurer's report.

The financial picture continues to look good.  See report.


Oak Tree - Matters Pending.

Coffee area - needs a new box for the vouchers.                                                                             Dot

Windows - Doy has been asked to clean the windows.                                                                   Neil

Lighting - New floor standing lights to be purchased as necessary                                Neil

Parking - Continues to be a problem.  The only solution, at present, is to remember to park pretty in the car park and on the main road.  All things considered, we will likely have the need to carpool whenever possible especially in the winter months.



Bidding boxes, boards and cards - waiting for CBLT to restock.                                                    Neil


Bridge Lessons for beginners.

There are 6 students at the sessions.  Lessons are being led by Neil and Ken Seidel and involve an introductory talk and then playing pre-set hands.  Ken has been co-opted as a temporary committee member for the duration of the lessons and is particularly responsible for the pre-dealing of the hands.  Neil to draw up a topic list for future lessons.

Explore the possibility of buying a commercial bridge lesson pack.                All committee


Sunday Bridge.

Winter season to run from November to February, when there are more competitors.

Low season - possibility of team games, but these will need careful co-ordination.  Ideas from members are welcome.  Please contact any BCCM committee member.


Away Sessions.

Upcoming events were discussed and ratified.

Afternoon at Nok Mueng - 23 October -  presently at 6 tables.

Away at The Nest - 19, 20, 21 November.

Charity Bridge Afternoon  - 18 December - charity donation to be 200 baht, in lieu of table fees.

Christmas Dinner - 18 December - to be held at Billy's restaurant.

Club Day - 16 January 2016 - lunch at the Ibis.



The committee would like to institute a "Member/Pair of the Month" award.  This would be awarded for any reason - either bridge play or social.  Comments from the members are invited.


Next Meeting.

Wednesday 6 January 2015.


The meeting ended at 6:40 PM.

  BCCM Committee 1 July 2015

BCCM Minutes for 1 July 2015

The meeting began at 5:10 PM.

Welcome to the five committee members present, namely, Mrs. Dot Barham, Mr. Neil Robinson, Mr. Theo DeVisser,  Mr. John Bales, and myself, Mr. Jim Peukert.  Those unable to attend were Mr. Luc Berte, and Ahjahn Prasong.

Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising.

It was pointed out that since the inception of the club-sponsored coffee, the club has fallen short in receipts for approximately 45 coffee packets.  Since it was deemed that this was a significant discrepancy, we have gone to a system of coffee vouchers to be sold by the registrar (myself), and placed in the bin when ordering a cup of coffee.  In view of the shortage, the club is now low on coffee, and Neil has volunteered to purchase another 200 units, to be reimbursed by Dot, our treasurer.

Treasurer's report.

The financial picture continues to look good.  See report.



Parking continues to be a problem.  It was suggested by Neil that I (Jim P) check with Khun Oak to see if we could park next door across from the car wash.  Since the meeting, Khun Oak has given a flat “no” to that suggestion, citing that the office was there, and access to the office would be blocked.  Khun Oak pointed out that other parking options remain: parking along the street is an option, and he pointed out that parking along the side street on the eastbound side (albeit, seriously narrowing passage) would also be an option.  All things considered, we will likely have the need to carpool whenever possible especially in the winter months.


The room is still too dark.  We discussed the addition of many more lamps as well as adding stronger fluorescent lights.  During the meeting I discussed with Kobe (our man at the Oak Tree) some of the options that might work.   Since the meeting, my discussion with Kobe in my somewhat limited Thai resulted in an immediate (next day) addition of five overhead fluorescent lights.  The price was reasonable, about 3,000 baht, and the light now seems quite good.  This immediate response from Kobe precluded the need for John Bales to price different options of fluorescent lighting and for Peta to confer with her electrical contractor, both of whom had volunteered their assistance on this project.

A  vote of thanks to Peta Jones for taking it upon herself to wash and iron all of the curtains in the room to make for a much more pleasant environment.


The club is in need of new:

White board markers,

10 new sets of four bidding boxes,

2 new sets of 32 boards,

And 144 decks of cards.

Neil will research and act on these needed items.

Also, we need cushions for the chairs, which sit too low.  John Bales will research this.

Bridge Lessons.

I plan on offering beginning lessons for duplicate bridge starting on Tuesday the 15th of September from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at our current venue, the Oak Tree Restaurant.  We will (assuming Khun Oak concurs) have no Thai helper/employee (Kobe) present.  The program will be an eight week curriculum, on each Tuesday up to and including the 3rd of November.  The cost will be 500 baht, and will include annual membership good until the end of March.  There will be handouts at each lesson as well as large screen displays of object hands.  The classes will be conducted by myself, Jim P, and an itinerary will be made available in advance to committee members and selected others for comments on the content.  We will advertise this program starting in mid-August at selected sites throughout (mainly) the west side of the metro area.

I welcome your comments, please.

Next, a slight change of plans, “intermediate” bridge lessons will be conducted,  beginning on Tuesday the 29th of September from 3:15 PM until 5:00 PM.  I have moved back the intermediate lessons from the previously planned date of the 15th of  September to give myself time between the beginnings of the two programs.  For the intermediate, I will hopefully enlist the help of some of the more experienced players on specific topics.

Again, I welcome your comments.

Future Events. 

Charity Bridge plus Christmas Dinner.  The target date is Friday, the 18th of December, with a back-up alternative of Friday, the 11th of December.  The two choices of venue included Billy’s and Casa Diverso, but after a short discussion Billy’s was voted the better choice of the two.

  1. Club Day.  The Target date is Saturday the 16th of January, with bridge running from 10:00 AM until 12:30 PM, and then from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM.  We would have approximately 60 people +/- 12, and we will check with both the Oak Tree and Ibis to see if there is a possibility of their being able to accommodate such a number.
  2. Away day in November.  After much research we have found that there are virtually no mountain resorts other than the Nest that can handle our expected number of participants at a price even remotely close to the Nest’s price.  Our next outing will be at the Nest in late November and will be organized by Theo.

Next Meeting.  The next committee meeting will be on the 7th of October, a Wednesday.  Immediately following will be the Committee dinner at Casa Diverso.

All Other Business.  Per Neil, the cost of the trophies for the next set of awards will be 6800 baht.  This amount is strictly for the trophies, and excludes the cash prizes for second and third place.

The meeting ended at 7:10 PM.


  BCCM Committee 18 March 2015

BCCM Committee Minutes of 18 March, 2015


     The meeting began at 5:15 PM on Wednesday, 18 March, 2015, chaired by Dot Barham.


First order of Business:  The new venue of  The Oak Tree.

  1. The contact BCCM Committee member for Khun Oak, the landlord, is to be Jim Peukert.
  2. The room must be cleaned thoroughly before our move-in, a job for which the club is willing to pay.  Special attention must be given to the windows, floors, bathrooms, curtains and walls.
  3. Arrangement of tables will be done by the volunteer group at the time of the move.  Jim P will check ahead of time to make sure rearranging furniture meets with Khun Oak’s approval.
  4. An Oak Tree employee must be on duty before and during bridge sessions for approximately 200 baht per day.  He or she should serve coffee, tea, and soft drinks and keep the room clean.
  5. We must find out if we need a key.
  6. The conditions of the doors and curtains are acceptable, but broken window must be replaced.
  7. The BCCM will agree to pay approximately 8,000 baht per month for rent.
  8. The move will occur on Saturday, 28 March, 2015 at 11:00 AM.  Two members will arrive with pickup trucks and four more with cars.
  9. We will need a password for the Wi-Fi.

(10)Jim P will check to see if we can use the large table for our equipment.

(11)John Bales will the publications, Chang Puak, Steve Yarnold, and Chiang Mai Mail, and he will correct the website.  John will also procure new tablecloths.

(12)The first day of play at the Oak Tree will be either the 1st or the 3rd of April.

(13)Special dinners and awards, the dates of which will be discussed, will be planned to help solidify a relationship with the Oak Tree.


Table Fees

     It will be necessary to raise table fees to either 80 or 100 baht.  The committee members will continue to receive a 40 baht discount at whatever amount the fee must be.  Annual and seasonal membership dues will remain the same.


  1. Dot will remain Chairperson and Treasurer.
  2.  Jim P will remain Secretary and registrar.
  3. Luc will become the membership secretary.
  4. Neil will manage inventory and supplies, including trophies.
  5. Bernard, if he is willing, will become the website manager.
  6. Eric will be the IT person.
  7. Directors will be Dot and Theo on Mondays and Fridays, Neil on Wednesdays, and Jim P on Sundays.
  8. Scorekeepers will be Dot and Theo on Mondays and Fridays, Tri on Wednesdays, and Jim P on Sundays.
  9. Card dealers are to be Dot on Mondays and Fridays, Luc on Wednesdays and Sundays.  New volunteers will be needed to help with card dealing.

Other Business

  1. Away sessions will be organized by Theo and John Bales.


The meeting closed at 6:15 PM.


  BCCM AGM 13 March 2015

Minutes of the AGM Meeting of 13 March, 2015

Presided over by the Chairperson, Mrs. Dot Barham

The meeting opened at approximately 5:00 PM

Year End Report

  1.  It has been a busy year, setting records for attendance, which has reached fifteen and one-half tables, and membership, which has reached 112, a ten percent increase over last year.  Also, there were approximately twice as many members (24) in attendance at this AGM as ever before.
  2. The dealing machine, which saves approximately ten man hours per week, has been kept functional only by the efforts of Eric Barham.  We must maintain a balance sufficient to replace it when the time comes.
  3. We have had three away sessions and two away lunches.
  4. Our annual charity event collected 10,000 baht, matched by another 10,000 by the BCCM to donate to the Boys Home orphanage.
  5. After six years at The Pub, we a searching for a change of venue.  Our thanks to Grahame and Barbara for providing a rent-free place to have our bridge sessions.  The committee inspected a new venue on Wednesday, 11 March, and we will view another today.
  6. The committee would like to thank all who submitted suggestions for a new home.
  7. Welcome to the new committee: Dot Barham, Jim Peukert, Theo DeVisser, Luc Berte, Neil Robinson, Ahjahn Prasong, and John Bales.
  8. Also thank you to all directors and scorers.  Anybody who wishes to be a scorer please contact Dot, Theo or Jim.



Martin Bagnall’s Letter:  In view of the committee consensus that we will need to either pay rent at some future venue or (mandatorily) spend more on food and beverage, a portion of Martin’s letter addresses this topic.   A synopsis of his suggestions follows.

  1. Increase the annual dues from 500 baht to 1,000 baht, and the seasonal dues from 300 baht to 600 baht.
  2. Increase table fees to 100 baht for members, 150 baht for non members.
  3. Have a regular handicapped competition.
  4. Designate an almoner, one who checks on members who are having health issues.

The committee agreed that some form of increase to fund the new venue would be essential.  It was decided that we would look closely at the numbers that could be generated by various forms of increased revenue, and also look at the business expectations of the best candidate for a new home for the club.

A handicapped competition will be researched.

It was felt that enough members checked on the infirmed on their own, that at this time an Almoner was not needed.

Comments from Members.

  1. Cinda Rankin commented that to have a fifteen minute break midway through the session would encourage members to buy drinks and snacks and would give slower tables a chance to catch up.  It was felt that this was a good idea.
  2. Many suggestions were made about renting a space or even buying a space as a permanent home for the club.  The committee said that it would first evaluate the establishment on the agenda for tonight, and if this were unsuitable, we would solicit additional suggestions.  The committee pointed out that the club really needed to stay in the neighborhood because so many members live in proximity to the Pub, so suggestions that were too distant would likely not be viable candidates.
  3. It was suggested also that we evaluate just how many people in total played during the past year so we would have an idea of how much potential business there was for a new venue.  The committee said it would do this.                                                                                      

The meeting was closed by Dot at approximately 5:50 PM.

  BCCM Committee 12 November 2014

Minutes of the BCCM Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 12 November, 2014

In Attendance:    Dot Barham,    Neil Robinson,    John Ford,  Theo DeVisser,  John Bales,    and  Jim Peukert


Item :  Welcome

     The meeting opened promptly at 5:15 PM.  Dot opened the meeting and gave a warm welcome to all committee members in attendance.

Item :  Minutes of the last meeting, matters arising.

     It was decided that there were no matters pending as a result of the last meeting.

Item : Treasurer's report.

The financial picture continues to look good.  See report.

Item:  Charity Bridge and Dinner.

     The Annual Charity Bridge and Dinner will be held on 12 December, 2014, at the normal bridge time of 1:00 PM.  As usual, the charity dinner will be in two phases:  charity bridge for which the playing fee will be 100 baht per person, and a dinner at the pub to be paid to the Pub  by each participant.  All who plan to join the dinner must register with Graham.  Additional charity contributions and both accepted and encouraged.  The proceeds are to go to the same orphanage as was honored last year.  Dot will send an email to all members regarding the details of the event.

Item :  Club Day.

     The Committee elected to have Club Day on Saturday, 17 January, 2015, and this is to replace the regular Friday bridge day on 16 January.  As usual for Club Day, there will be no fees, and there will be a lunch, buffet style, provided by the Pub and funded by the BCCM.  Dot will have Graham create the menu, and reservations will be made through the registrar, Jim P.

Item :  David’s Kitchen

     Due to the success of the last outing at David’s Kitchen, the committee elected to have a repeat on approximately the first Friday in March, subject to availability of booking.  Although the fixed-price luncheon has increased to 300 baht, the committee feels that it is still a good value.

Item  :  The Nest/Away Session

   The next away session, traditionally in early to mid-February, was discussed.  Some felt that the Nest was getting busier, with meals more expensive, and interest by the general membership, although still good, was not as good as last year.  [Attendance in the last two years for the November outing had fallen by 25%.]  The Away Suansawan was brought up, and it was unanimous that the only major complaint had been the experience with the first dinner.  It was thought that if we opted for the Thai buffet instead of the a la carte  menu, the experience would be a good one.  John Bales will research the pricing and availability, and once a date is set, members would register with Jim P. for (a) a room for one or two nights, (b) the buffet, since the resort would need a count, and (c) bridge for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  It was noted that a member can partake of any one of the three events, or all three.

Item :  New Committee Nominations.

     A new committee is elected each February.  The amended rules are as follows:

  1. Only full Annual Members, who are full-time resident in Thailand (one who lives here at least ten or eleven months of the year), are eligible to stand for election;

  2. Any annual member may elect to run, or may be nominated and seconded by any member(s) of BCCM;

  3. Nominations must be received on or before the second Friday in February;

  4. Voting is by email to two independent scorekeepers by the fourth Friday in February;

  5. Results will be announced by email, and posted to the website by the second Friday in March.

     Elected Committee members serve for a period of one calendar year, and they may elect to run for a subsequent terms.  During the discussion one Committee member, John Ford, announced that he would not be running for a second term.  The committee proposed asking Penny Ellis (the previous treasurer, now living on Koh Samui) and Bernard Garwood to be the tally people.

Item  :  Annual General Meeting [AGM].

     The BCCM Committee hosts an AGM on or about the second Friday in March.  This year it was noted that this would occur on Friday, 13 March, 2015.  Notification is sent to all members 14 days prior by email.  The purpose of the meeting is:

  1. Approve the outgoing Committee’s annual report presented by the Chairperson, including a list of ongoing or outstanding business requiring attention or action by the new Committee;

  2. Approve the annual financial report presented by the Treasurer;

  3. Introduce the new Committee.

The AGM requires the presence of the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and one other Committee member, plus any other available Committee members.


Item  : Awards.

     Neil has been the Committee person responsible for choosing and procuring awards.  He pointed out that the last set of trophies were a bargain, which left additional funds allotted for future awards.  He explained that the 800 baht allotted in the past for a trophy was slightly less than the cost of a far superior trophy, and wanted approval for using the excess from the Summer awards to go toward a better Winter trophy.

     The allocations as they stood were 800 baht for the trophy (first place), 500 baht in Pub vouchers for second place, and 300 baht in Pub vouchers for third place.  The second and third place baht allocations will stand, but the Committee agreed that Neil could use the surplus for a slightly more expensive first place trophy.  Neil will be responsible for all award selections and purchases.

Item  :  Computing Time Limits for setup and scoring.

The Committee agreed that slow play as it affects others in the club was unacceptable.  The Committee agreed to monitor and enforce more vigorously the time limits for each hand and for each round.  Late plays would be allowed at the discretion of the Director, not as a matter of course.  It was also noted that assistance (on Monday Play) should not be such that it slows the game, rather, it should be brief and succinct.

Item    All Other Business.

     John Bales pointed out that at the last away session at the Nest he found he had to pay out of pocket for the tea and coffee served in the afternoon.  The amount was approximately 600 baht.  It was decided to reimburse him with the caveat that it should never happen again.  All members should pay personally for any food or drink ordered unless the Committee had previously stated otherwise.


The meeting was closed by Dot at 6:20 PM.

  BCCM Committee 13 August 2014

Minutes of the BCCM Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 13 August, 2014

In Attendance:  Dot Barham, Neil Robinson, John Ford, Theo Devisser, John Bales, and Jim Peukert


Welcome and apologies.

     The meeting began at 5:20 PM.  The Chairperson, Dot, opened the meeting with a warm welcome to all committee members.

Minutes of the last meeting/ matters arising.

     It was decided at the last meeting that supplies would be ordered to bring the club up to date with replacements.  The items ordered were 40 new bidding boxes, 2 new Bridgemates, and enough playing cards to bring the total to 200 decks.

Treasurer's report.

The financial picture continues to look good.  See report.

Club events calendar – review.

     The upcoming events for the next three months are the Friday session at David’s Kitchen, and the next trip to The Nest.  Both will be discussed under separate headings as items nine and ten.

Sunday/Tuesday bridge.

     Sunday bridge will resume on the 7th of September as winter residents arrive.  The time will remain at 1:30 PM.  Tuesday bridge will not be repeated.

Martin’s name on the committee roll as an honorary member.

   The committee invited Martin to be an honorary member but he gracefully declined.  In view of Martin’s decision it was suggested that Martin be given a title such as “Chief Training Officer” and this be listed in a separate list under the committee members listing.

Steve Ault’s resignation.

     All expressed dismay at Steve’s decision to leave the committee and the Friday Directorship.  In view of Steve Ault’s resignation, the committee decided that we could continue with six members instead of seven, at least for the time being.  Dot will assume the Friday Director’s position, and Theo will assume the Monday Director’s position while the scoring responsibilities remain “  as is “.

Bridge movements.

     The club, having had issues in having selected some overly complicated bridge movements, is thankful that both Martin – in a brief letter to the committee – and Neil offered to revamp the selection, with Dot’s assistance, the program offers and eliminate the less desirable options.  Martin has volunteered to give lessons on this to all committee members and any others performing the scoring.

David’s Kitchen.

     The club will have an away session on Friday, 10 October, 2014 at David’s Kitchen.  For those driving, detailed directions will be given, and for those wanting a song thaew, Dot will get a count and have transportation waiting from the Pub and returning.  Dot volunteered to pick up the supplies.  The 240/340 baht deposit (depending on need for song thaew) may be paid to the registrar, Jim P.

The Nest.

     John Bales is organizing the next trip to The Nest on the 6th and 7th of November, checking out on the 8th.  He has organized a list of the rooms with their features both at Nest One and at Nest Two.  The play will be in the covered area next to the pool, and there will be contests and awards.  All may pay the 600 baht deposit to the registrar, Jim.

BCCM Charter document.

     The finalized version of the BCCM Charter will be placed on the Website.

All Other Business.

     It was decided to increase the number of committee dinners from the current one per year to two.  This was done as a thank you for all of those on the committee who voluntarily devote a great deal of time and effort to the running of the club.  The next dinner will be at Perns on the 27th of August.

     The next committee meeting will be on Wednesday, the 12th of November.

The meeting closed at 6:30 PM.

  BCCM Committee 14 May 2014

Minutes of the Committee Meeting of Wednesday, 14 May, 2014


The meeting began at 5:08 PM, 14 May, 2014

In attendance: Dot Barham, Neil Robinson, Jim Peukert, Steve Ault, John Ford, and Theo DeVisser.  John Bales was not available due to a medical condition.

  1.  Welcome.  Dot, as Chairperson, welcomed all of the committee members
  2. Closed Session, member issue.
  1. Regarding the potential readmission of Kristofer Mangnusson, with additional negative information having been provided it was decided that the committee would not allow him to rejoin the club.  The decision is final for the duration of this committee’s tenure, 31 March, 2015.
  2. Regarding member complaints regarding agitated debates between Brian and Marta Liddy, the committee concluded that their  behavior had greatly improveds after discussion between them and both Neil and John Bucher.  It was decided that there would be no censure and that they would be welcomed to return at any future date.
  1.  Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising.
  1.  Trophy awards.  It was decided that all awards would be presented during the Charity event when the largest number of members would be present.
  2. Subscription to the Contract Bridge League of Thailand.  Dot has written three times with no response, but will continue to pursue the matter.
  3. Advert correction to Chang Puak magazine.  The ad will be changed to “contact The Pub.”
  1.  Treasurer’s report.  Dot reported that with no bills outstanding the current bank balance was approximately 188,000 baht plus a small amount of petty cash in the registrar’s purse.
  2. Club events calendar review.  Over the next three Summer months there is an away session planned for 19-21 June, and a committee meeting planned for a yet unnamed date in August. 
  3. The Nest update.  The event planning by Jim P shows us with twenty playing members scheduled to attend the 19-20 June event with a checkout of 2:00 PM on twenty-one June.  There are a total of 22 people and 14 rooms, 13 at Nest Two and one at Nest One. 
  4. Sunday bridge update.  Sunday bridge, which is languishing, will continue status quo since a poll taken indicated that even less would play with a later starting date.  Many sessions have had less that the three tables required for sanctioned duplicate play, and several session have experienced team play.  Jim P is the Sunday director assuming that there will be something at some point to direct.
  5. BCCM Charter Document.  John Somerville has created a template for a club charter based on analogous charters he has written in the past.  The document will be altered to show the current policies and procedures at the BCCM, and then presented to the general membership for approval.
  6. Club equipment. 
  1.  Bidding boxes, Bridgemates, and Cards.  Many of the bidding cards are becoming worn and frayed, some of the Bridgemates have problems and we must find a new source of cards.  It was decided that we would contact Peter Ventura, the representative of the Swedish company making bridge accessories, to place a new order, and to pursue new playing cards with Ann Malaton.  Dot and Theo will review the condition of all supplies to determine what is needed.
  2. Furnishings.   New bridge tables were briefly discussed, but thought to be unnecessary.
  1.   All Other Business.  Neil volunteered to have two more sets of keys made for the storage units. 
  2. Martin’s letter of Suggestions.
  1.  Air Conditioning.  Martin correctly pointed out that the current AC is totally insufficient for the needs of Summer play.  It was decided to pay 100% of the cost to replace the unit that is currently not functional, to be researched by Dot and Theo.
  2. Kristofer Magnusson.  See above.  This matter has been decided.
  3. Lighting.  Martin, again, correctly points out that particularly when there are more than four tables, there are dark spots on the east side of the playing area.  Neil will research and buy two additional lamps.
  4. Bidding Cards.  Many are worn.  See above, this matter has been decided.
  5. Insects.  There are still flying insects during the day.  It was decided that we will have more regular spraying at the club’s cost.
  6. Simultaneous Pairs.  Through the CBLT (Contract Bridge League of Thailand) we can engage with other clubs in simultaneous duplicate play.  There is a minimum of only five tables per club, and scheduling this during winter play would be viable.  The committee decided that this would be good for the club, and Dot is awaiting a reply from the CBLT.
  7. Membership in the CBLT.  Again, Dot is awaiting their reply.


  BCCM Committee 19 March 2014


The meeting began at 5:06 PM on 19 March, 2014

In attendance: Dot Barham, Neil Robinson, Jim Peukert, Steve Ault, John Ford, and Theo DeVisser.  John Bales was not available due to a medical condition.


Item 1:  Assignment of positions, posts, and jobs on the committee.



Presides and creates agendas

Dot Barham


Maintains financial records

Dot Barham

Bank signatory

Must not be treasurer

Stewart and Tri (no change)


Writes the minutes

Jim Peukert

Membership Secretary

Updates member lists, emails

John Ford

Inventory and supplies

Cards, trophies, bidding boxes, etc.

Neil Robinson

Website Manager

Updates the webpage

Theo DeVisser

IT person

Computer software knowledge needed

Eric Barham


Contact Person/ Official information source

Receives all messages from both members and non-members

Steve Ault

Session Registrar

Collects playing fees and membership Dues

Mondays: Jim Peukert



Wednesdays: Jim Peukert



Fridays: Jim Peukert



Sundays: Jim Peukert

Session Directors

Briefs playing members on the movements, settles points of contention by applying WBF rules

Mondays: Dot Barham



Wednesdays: Neil Robinson



Fridays: Steve Ault




Sundays: Jim Peukert


Prepares the movement before the game and update the website after the game

Monday: Theo Devisser



Wednesday: Tri



Fridays: Dot



Sundays: Tri

Card Dealer

Uses the dealing machine to predeal hands for all four sessions

John Ford

Away Sessions

Organizes and books the away sessions.

John Bales, with assistance from other club members.





2. Additions to the events calendar.



Committee Meeting







28 April, 2014

Neil Robinson



Quarterly Committee Meeting

14 May, 2014

All seven new committee members



Possible Away Session


John Bales and others





All Com. members



















Committee Meeting






Committee Meeting


All Comm. Members.



Prize Giving





Possible Away Session


John Bales and others



Charity Bridge


Committee collective effort



Committee Meeting


All Comm. Members



Club Day





Committee Meal




Winter, continued



New Committee Nominations










Results Announced





Possible Away Session






Mid March




New Committee Meeting














Item 3:  Trophy Awards.

  1.  First place will receive a trophy.  Special consideration was given since Marta and Brian have won first place for both Winter Pairs and Friday Pairs.
  2. Second place will receive a 500 baht Pub voucher.  Some discussion followed as to whether this was too much.  It was left as is.
  3. Third place will receive a 300 baht Pub voucher.
  4. Most improved will receive a trophy.

Item 4:  Subscription to the CBLT for approximately 800 baht was to be Dot’s responsibility.

Item 5:  Addressing the incorrect information regarding dates of play in the Chiang Mai publication Chang Puak magazine.  It was decided to have visitors contact Steve instead of including any times or dates.

Item 6:  Annual Membership fees collection will continue, with reminders to be given.  Currently we are about the same as last year at this time.

Item 7:  Documents Pending.  A copy of the sample charter written by John Sommerville (thank you, John) was distributed to each member to be studied prior to the next meeting in May.

Item 8:  Website renewal.  Stewart will transfer the required 40 pounds to the Website manager and be reimbursed by the club.

Item 9:  Change of venue.  All past discussions of a change of venue were discussed.  It was noted that virtually all of the member complaints, including the towels, mosquitos, leaky roof, and feral cats had been addressed by Graham and Barbara and had been resolved.  In view of the excellent response by the Pub to all complaints the committee voted unanimously to stay at the Pub and not review a change of venue for the remainder of the new committee’s tenure.

Item 10:  All Other Business.

  1.  Martin has offered and the committee overwhelmingly approved the resumption of beginner bridge instruction.
  2. Regarding late arrivals, without exception all late arrivals must phone Jim P at 0844813280.  Because the movement must be selected based on the number of pairs, this is absolutely necessary, and without such a call or at a minimum a verbal message from a bridge partner, the late arriving pair will not be permitted to play. 


The meeting closed  at 6:30 PM.

Minutes were composed by Jim Peukert.

  BCCM AGM 7 March 2014


The meeting began promptly at 4:10 PM, Chaired by Stewart Simpson.


There was an opening comment by club members Val and Ross complimenting the committee for overseeing an efficient and fun club.

  1. A review of the year, 2013-2014.
  1. A thank you to the founding members of the club.
  2. The year set a record for the largest number of paid attendance on 3 January, 2014 of 14 ½ tables.
  3. The committee met six times throughout the year rather than the preset four meetings because of items arising and pressing business.
  4. A thank you to the registrar/secretary, Jim Peukert.
  5. Our dealing machine dealt over 7,000 hands, or 1,359 tables for the year.
  6. The visit from 14 of the members of the Tanglin Club of Singapore was a big success, for which they sent the BCCM a plaque in appreciation.
  7. There were two away sessions to the Nest, organized by Sheila and Stewart, and one away session to the Away at Suansawan, organized by Stewart.  All three sessions were enjoyed by all.
  8. BCCM through the charity Christmas event raised 20,000 baht for the Boys Home.
  9. A possible change of venue had been discussed and explored, leaving further discussion for the new committee.
  10. 24 new Chairs and three new fans were purchased.
  11. Seven books of instruction on the dealing machine and the Bridgemate software were prepared by Dot to facilitate a transition from the old committee to the new.
  12. A special thank you was given by the departing committee to the members and to the Pub.
  1. Financial Report.
  1.  The largest spending amounts were on bridge supplies (Chairs, fans, a new computer, and playing cards), food (club day and the fifth anniversary party), and charity (the Boys Club).
  2. The current cash balance is 141,000 baht, which was pointed out that this was almost enough to replace the dealing machine should the occasion arise.


  1. Membership.
  1. In March of 2012 there were 32 members.
  2. In March of 2013 there were 55 members.
  3. Currently, in March 2014, there are 112 members.


  1.  Pending items.
  1.  We must renew our membership to the CBLT, the Contract Bridge League of Thailand.
  2. Mosquito zappers and regular spraying will help with mosquito control.


  1. Member questions and comments.
  1.  John Somerville suggested that we develop a charter or constitution to have a written statement of procedure, purpose, and goals.  He volunteered to create a template that could be edited or expanded.
  2.   Bernard pointed out that minutes from all meetings are available on our website.
  3.   Stewart commented that we had revised and posted to the website our zero tolerance and ethics standards.


  1.  The new committee.
  1.  The new committee consists of Neil Robinson, Dot Barham, Jim Peukert, John Bales, John Ford, Steve Ault, and Theo DeVisser.
  2. The new committee will have a preliminary meeting on 19 March, 2014 primarily to divide responsibilities and have the first official meeting in early May.
  3. The new committee will take effect on 1 April, 2014.

The meeting ended at 4:40 PM, Friday, 7 March, 2014.

  BCCM Committee 29 January 2014

Bridge Club of Chiang Mai


Committee Meeting Minutes of 29 January, 2014


In Attendance:   Stewart Simpson, John Bucher, Neil Robinson, Bernard Garwood, Dot Barham, Jim Peukert.

The meeting was opened by the current chairperson, Stewart Simpson, at 5:20 PM on Wednesday, 29 January, 2014.  The meeting will follow the agenda as prepared by Stewart, with comments on action points from the previous meeting, 27 November, 2013, and with responses to members’ letters on matters of concern.


Topic 1:  Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising.

The following are action points from the last meeting and the progress made on each.

Chairs: Bernard and Stewart had agreed to research and purchase an additional 12 chairs.  This was accomplished.

Playing Cards: Bernard had agreed to research a legal source for playing cards.  He is still researching this, and has tentatively found a Chinese source, but currently there are enough cards for a change out for the summer session.

Alerts: Neil had agreed to create a revised version of an alert system to be used by club members.  He has finalized this, and will present the system at the Away session on 7 February, 2014.

Competition Rules: Neil agreed to rewrite the competition rules to reflect that no one is barred from winning any number of awards.  Neil has done this.

Sunday League Play: John agreed to create a format for Sunday league play to be tested during the summer months.  In the interim John created a survey on attitudes toward Sunday play.  The outcome showed little or no interest except from those that are already playing on Sunday.  The league play, tested successfully on club day, was put on hold.

Club Day: John, Bernard, and Jim agreed to organize club day.  Club day used a handicapped league play created by John, and even with an unforeseen attendance glitch, the system worked well.

Website Clear up: Bernard agreed to clear up the website if necessary.  He found that there was actually ample storage and no need to edit past years’ data.


Topic 2: Treasurer’s Report.

Dot presented an updated spreadsheet showing income and expenses.  The current balance of 141,000 baht, plus petty cash of 1,700 baht and the registrar’s purse of 7,000 baht, is approximately the same as it was at the last meeting.  This is after paying for Chairs (about 9,000 baht), the charity event (10,000 baht matching members’ donations), and club day (22,400 baht).

Topic 3: Arrangements for the Away Session, Thursday 6 February through Saturday 8 February.

Stewart reported that there are now 50 people that will attend, 44 of those being bridge players to make exactly 11 tables, and a total of 29 rooms, all either superior or deluxe rooms as opposed to standard rooms.  He will send out room allocation and a map ahead of time.  As for bridge play, Thursday night will be casual bridge with hand scoring, Friday play will be our normal Friday Bridge, and Saturday we will have a competition run by Neil.  There will be a three-course Western menu on both nights, with specials on wine and beer, and a special 100 baht corkage fee for wine brought by members.  The Thai food buffet will not be available due to an insufficient number of members having requested this.  Stewart will make one final trip to the resort on Thursday, 30 January, 2014, to finalize details.

Topic 4: Date for Annual General Meeting and Format.

The date presented by Stewart and approved by the committee is 7 March, 2014.  Stewart’s suggested agenda was as follows:

  1. Annual report from Chair and thanks to outgoing committee.
  2. Treasurer’s report.
  3. Membership secretary’s report.
  4. Any other relevant AGM business.
  5. Questions by members (added at Neil’s suggestion).

All approved this agenda.

Topic 5: Arrangements for Election to Committee.

It was briefly discussed and decided to continue restricting committee members to those who reside virtually full-time in Chiang Mai.  In addition a suggestion to obtain a candidate’s approval before submitting his or her name was unanimously approved.  The timetable for the election as suggested by Stewart was as follows:

  1.  Names for nomination are to be submitted by the 15th of February, 2014.
  2.  Voting will be from Sunday the 16th of February to Monday the 24th of February, inclusive of those dates.  There will be 7 votes per member.
  3. The results will be announced Friday the 28th of February.  An exact vote count will be available on the website.
  4. AGM on Friday, the 7th of March, 2014, at 4:00 PM.  The Friday Bridge session will begin one hour early, at noon.
  5. The first meeting of the new committee will be on Wednesday the 19th of March, 2014.  This will give a twelve day overlap before the end of the current committee on the 31st of March, 2014.  Training on computer software and procedures will take place during this period.

Penny Ellis has agreed to act as one of the tellers for the election and Stewart will enlist another, neutral, teller to assist her. The committee agreed to this arrangement.

Topic 6: Education system for Alerts.

As previously stated, Neil will present the alert system at the away session and the three sessions following during the week of the 10th of February to the 16th of February, 2014.

Topic 7: Sunday Session Summer 2014.

John had taken a survey on Club Day to see if his newly created handicapped system would spark additional interest in Sunday play, and the result was that those who had not participated in Sunday play were not enticed by John’s well-conceived handicapped play.  In view of the negative results of the survey, new ideas regarding Sunday Bridge were discussed.  John suggested cancelling it for the summer, leaving players free to play on their own.  Neil’s idea of starting later, say, at 2:30 PM, and ending with a dinner at 7:30 PM was well received by the committee.  It was decided that we would try this for a month to see if additional interest was created.  Additionally, Members will not be required to pay table fees for the first month of the Summer Season for Sunday play.

Topic 8: Arrangements for the Club Birthday Party, Friday, 28 February, 2014.

The party will be held at Neil’s home on the 28th of February, 2014. The following points were made:

  1. All who plan to attend must register (with the Registrar, Jim P).
  2. Members plus spouses and significant others may attend.
  3. A map will be furnished by Neil.
  4. There will be carpooling from the Pub.
  5. There will be no cost to the members.

Topic 9: All Other Appropriate Business.

Dot suggested an outing to DK Restaurant, who has invited the club to play for either a lunch or dinner at a special price.  Dot will research this and suggest a date at some time in the future.

Topic 10: Input from members.

  1. Dorothy Portch has noted that the women’s restroom is often without towels.  After a brief discussion the committee agreed that this is a problem and we then voted in favor of paying to replenish the Pub’s depleted supply of towels.
  2. Luc Berte has suggested that the current system of early arrivals reserving a north-south position and, hence, avoiding a sit-out is unfair.  He suggests either allocating north-south, or alternating the sit-out from east-west to north-south.  In the discussion that pursued Jim noted that assigning seats in the past had not worked; many forgot or ignored their assignment only to have too many north-south pairs.  John said he would look in to swapping sit-outs between E/
    W and N/S.  It was noted that for a Mitchell movement that is was not possible to swap sit outs….it must be E/W
  3. Connie suggested bringing back Monday tutorials, e.g. a verbal lesson with preset practice hands.  All agreed that the tutorials were beneficial.  But it was pointed out that they were done at a time when the club averaged about four tables; now that Mondays are as many as ten or eleven tables, the logistics would be far more difficult.  The committee felt that the addition of a permanent floater, sometimes two, along with a spirit of helpfulness at the table has kept Monday bridge casual and educational.
  4. Mike Neun commented that proper behavior should be enforced at all bridge sessions.  He pointed out one individual in particular that was often abusive in his language.  Others had complained, and the individual agreed last week to correct this behavior.  Since then there has been a marked improvement, and the committee was hopeful that the situation was remedied.
  5. Sheila has made comments on three topics.  First, she suggested a change of venue from the Pub to some other establishment.  She cites many issues with the Pub including the leaky roof, the mosquitoes, the feral cats, and the ladies’ restroom.  While the committee agrees that there are items that must be corrected at the Pub, we also noted many of the benefits of remaining, such as the convenient location , the ease of storage, the size, the air conditioning, and parking.  We also noted that moving would not be an easy task, and a new location would have to be fully on board with all of this, including a mounted large screen, file cabinets, and storage.  Since this is a very major issue requiring a great deal of research, and since we are nearing the end of this committee’s tenure, Committee Members believed that this issue would best be discussed at a future meeting of the New Committee.

Second, Sheila commented that enforcement of the club’s etiquette and zero tolerance policy had become lax.  The committee decided that reminders of our policy would become a part of each director’s introductory speech.

Third, Sheila noted that all letters written to the committee by members as well as the committee’s response should be made available in the committee meeting notes.  This has been done for this session and will be done for all future sessions.


As this was the final meeting of the Current Committee, the Chairperson sincerely thanked all members of the Committee for their service and hard work on behalf of the Bridge Club. Committee members paid tribute to Stewart for all his substantial efforts put into the club.


Thank all of you for making our club a great group of people.

Warmest regards,

Jim Peukert, club secretary                  








  BCCM Committee 27 November 2013



Committee Meeting Minutes of 27 November, 2013


The meeting was opened by the current chairperson, Stewart Simpson, at 5:15 PM on Wednesday, 27 November, 2013.  The meeting is to follow the agenda presented by Stewart, which includes issues both from the previous meeting of 28 August, 2013, and those raised by members of the club.

Topic 1: Closed session on sensitive issues.  To summarize, emphasis was placed on keeping the club focused on the congenial, friendly attitude of the entire membership, and in keeping with this, it was decided that the committee should avoid taking sides in personal disputes.  It was also decided that this congenial nature was enhanced by the atmosphere of The Pub.

Topic 2: Minutes of the previous meeting.  The following were action points of the previous meeting.

John Bucher agreed to price and replace the current (aging) computer.  This was accomplished with the purchase of a new computer.  [Reference the Treasurer’s report for financial details.]

John Bucher agreed to create a convention card format for members to use.  This was accomplished.

Tri agreed to shop for trophies.  This was accomplished.

All agreed that we should direct more of the members’ attention toward keeping to time.  This will be an ongoing effort.

Topic 3:  Treasurer’s report.  Dot constructed a very complete report of income and expenses and current status, which is available for view by members on the website.  There is a current bank balance of approximately 140,000 baht, and the primary potential liability is the eventual need to replace the dealing machine.  The cost of this would be greater than our current balance.  Eric has given great effort in maintaining the machine, and the committee is in his debt for this.

Topic 4:  Supplies.  Listing by item:

Playing cards.  There is a need to keep playing cards constantly updated to avoid damage to the dealing machine.  Currently we have 184 decks, roughly a six month supply.  It has been found that a new contact of Chinese playing cards would be less costly and easier to ship than those previously purchased from Sweden.  To adhere to Thai law, the cards would need the official Thai stamp.   Action point:  Bernard will research legally sourcing playing cards.

Tablecloths.  The club has purchased and has in use a number of new tablecloths to replace those that were worn.  There is no immediate need for additional tablecloths.

Chairs.  The club had purchased 12 folding chairs, but foreseeing future needs, another 12 are needed.  Action Point:  Stewart and Bernard will attend to this matter.

Bidding boxes.  The club currently has new, unused bidding boxes in sufficient quantity for the immediate future.

Topic 5:  Alerts; Neil’s alert system.

     From membership suggestions came (1) alerting and defining all 1NT and 2NT bids, (2) alerting every Acol bid, (3) alerting weak-two responses, and (4) alerting stayman and transfers.  Neil commented that this would be far too many alerts, making them rhetorical and meaningless.  Neil stated that opening short-club bids should be alerted as well as 5-card minor suit openings and non-weak two bids.  Also, for the sake of brevity, vocal alerts should be acceptable.  Action point:  Neil will send out a revised version of the alert system to be used by the club members.

Topic 6: Competition Rules.  

The discussion centered around the fact that the old rules precluded a member from winning more than one award.  All agreed that this was unfair, that if a person or a pair should win a competition, they should receive an award.  To answer the criticism that the often the same pairs continually win awards, John Bucher proposed a handicap system, not unlike a bowling handicap.  The three flights, or levels of play, would carry awards on a handicap basis for each flight; These awards would be in addition to the current awards.  Action Item: Neil will rewrite the competition rules.

Topic 7: Sunday session.

Suggestions were made to spur interest in the Sunday session with a variety of options.  Among the options were (1) league play with teams, (2) adding a meal, possibly at the start, and (3) a handicap system.  John suggested changing Sunday play to a handicap league with 4 levels of handicap based on a statistical model of historic results.  It was agreed that the club would do a “dry run” of this system for the Summer Sunday play, with plans to implement it for Winter Sunday play.    Action Item: John will propose a league play system.

Topic 8:  Annual Charity Event.  

The annual charity event scheduled for the 20th of December will be the special player fee of 100 baht per person, as was last year, and will include an optional Christmas dinner at a price to be determined.  There will be no performance, and bridge will proceed as normal duplicate bridges.  As last year, the proceeds will be donated to a children’s home.

Topic 9:  Club day.  For Club day, on the 18th of January, 2014, a team play will be used as suggested by John.  Action Point: Jim and Bernard will assist in organizing the event.

Topic 10: The next away session.  For the next away session to be held at the “Away” resort on the 6th through the 8th of February, 2014, Dot and Stewart will handle the bookings and event planning.

Topic 11:  Proposed celebration to mark our fifth anniversary as the Bridge Club of Chiang Mai.  Neil has volunteered to host the event at his home.  The event will take place on the date of the founding, 28 February, 2014, and will be hors d’oeuvres from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM.  The committee proposed contributing 10,000 baht toward the cost of the event, and the proposal was accepted by unanimous vote.

Topic 12:  Website clear up.  Bernard has noticed that there is too much unnecessary historical information on the website.  Using three years as a limit of data was thought to be an acceptable level.  Action Point: Bernard will first decide how much data can be stored, and then propose eliminating old data on a regular basis if need be.

Topic 13:  Other competent business.  

It was decided that the club would pay – particularly during the rainy season – for regular fumigation at the Pub.  The committee also considered co-opting the installation of electronic “zappers” as an additional precautionary measure. 

 Also, per a member’s request, the committee briefly discussed assigning North-South, East-West positions as members paid their fees.  All committee members recalled that this was attempted in the past, and it ended in utter chaos and failure so it was decided that this would not be done.

Finally, there was a proposal of raising the playing fee to include a voucher for the Pub.  Graham responded that this was unnecessary and would create a logistical problem.

The meeting was closed at 6:40 PM, 27 November, 2013.

Brief summary of action points:

     Chairs: Bernard and Stewart

     Playing Cards: Bernard

     Alerts: Neil

     Competition rules:  Neil

     Sunday league play: John

     Club day: Bernard and Jim

     Website clear up: Bernard



  BCCM Committee 28 August 2013

The Committee of BCCM met on 28 August 2013.  Committee members present were:  Stewart Simpson, Dot Barham, John Bucher, Jim Peukert, Montri Wongkhamla, Neil Robinson and Bernard Garwood.

1.  Welcome:
The meeting was opened by Stewart who gave his thanks to all for their hard work and many hours spent in service to the Club.

2.  Minutes of the meeting of 26 June 2013:
In a quick review of the minutes of the last meeting, it was noted that all items proposed for accomplishment by various Committee members had been done, except for the creation of convention cards for each Committee member.

3.  Matters Arising:
Concern was raised by Dot about the future potential cost of repairing and/or replacing our dealing machine.  The cost of a new machine is significant, approximately 140,000 baht.  It was commented that even though the life of the machine was estimated to be 100,000 hands dealt (about 15 years at our present usage), other clubs had indicated that substantial sums of money may be needed for maintenance and general overhaul long before replacement is needed.

4.  Treasurer's  Report:
Dot reported that the bank balance was currently 108,263 baht and petty cash was 12,000 baht, totaling 120,263 baht.  The registrar (Jim) noted that in addition to this there was a substantial amount in the pouch from the collection of playing fees which had not yet been turned over to the treasurer Dot.

5.  Convention Cards and Alerting:
It had been agreed at the last Committee meeting that all committee members would create a convention card in order to set an example to the rest of the club. Three of the seven had done so. In addition, it was noted that only two or three of the non-committee members had ever used convention cards.  In spite of the current lack of participation, the convention card would be a good thing for all members to have and they wold show consideration for visitors. Jim suggested an extremely abbreviated form, specifically a simple list of conventions used by a given partnership. John agreed that the ACBL form was difficult to read and that some kind of simplified form should be used, but not just a list.  He agreed to create such a form.  Stewart commented that since Wednesday Pairs is intended to be a more strict display of duyplicate play, we should make it a goal to have all Wednesday players use a convention card, abbreviated or otherwise.  John and Neil agreed that leads and signals were perhaps the most important pieces of information to be included on a convention card.  The concensus was that in spite of the difficulties in convincing the general membership of the merits of a convention card, and the added burden of having each pair create one, the program was worth pursuing.

6.  Alerts:
Neil opened the discussion on Alerts by passing out a suggested list of those bids in the BCCM that should and should not be alerted.  The Committee generally agreed with Neil that there are many infringements in the use/non-use of the Alert card.  Neil pointed out that he had tailored the list to our Club and the Club use of Standard American bidding.  He also noted that in using this list rather than the ACBL list, this would result in relatively few alerts and that, in fact, many members would never have occasion to alert any bid.  Finally, it was noted that although this was a fairly intricate list, it need be read only once for a given pair to know what they must alert.
It was agreed that this list would be reviewed and commented on, as necessary, by Committee members before the next meeting.  The final list would be agreed upon at the next meeting and subsequently the information handed out at a regular bridge session.

7.  Results of Survey on Away Sessions:
For the sake of this topic, Stewart created and and emailed a survey to all club members regarding their feelings on away sessions.  Dot compiled the results of this survey.

The significant results of this survey were (1) nearly all wanted to continue organizing away events, (2) about one-half wanted two events per year and also about one-half wanting more than two, (3) slightly less than one-half wanted to keep The Nest as our principal destination, and (4) almost all wanted to consider alternative destinations.

In response to this survey, Stewart and Murray spent time visiting alternative resorts in close proximity to Chiang Mai.  Their favorite was Away Suansawan Centara, located just north of Chiang Mai, off of the Mae Rim - Samoeng Road, about 20 kilometers from The Pub.  All Committee members felt that the rooms were far better with more amenities, and considering the complimentary full breakfast, the price was competitive with The Nest.  All Committee members felt that the meeting facilities were first class.  It was noted that the restaurant menu, although limited, was a better value than that of The Nest.  It was decided to book the resort with the minimum commitment of 20 rooms for 6th of February 2014 to 8th Februry 2014 (Thursday through Saturday).

8.  Calendar of Events:
In addition to the away sessions, two events were discussed:  The Annual Christmas Charity Event and our Club Day.

The Committee decided that the Christmas Charity event will be re-named The Annual Charity Event and it is scheduled for 20th December 2013.  In contrast to previous years, it was decided that the format will be a regular duplicate bridge session as opposed to the variations done in previous years.  Table fees of 100 baht will be collected and the amount will be matched by the Club, with the total being donated to a designated charity.  

Club Day in January 2014, will be organized by John and Stewart.

9.  Review of Sunday Session:
It has been shown that the Summer Sunday attendance has fallen off considerably.  This has been addressed to the membership to little avail.  Neil noted that winter numbers are not a problem, but he suggested changing the format for the summer meetings.  Some suggestions were to (1) change to an evening venue, (2) change to a dinner event, and (3) to have a separate competition or perhaps even a monthly contest strictly for Summer Sundays.  The matter was put on hold until the next meeting, continuing the status quo until next April.

10.  New Computer:
All Directors agreed that the current computer has had some malfunctions during the last six months, delaying play and losing information.  The Committee agreed unanimously that a new computer would be beneficial, and likely not too expensive.  John was tasked with reporting on a reasonably priced computer that would meet our requirements.  It was estimated that the cost would be under 25,000 baht.

12.  Awards for Summer Session:
The Committee quickly decided that snce Tri has procured the trophies in the past, he shold continue to do so for the Summer Session awards, with a trophy for 1st Place and 500 and 300 baht vouchers respectively for 2nd and 3rd place.  The awards will be presented in early November.  Bernard will assist Tri in the trophy acquisition.

13.  Friday Directing:
Since Stewart is to be gone from this weekend until the 27th of October, a replacement director is needed for the Friday sessions.  Bernard volunteered for the job and will be assisted by Dot and Tri.

14.  Stop Cards:
Steve Ault had sent a letter concerning stop cards and their use/misuse.  His point was that stop cards are intended to force the next bidder (LHO) to pause for ten seconds after a jump bid.  The reason for this, as Steve correctly points out, is so that an immediate pass by the LHO as opposed to a long pause would/could not convey unauthorized information to his/her partner.  All agreed that the Club has not enforced this rule.  Neil pointed out that the ACBL rules make stop cards optional for a particular pair, who must either always use them for a skip bid or never use them. After careful deliberation, the Committee decided to continue the use of the stop cards, since the discontinuation would create confusion.

In conjunction with the Stop card discussion it was decided that slow play should be discouraged at each table, and appropriate announcements will be made in the future.  Directors, it was stated, should enforce the time restrictions.

15.  Action Items:
John Bucher will price a replacement computer
John Bucher will create an abbreviated convention card
Stewart will make reservations at the Away.
Tri and Bernard will shop for trophy

Wed 28, Aug 2013 @ 6:50 PM




  BCCM Committee 26 June 2013
MINUTES – Meeting of 26 June, Bridge Club of Chiang Mai


The Bridge Club of Chiang Mai Committee met at the Pub on Wednesday 26 June, following the regular bridge session.


1.   Opening of Meeting and Comments from Stewart

2.   Approval of Minutes of Meetings of March 13 & June 5.

3.   Treasurer's Report

3.   Supplies Report

5.   Club Etiquette, Zero Tolerance and other policies

6.   Revision of Voting Arrangements (for Committee)

7.   Club Committee expenditures

8.   Furniture and Chairs

9    Ventilation

10.  Alerting

11.  Time allotted for play of Boards

12.  Visiting Bridge Club from Singapore

13.  Date of next meeting

14.  Any other Competent Business






Stewart called the meeting to order.  Members present were:

Stewart Simpson, Dot Barham, Montri Wongkhamla, Neil Robinson and Bernard Garwood.  Absent were:  John Bucher and Jim Peukert.


Stewart welcomed Neil Robinson as a new Committee member.  Neil, a former Committee member, replaces Martin Bagnall who had resigned since the last meeting of this Committee.  Stewart also conveyed apologies from Committee member Jim Peukert who was unable to attend this meeting.  The Chair also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the Committee members for volunteering their time and efforts toward creating a smooth running club.


2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 13 & June 5.

The minutes of the meetings of March 13 and June 5 were approved as listed on the website, with the exception of one change to the March 13 minutes.   Those original minutes recorded the winning pair for the Winter Pairs competition as Denny Abrahamsson and Kristofer Magnusson (who had been expelled from the Club) and that any trophy awarded for that event would have both of their names shown. 

Subsequent behavior, however, from Mr. Magnusson,  prompted the Committee to change this decision, and while the trophy was ordered, it is inscribed with the words "Denny Abrahamsson and Partner" and that is the trophy that will be presented to Denny Abrahamsson upon his return to Chiang Mai.


Dot moved that the Committee accept the June 5 minutes as they are and also the corrected March 13 minutes as just outlined.  Bernard seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.



Treasurer Dot reported that we are in good shape financially that our total cash on hand is not an attempt on the part of the Committee to accumulate funds and that we should keep in mind that the Club is growing and so we do require some form of contingency fund to purchase equipment and supplies as needed.


In the interest of openness and transparency, Stewart proposed that the Committee send out via email to each paid-up member, following each Committee meeting, the report of the financial standing of the Club, our income and outgoings, so that the members can see how the Club funds are used.

This proposal was met with unanimous approval by the Committee and will be implemented within a few days of the posting of these minutes to our website.


It was proposed at an earlier Committee meeting that we purchase a second display monitor similar, perhaps smaller, to the unit we now have inside our playing area.  This monitor would be installed in the outside covered playing area and used in a similar manner for our players as the inside unit.


No action has been taken at this point on this idea and it was agreed that the matter would be referred to John Bucher for his further input and advice on getting this item for future use.



Bernard reported that nothing is critical at the moment with supplies.  A new source for our playing cards is being investigated by Bernard and Tri as our previous source via salesman Peter Ventura is no longer available and we are looking at possibly purchasing cards through one of the Bangkok bridge clubs.


5.  CLUB ETIQUETTE - ZERO TOLERANCE and other policies

Since the last Committee meeting, the Club's Zero Tolerance Policy and Club Etiquette Policy have been under revision.  The Committee expressed thanks to Martin for his initial interest in doing this and with Bernard and Stewart following up.

The revised versions were recently sent out to all Committee members for their input as well as to all Club members for their comments.  Stewart expressed thanks to everyone who took time to look over these documents and to submit to him their thoughts and recommendations.


Comments on Club Etiquette and Zero Tolerance received from the members covered the following:


BridgeMate scoring device, use and handling

Negative Comments during play

Use of Convention Cards

Proficiency at bridge as a measure for club membership

Declarer handling or touching of dummy's cards

Placement of dummy's cards on the table

Re-admission of an expelled member

Asking the meaning of a bid

The Committee had the following thoughts on the above and those ideas will be reflected in the re-wording of the Zero Tolerance and Etiquette Guide before they are posted as final documents on our website:


Use of the BridgeMate

It was agreed that much of the "problem" with using the BridgeMate is that too many people are handling it, with too many "buttons" being pushed.  New guidance will be coming soon, which will address that problem.


Negative Comments During Play

The current Etiquette Guide says, "DO NOT, at any time, offer negative comments…….etc., etc."   It was agreed that this is rather restrictive and it was agreed that the wording would be modified.


The Committee realizes this is a tricky area, for there is a familiarity between long-term partnerships, for example, that could lead to "abrupt" comments between them at times.  Such partnerships are generally used to this.


Use common sense and civility in all situations.  Comments and questions to and between players at the table should be phrased in a pleasant manner.


Use of Convention Cards

Stewart proposed that this be implemented and that the Committee could lead by example here.  It was generally felt that all partnerships that play regularly together should have a Convention Card but that the use of them for everyone should be phased in over time. 

Neil proposed, and the Committee agreed,  that we adopt Stewart's idea and that we as Committee members that play with regular partners have our convention card by the time of the next meeting.


Proficiency at bridge as a measure for club membership

Some suggested that this phrase be removed from the guidelines governing acceptance of new members.  The Committee disagreed, feeling that this statement addresses only the offering of membership into the Club.  It does not speak to how the Club might best work with a totally new, weak or novice player once they are accepted.


Declarer handling or touching of dummy's cards

There was a question as to whether declarer can touch or play the cards in dummy.  Technically, if the dummy player is there, dummy should play the card.  The law does state that the declarer plays from dummy by naming the card he/she wants and then dummy plays the card.  But there are times in our Club when dummy is away from the table and in these cases, that rule is of course relaxed.


Placement of dummy's cards on the table

A comment was received to the effect that dummy's cards should be placed properly, i.e., not too far into center of the table.  The Committee agrees but recognizes that we have tables of different dimensions, chairs of different heights, players whose eyesight might not be the best, glare, etc., etc. and often this placement is so the declarer can see the cards better.  North can monitor this for fairness.


Re-Admission of an expelled member

A member pointed out that the wording was problematic within the phrase "…..on the request to accept or decline the request…."   We will re-word the phrase.


Asking the meaning of a bid

A member had a question was about the Etiquette Guide's reference to asking about the meaning of a bid.  The Committee will re-phrase the text here to indicate any player may ask the meaning of a bid when it is that player's turn to bid or play, and the question must be put to the bidder's partner rather than the player who made the bid.



The Committee will make changes to the procedure for our email voting for new Committee members beginning next election, to ensure total clarity and openness.  All email votes will be sent simultaneously to two (2) "neutral" parties selected by the Committee.  "Neutral" party being someone who has no connection by marriage, partnership, relative, etc. to any member standing for election.

The final voting from the two neutral parties will be compared for equality of totals and the total votes for each candidate will be posted at the end of the voting time frame.

These neutral tellers will keep members votes strictly confidential.  Only total votes for each candidate will be reported, and not any information on how individual members voted.



Stewart proposed that all purchases for Club item(s) that are 500 baht or more in total cost be cleared for purchase through the Committee.  Items less than 500 baht total would not need approval.  The committee unanimously approved.



The Committee will take no action on repairing or replacing chair or furniture items until guidance and consultation from the Pub management. The Committee agreed that a stock of temporary chairs be purchased in the meantime. Bernard and Stewart to investigate and report back to the Committee.




Same approach as with the furniture and chairs. The Committee agreed that a few floor fans be purchased to assist with ventilation in the meantime. Bernard and Stewart to investigate and report back to the Committee.




Neil indicated that the system of "Alerting" varies from locale to locale and suggested we come up with an alert system based on the ACBL guidelines, with appropriate modifications, that would be suitable for our Club.  Neil is to follow up on this and give us guidelines and suggested approach.



It was decided that for the time being we will leave the time per boards set at 8 to 8.5 minutes per board, depending on the session.



A Singapore bridge club, who will be visiting Chiang Mai in August and has expressed interest in playing bridge at our Club while they are here, has contacted Stewart.  They will provide more details as they get nearer to their arrival date and all members will be alerted.  This should be a fun event for them and us!



The Committee set Wednesday 28th August 2013 as date of the next Committee meeting.



An inquiry was received from a member after the regular Agenda was printed, as to whether the Club would benefit from a formal Constitution, or By-Laws.  The Committee felt that due to our size we don't need that type structure at the moment and that our current Zero Tolerance and Etiquette Rules will serve us for the time being. However the Committee agreed that the situation would be kept under review.



Stewart and the entire Committee were very pleased with the member response to the revision of the two documents and the Committee wants to assure all members that our goal is to promote fairness and openness in all that we do and to create a fun environment in which to enjoy a game of bridge.


In this spirit, the Committee asks that members keep your Committee and Chair aware of your thoughts and ideas to make improvements.  Please, if you have any such suggestions,  comments or complaints about our playing facility, then contact Stewart or a Committee member.


Bernard Garwood

Acting Secretary

  BCCM Committee 5 June 2013

Minutes of Committee Meeting of 5 June 2013


Committee members present:  Stewart Simpson, Bernard Garwood, Dot Barham, Montri Wongkhamla, Jim Peukert and John Bucher.

The meeting was held at the Pub following our regular bridge session, for the purpose of considering a replacement for

committee member Martin Bagnall who had resigned, and also to discuss re-arrangements of Directors for the various

sessions and to adjust a few job assignments within the Committee.


Stewart opened the meeting by expressing regret that Martin had resigned and saying that Martin's presence, guidance and performance

have always been a great advantage to the Club and the members.  Stewart also expressed the Club's sincere thanks to Sheila for her

generous assistance to the Committee in the past in organizing Club events.

The Committee then agreed that we should fill the position that Martin had vacated and that the replacement should be chosen in

accordance with the results of the previous membership voting for the Club Committee members.  Based on those results, the top seven

names were appointed to the Committee.  With Martin's resignation then, the eighth name on the original voting would be in line to fill the

  1.  The eighth name was Neil Robinson, who was subsequently contacted by the Committee and Neil agreed to accept the position on

the Committee.


Martin  52 Votes;  Stewart  51 Votes;  Bernard  46 Votes;  Dot  43 Votes;   Tri  42 Votes;  John Bucher  35 Votes;

Jim P.  32 Votes;  Neil R.  22 Votes;  Frans  21 Votes;  Michael G.  15 Votes;  Barry  12 Votes


A discussion followed on any changes needed in some of the Committee functions.  It was agreed that Bernard would take

over as Supplies Mgr. and that Stewart would become the Events Coordinator.

Also discussed were changes needed in the assignment of Session Directors and the folllowing schedule was established:

Friday Directors:  Stewart and Dot

Wednesday Directors:  Neil and Tri

Sunday Directors:  either John or Tri

Monday Directors:  Dot, plus a rotating Committee member


End of Meeting

Jim Peukert, Secretary


  BCCM Committee 13 March 2013

Minutes of the BCCM meeting of 13 March, 2013, at The Pub, Chiang Mai.

Committee members present:  Stewart Simpson, Martin Bagnall, Bernard Garwood, Montri Wonghamla, John Bucher, Dot Barham, Ruth Willmon (departing member), and Jim Peukert (new member).

Dot opened the meeting at 5:30 PM.

HANDOVER/STEP DOWN.  Ruth was present to advise of the format and content of the secretary's duties, and to hand over that duty.   It was decided that Jim would be the new secretary, replacing the duty of secretary that Ruth had performed.

ASSIGNMENTS OF POSITIONS, POSTS, AND JOBS ON THE COMMITTEE.   The duties were allocated as follows:

     Websites -  Bernard

     Memberships - Tri

     Treasurer  - Dot

     Secretary and Registrar - Jim

     Contact and Publicity - Stewart

     IT Manager - John

     Inventory Manager - Martin

     Scorers - Dot, Tri, and John

     Directors - Martin, Stewart, and Neil

     Trainee Directors - Tri and Dot

     Committee Chairperson:   A discussion and vote followed, including a consideration as to whether It              would be a floating or permanent position.  It was decided that the position would be permanent and that Stewart would be the Chairperson for 2013, and most likely Dot would assume the duty in 2014.


  1.   Per Martin, those items that most needed and that should be ordered immediately were:
  1.    20 sets of 12 packs of playing cards (i.e. 240 decks of cards);
  2.   1 set of 32 duplicate boards;
  3.     5 additional Bridgemate 2 terminals (bringing the total to 20);
  4.    1 additional 2-drawer cabinet.


     The total monetary amount of this order came to 46,610 baht.  This amount was thought quite affordable since the funds currently available come to approximately 108,000 baht.



  1.   New monitor for outside, plus brackets and storage;
  2.   Chairs, to be discussed with Graham;
  3.   Additional Lamp;
  4.   Convention Cards.


MEMBERSHIP FEES.  Per Dot, we are currently at about 35 paid annual memberships, and the membership drive will continue for the next two weeks.


TROPHY AWARDS FOR THE WINTER SEASON.   The winning winter pair was the combination of Denny Abrahamson and Kristofer Magnusson.  This presented a dilemma for the committee.  Some felt that in view of Kristofer's behavior and subsequent expulsion from the club, he should not receive the award, while others felt that in view of there having been no policy in place, that he had earned and should receive the award.  A vote decided that he would receive the award in spite of his expulsion.  An item added to the June meeting was to discuss and develop a policy that would address this type of situation in the future.


The awards would be as follows:  First place will receive a trophy, Second place will receive a 500 baht voucher, and third place will receive a 300 baht voucher.  The most improved pair will receive a trophy.



     (1) October, 2013:  Prizes awarded for summer play, to be organized by Stewart and Tri;

     (2) 15th- 16th of November, 2013:  Trip to The Nest, to be organized by Sheila and Martin;

     (3) Friday, 20th of December, 2013:  Charity Bridge, to be organized by (to be named):

     (4) Saturday, 18th of January, 2014:  Club day, to be organized by (to be named);

     (5) Wednesday, 28th of January, 2014:  AGM meeting;

     (6) 14th and 15th of February, 2014:  Trip to The Nest, to be organized by Sheila and Martin;

     (7) March, 2014, open date, organizing new committee.




     This will be a secure, password protected area, available to members only, in which members will be able to access contact details of other members, find a partner, leave messages, etc.  This website should be used only for Bridge Club related questions and discussions.  Emails will be published only if members agree to make their email available.  Bernard will send information and ask for permission from all members to have their name and email available on this website.




Martin and Bernard are to review the current Etiquette Guide and Zero Tolerance Policy and make proposals for a final draft to be placed on the website.  Prior to the next meeting, they will submit the draft to the other committee members for their review for later discussion and action at the next meeting.

Documents to be considered for inclusion to the Bridge website are:

The Bidding guide.

The Laws of Contract Bridge (2007).

 The meeting was ended, with the next meeting scheduled for 26 June, 2013.



 Jim Peukert (pie-kert)

 Club Secretary


  BCCM AGM 22 February 2013

Minutes of the BCCM Annual General Meeting of February 22, 2013 @ The Pub, Chiang Mai

Committee Members present: Stewart Simpson, Martin Bagnall, Bernard Garwood, Dot Barham, Montri Wonghamla, and Ruth Willmon

Dot opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

At this time Dot introduced the Committee and told what each chairperson did for the club.  Before giving a brief summary of the Club's financial state, Dot reminded everyone that the group had grown more than 33% in the past year.  This is a very significant amount.  There are currently just over 100 members.  Financially, Dot advised that the most significant outgoing items for the past year were 43,000 Baht for cards and boards, 14,000 for the new air conditioner, 17,000 for the monitor and 23,000 baht for the Club Day meals.  The majority of incoming funds come from table fees and membership fees.  Over the past year the incoming funds totaled over 208,000 baht, outgoing funds totaled at 200,000, leaving us currently with a bit over 72,000 baht and 8,000 in petty cash.  A second monitor for the outside play is being considered.

Ruth announced the candidates running for the Club Committee for next year's term.  They are John Bucher, Bernard Garwood, Stewart Simpson, Dot Barham, Montri Wonghamla, John Bales, Jim Peukert, Michael Geller, Frans Middlekoop, Neil Robinson, Barry Liddle and Martin Bagnall.

The floor was opened for questions and comments from club members who were present.  There was, among other comments, a nod of thanks to the current Board members; some questions about the amount of time needed for various board positions; and whether the Board was paid, once a year, with a dinner out.  But the main conversation dwelled briefly about the condition of the chairs at The Pub and whether to repair or replace  them, as they are in a state of disrepair.

Dot thanked everyone for coming and closed this brief meeting at 6:30.

Respectfully, Ruth Willmon, Secretary

  BCCM Committee 30 January 2013

Minutes of the BCCM Meeting of January 30, 2013@ The Pub, Chiang Mai

Committee members present: Stewart Simpson, Martin Bagnall, Bernard Garwood, John Bucher, Dot Barham, and Ruth Willmon

Dot opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING - The minutes of October 24, 2012 were approved.

An urgent matter of the discourteous table manners continually displayed by member Kristopher Magnusson,including his perceived inappropriate handling of the Tournament Director's ruling, was discussed. Members were unanimous in agreeing with the ruling made by the Tournament Director, Neil Robinson on 13 January. Members discussed the matter of any punitive vote until his letter, which included derogatory comments and personal insults, was read. A vote of six in favor was had of banning  Mr. Magnusson from any future affiliation with BCCM, in short, that he will be turned away from any forthcoming tournaments.  A letter has been sent to Mr. Magnusson advising him of this decision.

Additionally, a unanimous vote was had indicating that any future display of un-sportsmanship, by any member, would be handled in a swift and punitive manner. 

FINANCIAL UPDATE -  The incoming revenue for the past quarter derived mostly from table fees, was 192,515 Baht.  Outgoing was 180,163 Baht.  Petty cash amounted to 12,352 Baht, leaving, in the bank, a sum of 41,933.28.  Debits comprised in most part were from Club Day sums of 24,050 Baht, fans and other room needs were in an amount of 18,018 Baht, 16,000 Baht for the monitor, 1795 Baht for card folders, and the remainder to clear last due amounts for computer, trophies, Christmas Bridge Budget, lamps, and The Pub air conditioner unit.  The current balance, at end of this quarter is 54,285.28 Baht, inclusive of petty cash and an emergency fund recently set up.

CLUB DAY UPDATE - The final financial figure for The Club Day was 24,240 Baht less a donation from The Pub of 3,000 Baht.

INVENTORY UPDATE - The overall total of replacement value of inventory is 339,756 Baht with a current value of 291,261 Baht.  Disposements totaled 8,320 Baht which consisted of stationary items.

NEW LAPTOP - The current laptop has had some problems, but it was decided that before a replacement was purchased, a fan would be purchased for beneath the unit to cool it off as it may be that an overheating problem is the offender.

NEXT AWAY DAY - Sheila will be checking into possibilities for the next away day for the end of March at The Nest.

DIRECTOR/SCORER/COMMITTEE MEMBER TABLE FEES - A unanimous vote was taken to exempt those working personnel of that day's table fees in compensation for services rendered.

ATTENDANCE FIGURES - A detailed daily graft was provided by Martin showing an increase in play for Sundays in the figure of 32; for Mondays, an increase of 897 players; for Wednesdays, 50 players, and for Fridays an increase of 6 players.  A yearly comparison showed an impressive 33% increase of session players.

ARRANGEMENTS FOR COMMITTEE ELECTIONS AND AGM - The AGM meeting will be after the bridge session on Friday, February 22nd.  Dot will chair this meeting.  Bernard has sent out an email regarding the meeting and calling for nominees.  Sheila will be taking tallies with Murray proofing.

John Bucher asked The Committee's permission to use cards and the monitor for a class he would like to give on a forthcoming Tuesday concerning the probabilities involved in bridge play.  It was granted.

The meeting was called to an end at 6:00 p.m.


Ruth Willmon,  Club Secretary


  BCCM Committee 24 October 2012

Minutes of the BCCM Meeting of October 24, 2012 @ The Pub, Chiang Mai

Committee members present: Stewart Simpson, Martin Bagnall, Bernard Garwood, MontriWonghamla, John Bucher, Dot Barham, and Ruth Willmon

Stewartopened the meeting at 5:25:

MINUTESOF LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING - The Minutes of June 27th were approved byall.

TREASURER'SREPORT AND BANKING ARRANGEMENTS - Dot gave a report and indicated the table fees and yearly dues continue to be the main source of income.  In the bank is now a sum of 84,352 baht. After the bills are paid for new terminals, cards and bridge buddies are paid, the bank balance is a little over 46,000 baht.

Additional needs approved are funds for Summer trophies, 3,000 baht for gifts for the forthcoming Christmas party, and 7,000 baht put into a new account (in the names of Stewart and Tri) so that bridge bidding needs can be directly paid by electronic bank transfer.

John will be shopping for the best buy for a large screen to be mounted in the front corner for both readable times and Monday classes.

AMENDTHE CLUB YEAR TO 1st JANUARY TO 31st DECEMBER - hence the AGM will be in the first week in January.  After some discussion, though, it was agreed that the present Club year, April 1 - March31, will be left as it now stands and that the AGM will be in February followed by elections later in February and into  March.

Purchase of new equipment - It was decided that the computer needed nothing but a good cleaning and that there were currently funds for the purchase of the screen as described above.

VENTILATION ISSUES IN OUR PLAYING SPACE - It is agreed that the rooms can be very hot and Stewart moved that we begin attacking this problem by purchasing a more powerful floor model fan.  The current fans are barely adequate.  John seconded this motion and all agreed.

PRIZE GIVING AND TROPHIES (Summer and Friday Pairs) - Tri and Stewart have ordered 4 trophies plus a name plate for the most improved players trophy.   Pub vouchers will also be given and it was suggested that these prizes be given after bridge on Wednesday,November 14th.

NEXT"AWAY DAY" - The next bridge trip will be the 6th and 7th of November at The Nest.  Sheila indicated that she asked for 8 rooms and it appears that they will not all be needed.  The Committee would like to thank Sheila for her continuing work, organizing these get-togethers.  The Wednesday game at The Nest will bea one-time event and these scores will not be counted in Fall Pairs.  Those not going to The Nest are advised that they certainly can gather at The Pub for a casual game.   Martin will be given funds for Nest vouchers for prizes.

OTHER CLUB COMPETITIONS AND EVENTS - Tri will ask if university students would be interested in a joint event sometime early next year.

It was decided that if a two member team were to be put together from our members who would like to enter the Bangkok contest, that The Club would pay for their entry fees  plus 1,000 baht toward travel expenses.

CHRISTMASCHARITY BRIDGE - Martin said he would arrange the event with the same format as past year's.  The date will be December 14th and the bridge games will be followed by a Christmas meal.  Martin will talk with Grahame about the meal and Stewart will ask Mike Nuen if he would consider entertaining us again with his delightful act.

CLUB DAY - Club Day will be held on Saturday, January 19th.  This will be the first year that a Pub trophy, kindly sponsored by Grahame, will be awarded.  It will be displayed at The Pub and will have a team name plate which can be changed in subsequent years.  Tri and Barbara will shop for the trophy.  Stewart and John will organize the teams prior to that day.  The Club will pay for the BBQ.

INVENTORY- In addition to the terminals, the Bridge Buddies and cards, which will be brought to us soon, new boards will also be ordered providing they are not too expensive.

ITEMS OF OTHER INTEREST - Stewart will be stepping down from directing Monday's sessions.  Thank you Stewart for the excellent work.  Dot will be taking over this responsibility.

A Committee "thank you dinner" is being planned and will include Sheila, who has given much help in planning away events. Dot will schedule this dinner at Perm's.

The next meeting will be held on January 30th after the session.

Stewart closed this Committee meeting at 6:45.


RuthWillmon, Secretary


  BCCM Committee 27 June 2012

Minutes of BCCM Meeting of June 27, 2012
@ The Pub, Chiang Mai Martin opened the meeting at 5:20.
Committee members present: Martin Bagnall, Stewart Simpson, Bernard Garwood,
Montri Wongkhamla, Ruth Willmon, Dot Barham and John Bucher

A calendar of forthcoming events will be coming soon from Martin. 
Stewart is working with The Chedi concerning the proposed Bridge Tea at The Chedi.
John has dropped the idea of a directors' class. He said we use only four basic rulings.
Since both Martin and John will be on vacation in September, Martin has offered to
explain the four rulings to Dot and will be giving her a copy of the directors' manual.

Stewart announced that there was little interest in a BCCM lifetime membership and,
therefore, the idea has been dropped.

Dot advised the Committee that the total income since 4 April 2012 is 57,700 Baht,
mostly from table fees. The outgoing funds totaled 35,983 Baht. Outgoing funds were
used for trophies, floor lamps, the air conditioner, Bridgewebs, the final payment for the
club computer, and 10,000 Baht set aside for the contingency fund to which we will be
adding 5,000 Baht monthly. A total of 21,717 Baht remains in the bank account.

Martin provided the inventory, both consumables and durables valuing 268,488 Baht.
There is a need of 8,200 Baht for playing cards and one set of Bidding Buddies. On
the "wish list", which should be purchasable soon, are 5 Bridge mate terminals and 4
additional sets of Bidding Buddies. Prior to winter season, we will need 120 packs of
playing cards. There was much conversation concerning how quickly we are needing
to buy new cards. The consensus of opinion is that all cards are being used more often.
Ruth will clean one pack to see if that helps.

There have been requests from newer players for coaching sessions addressing both
card play and responding bids. Martin moved that these sessions will be held twice a
month. Bernard seconded this motion and it was unanimously agreed upon. Stewart
will be telling the coaches that the club will reimburse their expenses incurred with Pub
vouchers. Additionally, Martin moved, followed by a second from Bernard, that the club
purchase a large screen monitor system for coaching sessions as the funds, estimated near
30,000 Baht, become available. John will check on these prices and Dot estimates the
funds will be available mid-autumn.

Martin provided detailed graphs showing bridge day attendance rates. Overall, the
attendance is slightly increased with Sunday attendance down and a dramatic 209 attendees
on Monday coaching days.

A lively discussion ensued concerning penalties, usually attributed to inserting hands in
the wrong box slots. It is frequently the same persons wrongly re-entering cards. John
reminded us that every pair should have an equal opportunity for scored hands. Additionally,
he said, providing that vulnerability is the same for each direction, that there are no real
advantages for "arrow switching". Stewart will make sure all scorers will understand how
to handle scoring for "split boards", where, for instance, the North hand was switched with
the West hand.

Martin and Sheila are looking at various site possibilities for our next away trip. It will be
important that said site welcome card players and that they understand that bridge is a game
of skill and not played for money. Menu was also of importance. Currently, we are looking
at the event to occur sometime in August.

While talking about away trips, the committee began Club Day plans for early winter.
The same team format that was utilized during the last Club Day proved successful, i.e.
there will be two groups of pairs. Group 1 will comprise of top rated pairs and group 2
will comprise of the remaining pairs. One pair from each group will form teams..

Our current table numbers needed to be replaced and Grahame offered to pay this cost
providing that they mention The Pub. Martin made 20 new and attractive ones that are
also sealed against water damage. Grahame and Barbara have agreed sponsorship of
Bht 3,000 per annum. This was agreed to be in the format of prizes for a team
competition to be held on the BCCM Club Day. Two prizes of Bht 1,000 for the
winning pair and two prizes of Bht 500 for the second placed pair. Tri is to liaise
with Grahame and Barbara, who will purchase a suitable trophy that is to be called "The 
"ThPub Trophy".  This trophy will be kept on display in the bar cabinet.

We've all seen some new bidding systems in our club and, after a short discussion,
it was agreed that new and different systems will be allowed providing that a
convention card be filled out and that said system not be played on Mondays.

A rally discussion culminated in "no need".

Stewart will be sending out his general interest and welcome pack email to all
members soon and advised that it would include news of the recent death of
Richard Walker. Also, Stewart will mention that he is seeking an additional
person to learn to use the dealing equipment.

Martin closed this quarterly meeting.    















  BCCM AGM/Committee 28 & 31 March 2012


Minutes of BCCM Committee Meeting of March 28, 2012 @ The Pub, Chiang Mai, 5:30 PM

Committee members present were: Bernard Garwood, Stewart Simpson, Montri Wonghamla, Dot Barham, Martin Bagnall, John Bucher, Ruth Willmon, and  Jim Peukert (retiring).

Minutes from the last meeting, February 1st, were approved by email.


Retiring Club Treasurer, Jim Peukert, opened the financial discussion by indicating his opinion that the Club's current financial structure lacked a satisfactory checks and balance system.  A short dialogue indicated that this was an important matter and Bernard tabled it to the next meeting as well as suggesting that Jim meet with the newly appointed treasurer to initially discuss the matter.

Jim also gave a brief financial summary.  He expressed The Club's current monetary value, including funds held as "float" in cash, as well as monies in the bank, totaled 15,188, baht.   Neil Robinson was unable to attend the meeting as he was  ill, and it was, therefore, unclear whether his loan of 10,000, had been repaid.

Bernard thanked Jim for handling his work as the exiting treasurer.  Jim will continue to act as registrar, collecting table fees on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays and Dot will be collecting  table fees on Mondays.


Bernard asked if there were any suggestions concerning various offices to be held by the new Committee.  Martin proposed that a president was not an office needed, particularly under this name.  A discussion ensued and John reminded the committee that Neil, retiring president, had been charged with an inordinate amount of duties, and with proper allocation of these many chores to the new committee officers,  a "controlling force" title of president was indeed not needed.   A unanimous vote approved this restructuring as well as approving Stewart as the first point of contact, as it appears on the club website.   The additional responsibility of the former president was to chair the meetings.  Again a unanimous vote approved the plan for Dot, Martin, and Stewart to chair the forthcoming meetings at the end of June, September and December.

Bernard led an active and expeditious discussion concerning offices for the new Committee members.  A unanimous vote followed for each of the subsequent nominations:

Chairpersons - Bernard Garwood, Martin Bagnall, Stewart Simpson, and Dot Barham

Treasurer - Dot Barham

Secretary - Ruth Willmon

Membership Secretary - Montri Wonghamla

Scorekeepers  - Stewart Simpson (Mondays and Wednesdays), Tri  Wonghamla (Sunday), and Martin 

                Bagnall (Fridays)

                Scorekeeper's job includes preparation of cards and website update

Session Directors - Neil Robinson (Sundays and Wednesdays), Martin Bagnall (Fridays and fill-in for

                Neil on Wednesdays), Stewart Simpson (Mondays)

Inventory - Martin Bagnall

Publicity Manager - Stewart Simpson

Official Photographer and Website Manager - Bernard Garwood

In addition to the above offices, the Committee realized John Bucher's major support in all fields as teacher and back up person.  Also, in her absence (!!), the Committee nominated Sheila Bagnall as Events Organizer (no takebacks).





If Neil is unable to attend the AGM on April 31, it was suggested that Bernard welcome the members, make appropriate comments regarding the past year, introduce the new Committee members followed up by financial report and then turn the program over to Martin for his comments on the new year ahead and to address comments or recommendations by any attending members.



Both a verbal and an email discussion from John Bucher correcting past years' awards ensued.  A final decision for number of awards will be addressed at the second part of this meeting on Saturday.  It was determined, however, that the rotating trophy for "Most Improved Players" needed to be retrieved from the current holders in order for it to be engraved by Winter Pairs new holders.  Stewart and Tri volunteered to be responsible for possible trophy buying and engraving.



Martin Bagnall presented a detailed club inventory showing in value of 275,627. Baht.  He is of the opinion that we hold enough cards to last the rest of this fiscal year.  He also indicated that the club is in need of a few new bidding boxes.  Additionally, Martin asked that any club member who borrows equipment, including bidding boxes and cards, first ask permission from himself.



Seated player numbers has increased by 615 persons, the majority of which is on Fridays.

Although no decision was reached, there was discussion concerning the size of the club.  Martin Bagnall indicated that any amount of tables playing at one given time surpassing 15 would require additional workers, as well as the fact that player movements past this amount are not easily workable.  Further discussion will be had.



Bernard advised that the Committee had not completed all subjects to be discussed and that we will have an additional meeting to complete tabled subjects after the AGM meeting Saturday, March 31, 2012.  Stewart called for an adjournment and John seconded this motion.


Continuance of BCCM Committee meeting on March 31, 2012 @ The Pub

Committee Members were again all present.



Martin called the meeting to order and the Committee and a discussion began concerning the need for a yearly calendar of events.  It was determined that this calendar would be included on the website and any club member with a suggestion for an event can contact a Committee person in person or by email.



It was decided by unanimous vote that a club contingency fund be created immediately.   A determination will be made as to how much to be put into that account, an account not separate from our current ledgers but monies earmarked for any possible emergency.



A continuance of the discussion of possible Lifetime Membership was had.  Stewart suggested that a 20,000 baht fee would pay for itself within three years for a person who usually played three times a week.  An argument against such a membership is that the Club does not guarantee partners.  It was determined that the directors would broach this subject in the next few playing days to get an idea of what Club members thought of the idea.



Dot has assumed the financial books and reported that a checks and balances system will be put into  effect.  The registrars will be taking funds in and the treasurer is responsible for dispending.  The names on the bank account will be changed to Stewart and Tri by unanimous vote.

A monetary report is found under minutes of the yearly general business meeting following.



The manager of The Chedi has offered the Club a one time table session followed by a tea.  Stewart will be contacting him and to find out when this function can occur.



An uncontested vote was in favor of changing the Monday table fees from 20 to 40 baht and for changing visitors' fees from 70 to 100 baht.  Also, the Thursday evening Directors' Invitational Game players will now be paying 40 baht if the group is using club equipment.  Stewart will be putting this information on the website.



An affirming vote was had for Committee members to be given a meal at the quarterly meetings as payment in kind for their work done.



Stewart and Tri will be shopping this week for trophies for first, second and third place teams for Wednesdays and Fridays as well as most improved teams.  Stewart and Ruth suggested a prize for fourth place but they were voted down.



John Bucher has offered a soon to begin directors' class which will be based on this Club's most often requested rulings.   Stewart will be training more people on the bridgemates.


Martin called the meeting to a close at 2:30 PM.


 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for the Chiang Mai Bridge Club,  March 31, 2012, @ The Pub


Neil Robinson called the AGM to order at 1:00 PM.  All Committee members and seven club members were present.


Neil spoke about how the club had grown in the past three years, from 2 tables meeting twice weekly to upwards of 10 tables or more meeting four times a week.  Just in the past months we have gone from a "shuffle and play" to devices that shuffle and score.  He then announced the results of the Club election and congratulated the new Committee members.


Jim Peukert presented a financial report showing a balance of 5,500 baht with all bills paid.


Martin Bagnall, chairperson for the day, thanked Neil for all of his work which drew an appreciative applause.


Martin then open the floor for any questions from Club members.  Ron Spiers asked a question regarding the lending library and how it worked.  It was determined that the book titles would be shown on the website.  Mike Williams added that the ACBL website also had an instructional site.


With the purchase of nearly a quarter of a million baht in bridge soft and hardware completed, Rado asked if there were future financial plans.  He was advised that five new bridgemates will be needed by fall, that an emergency contingency fund will be set up, and that any suggestions by members will be cheerfully entertained.  New fans and some electrical work for The Pub are currently being considered.


John Bales began a dialogue concerning the size of the club.  Group consensus was that too much larger and the club will lose its intimacy and friendliness.  We receive many compliments regarding its profile by visitors.


Sheila Bagnall suggested switching the AGM to January or February so that more members could attend.  Everyone thought this a good idea.  The Committee will see what would have to be done to make this year a 9 month year so that the fiscal year would begin in January.


Martin called a recess to the meeting at 1:40.

  BCCM Committee 1 February 2012

Minutes of BCCM Committee Meeting of February 1, 2012


@ Pern's Restaurant, Chiang Mai, 6:15 PM


Committee members present were:  Neil Robinson, Chris Hedges, Jim Peukert, Stewart Simpson,Montri Wongkhamla, John Bucher and Bernard Garwood. A previous commitment keptMartin Bagnall from attending, for which he had apologized earlier.



The meeting opened with a financial report from ClubTreasurer Jim Peukert.  The Clubaccount balance is down from the last report due to the recent purchase of thedealing machine as detailed in the previous Minutes of December 13, 2011.  The bridge hands for all sessionsexcept Monday's are now being dealt by the new dealing machine and it isexpected that the Monday session hands will follow soon


Since the purchase of the dealing machine, the Club accountbalance is now back up to approximately 40,000 baht. The club will purchase aBridgeMate2 Server and 8 hand-held terminals, a storage case, two sets ofDuplimate boards and 48 packs of playing cards on Feb 20, as previouslyapproved by the Committee. The cost of these items will be about 60,000 baht.With the expected normal income, the balance by February 20th shouldbe about 50,000 baht. Neil lent the club 10,000 baht to cover the anticipatedshortfall and handed over this money to the Treasurer.


The electronic BridgeMate2 hand-held, computer-linkedterminal at each table will replace our current use of handwritten papertravelers and will greatly reduce the time and energy currently expended by ourscorers.  These initial eight unitswill gradually be increased as funds allow so that eventually the Club willhave a unit for each table, even during our high season.


The Committee then discussed the idea of creating acontingency fund in anticipation of eventualities that might arise from thesignificant growth of the Club  - acontingency fund that might be needed in any situation, including even thepossibility that the Club may have at some point have to find a newlocation.  Martin had suggestedbefore this meeting that we might consider raising the table fees as a firststep toward this fund.  Stewart,during the meeting, proposed the idea of offering a lifetime membership in therange of twenty thousand baht, as another way of raising funds.  The Committee agreed that both of theseideas should be deferred to the judgment and decisions of the new Committeecoming soon in April.


Jim then reminded the Committee that, as Treasurer, heshould be informed of any and all expenses incurred, whether approved within oroutside of a formal Committee meeting, and that all monies collected from anysource related to the Club should be relayed to him as soon as possible forhandling and deposit.  There wasfull agreement on this by the Committee. The Committee approved the financialreport.





The Committee set a date of Saturday, March 31, 2012, as thedate for the Club's Annual General Meeting.



Discussion ensued on the need to plan for the election ofthe new Club Committee to serve the Club for the 2012-2013 year.  The committee will be reduced to sevenmembers. Both Neil Robinson and Chris Hedges indicated that they would not bestanding for re-election for the coming bridge year but that they would stillbe willing to assist any new committee in an appropriate capacity.  John Bucher expressed that he wouldstand again for the Committee and was looking forward to his involvement in theClub's transition to computerized scoring.  The Committee was unanimous in its opinion that the Clubneeds John's expertise in this area.


It was agreed that Bernard would send out an email to allmembers, advising of the upcoming elections and also the Annual General Meeting(AGM) and appealing for candidates to stand for a position on the nextCommittee. The deadline for nominations will be the end of February. Membershipwould then be asked to vote for up to seven (7) people from the list of thosewilling to stand, with a voting deadline of March 20th.



The Club's continued growth has increased the time andeffort required by the sessions Director to get ready for the session.  Stewart pointed out that perhaps thereis some way to enlist the assistance of the members who are on hand prior toeach session.  The Committee agreedit needed looking into but thought that the next Committee should address thismatter.



Neil reported that all preparations have been made for thistrip and that 24 people, eighteen of them players, will be taking the trip 13ththrough 16th of February. The Committee agreed that the Wednesday playing session during that timewould still be held.



Final details on another trip to the popular Nest resortwere made, with the trip planned for March 22, 23 and 24th.  Bernard will send out an email to allmembers regarding this trip, with members making all reservations and depositsthrough Sheila Bagnall.



John Bucher advised the group that with the new BridgeMatescoring system, all members will need to be assigned player ID numbers, perhapswith each member being given a card with their ID number, for permanentretention by the member.  Somediscussion then followed regarding the change in our scoring from a manual to acomputer-based system.  TheCommittee agreed that John would be in charge of this transition and that theClub would rely on his expertise and guidance in this area.


Chris Hedges reported that membership was desirous of asession on opening leads at one of the Monday sessions.  John Bucher said he would do this.


Stewart proposed to the Committee the idea of a "bridgeand tea" session at The Chedi Hotel. Stewart mentioned our bridge group to the new manager there and it ledto a discussion on the possibility of such an afternoon.  The new manager would like to dothat.  The Committee agreed thatStewart should get further details on suitable dates/times, how many playerscould be accommodated, costs, etc. and report back at a later date.  


Stewart also mentioned that the players who have beenplaying on Thursday nights at the Pub should be paying a 20 baht fee since theyare using Club equipment.  This hasbeen a contentious matter.  Neil calledfor a vote on this issue as to whether the Thursday players should pay the feeor not, and the Committee voted No, but that if the new incoming Committee feltdifferently, then it could be looked at again at that time.


The Committee members expressed thanks to Neil and Chris fortheir long service to the Committee. Both expressed their desire to continue to be of assistance to the Clubeven though they are not standing for re-election.


Meeting adjourned.


Bernard Garwood, Secretary



  BCCM Committee 14 December 2011



Committee members present were Neil Robinson, Martin Bagnall, Chris Hedges, Jim Peukert, Stewart Simpson , Montri Wongkhamla, John Bucher and Bernard Garwood.


Neil opened the meeting with financial report from the club Treasurer Jim Peukert.  Jim reported that the long awaited purchase of the card dealing machine should occur with no problems financially.  Jim's report showed a balance on hand as of the previous day of 170,960 baht, with our only major liability being the imminent payment for the dealing machine, estimated to be around 140,000 baht.  John Boucher moved that we approve the finance report and it was unanimous.

Due to the departure of current club treasurer Penny, Neil moved that the Committee appoint Jim Peukert as Treasrer ex-officio until the next Club elections. The Committee approved this unanimously as well as full voting rights for Jim during this interim period.


Martin reported that the representative for the dealing machine was to be in Chiang Mai Saturday 17th with the unit and that he would bring the representative to The Pub that morning to demonstrate the machine and to conclude the purchase.  This did take place as planned, the machine demonstration was satisfactory and the Club finalized the purchase with a  bank transfer payment of 142,888 baht to the rep, Peter Ventura plus a small bank transfer fee.

The Committee then discussed possible ways in which the dealing machine would be utilized, who would create the hands, how and where the unit would be stored, etc. the conclusion was that the session director would handle this and that the machine itself when not in use would be locked in one of the Club file cabinets at The Pub.


Discussions then followed regarding the upcoming Christmas Charity Bridge event to take place on December 16th and also our annual Club Day scheduled for January 21st 2012. Martin reported that all preparations had been done for the charity event. Stewart reported that a photographer from City Life would come by during the charity event and also that our Club member Mike Neun had agreed to do some entertainment for the group with his stand-up comedy act. Stewart said he would send a reminder to all members about the charity event and that the playing fee that day would be 100 baht.  The previous year the Club raised 10,000 baht for a local charity and the goal is to exceed that amount this year. The recipients for this year's proceeds are to be the flood victims of Thailand and a representative from the Thailand flood relief organization would come to our event to accept the donation. The Club subsequently presented to the flood relief organization an amount of 13,683 baht.


The upcoming Club Day was set for 10 AM on January 21, 2012 and would follow last year's format, with a buffet meal provided by The Pub and free to Club members as the Club will cover the cost.  Stewart said he would coordinate this with Graham at The Pub and push for early sign- up by members so we can get an idea of attendance.

The Committee then discussed the proposed 4-day Club trip to Nan in February as had been suggested by Neil. Neil indicated he would send out a notice of the trip to all members to see how many would have a definite interest in going


A discussion then followed on table fees for students and young people in general.  The Committee agreed that there should be no table fee for any prospective player under 30 years of age, regardless of nationality.

It was discussed and agreed that no change in our upcoming normal schedule of play was needed, even with all of the other holiday season activities taking place.



Discussion took place regarding possible tournaments with similar clubs in Thailand, as well as with the bridge student group at the nearby university. Montri indicated he would discuss this with Khun Toom and report back to the committee.

Martin reported quite a significant interest in his upcoming beginner classes and that he would have more exact information soon.  Subsequent to this meeting, Martin did present this information by email to all Committee members about the excellent new player enrollment, and the Committee unanimously approved a payment to Martin of 400 baht to cover supplies needed for the anticipated students.


The meeting was adjourned.

Bernard Garwood, Secretary

  BCCM Committee 26 October 2011

Minutes - BCCM Committee Meeting of OCT 26, 2011

The Pub, Chiang Mai, Thailand


Members present:  Neil Robinson, John Bucher, Martin Bagnall, Stewart Simpson, Penny Ellis, Bernard Garwood, Montri Wongkhamla




Neil opened the meeting, noting that the minutes of the previous meeting of July 27 2011 had already been approved and there was no discussion of the previous minutes.



Penny reported that there is currently just under 133,000 baht in the Club account, with the Club needing approximately 148,000 baht for the upcoming purchase of the dealing machine.  However, by the time of the purchase in December, she indicated the Club would have the funds, based on current income.

The Committee briefly discussed the use of our bank's (Bangkok Bank) online banking services as a means of monitoring the account and also for making deposits (but not withdrawals).  For this purpose and following this meeting, Neil and Bernard arranged to visit Bangkok Bank on Friday November 4th to set-up the Club online banking account, password, etc.  This was accomplished and the online account access established.


With the imminent departure of Penny from Chiang Mai and her resignation as Treasurer from the Committee, a discussion followed on the selection of a proper Treasurer for the Club.  Dennis Hudson had volunteered for this position early on when it was known that Penny was leaving, although Dennis did not want to be a member of the Committee nor handle the Club vouchers.  The Committee felt that an effective Club Treasurer should be a member of the Committee and attend the meetings.  Since Jim Peukert was already involved in the weekly collection of playing fees, the Committee felt he might consider taking on the duties of Treasurer.

As of this writing, Jim Peukert has agreed to take over as Treasurer from Penny, as confirmed by Neil who met with Jim following this scheduled meeting. Dennis Hudson, who had originally volunteered for new Treasurer, accepted this news graciously and said he would be happy to assist Jim at collecting table money when Jim needed assistance. This will allow Jim to also handle the Club vouchers that Montri Wongkhamla had previously agreed to do when it was thought that Dennis would take over as Treasurer as Dennis did not want to handle the Club vouchers.

Jim, Neil and Penny have agreed to meet on Thursday November 3 to arrange the handover of the Treasurer job to Jim from Penny.  This meeting took place and the changeover was accomplished.



The Committee noted that the responsibility for membership records (not dues, the payment of which the Treasurer should handle) should be organized in a better fashion.  This would involve keeping records on who the members are, when they joined and for what length of time, and their contact information.

Also, we should take a look at the current categories of memberships and ascertain whether they should be left as is or modified.  Bernard volunteered to handle this task and the Committee then unanimously voted Montri Wongkhamla to assist in this assignment.  Montri accepted.  Penny indicated she would provide Bernard with up-to-date membership records that she has.  At this writing, this has been done.



Stewart, in charge of arranging partnerships for Club players, reported that the current arrangement of having an individual in charge of obtaining playing partners for those who needed one was not satisfactory.  The Committee agreed that the responsibility for obtaining a playing partner should be placed back upon the players and that appropriate instructions on how to do this should be placed on the Club website.  This has been done, with members notified and the following wording now in place on the Club homepage:


If you need a partner please turn up at the informal Monday session or turn up 30 minutes before play starts for the Friday, Sunday and Wednesday sessions.

If you are new to the club we particularly recommend coming on Monday since this will give you a chance to meet and partner other members in this practice session.

We cannot, of course, guarantee a partner.


Martin suggested that as competition awards while at the Chiang Dao Nest we use Nest vouchers from Wicha, the owner of the resort.  This was unanimously approved.



Stewart, as coordinator for our Monday sessions, reported that the feedback he is getting from the Monday group indicated that they would prefer a tutor/training session on a once-per-month basis, recommending that the tutor/coach consider the topics as outlined in the book "25 Conventions You Should Know" as one of the suggested guides, and that the sessions be limited to 30 minutes of pre-play instruction on the topic.  The Committee approved this unanimously, recommending the third Monday of each month as the training date and also authorized a Pub voucher of 200 baht for the coaching services.  It was agreed that Monday table fees would remain at 20 baht per player.  Neil expressed his hope that the Club would continue the monthly tutoring sessions all-year round and not stop during the low season.



The date for the next Club Day event was discussed, the previous Club Day having been held in January of this year.  The Committee vote for Saturday, January 21st, 2012 for the next Club Day.

Martin suggested and it was approved that a date of December 16, 2011 be set for the Club Christmas Bridge event. Martin said that he and Sheila would again take charge of this event and the Committee approved a budget of up to 3,000 baht for the event.


7  AOB:

Neil read a note from Club member Rado with Rado's recommendation that players showing up unexpectedly and looking for a partner should be accommodated by a member who would give up his seat to the new arrival.  Asking for a volunteer could accomplish this, or by having a rotating list of members who would have to do this when their turn came up.  The Committee did not approve this suggestion as too many difficulties were foreseen with it.

A suggestion had been made that we hang a large curtain between the two play areas in the Pub dining room to cut down on the occasional noise coming out of the bar area. The Committee unanimously agreed that this was not a practical solution.

Martin proposed the idea of the Club ordering and selling playing cards and bidding boxes to members who might want them, with a reasonable profit thereof to go to the Club treasury.  The Committee felt that this was unnecessary and that members could easily order direct themselves for these type items and so no further action was taken.


The Committee had received a few comments from some of the members regarding the nature of the Friday deals, specifically that they were too predictable.  It was pointed out that true or not, when the soon-to-arrive dealing machine is put into use, then this should solve this particular issue.

With regard to the Friday game, Martin said he would work on getting the Friday crowd down to 8-minutes per board in an effort to speed up the overall play.


A brief discussion was held on the hand-held electronic scoring devices for each table now very popular in many clubs.  The Committee agreed they would be quite nice to have but agreed that this should be an item for much later discussion in light of the upcoming expense of the dealing machine.


Bernard Garwood, Secretary

Nov 6, 2011



  BCCM Committee 27 July 2011

Minutes - BCCM Committee Meeting of July 27, 2011

The Pub, Chiang Mai, Thailand


Members present:  Neil Robinson, Chris Hedges, John Bucher, Martin Bagnall, Stewart Simpson, Penny Ellis, Bernard Garwood





The minutes from the previous meeting of April 6, 2011, as posted on the Club website, were previously approved.  There was no discussion of the previous meeting's minutes.



Penny presented the Financial Report indicating that the Club continues to be in good financial health.  After a brief discussion of our balances and expenses, Chris moved that the Committee approve the financial report as presented by Penny, seconded by Stewart and it was so approved.  Penny will make the details of this report available to all members with an email to be sent out to the membership, with the financial report attached for all to review.


The purchase of the card-dealing machine (See Item 7) was again discussed in view of our financial strength at the moment and expected continued growth of our funds.  Penny indicated we are on track to be able to purchase the machine around the end of this year.

The representative for the company from whom we would purchase the unit comes to Thailand about twice a year, with his next visit due in November of 2011 and next visit around May of 2012.

In view of the representative's schedule, Neil moved that Martin advise the dealer machine representative that we, BCCM, would like the unit delivered on his November trip.  Chris seconded the motion and it passed without objection.

Neil reported that he and Bernard had opened the Club bank account with the local Bank of Bangkok for the purpose of holding and managing deposits of Club funds.  Neil presented the paperwork of this transaction and also the Bank Book that is currently in his possession.

The Committee discussed the play fees that are collected weekly for the Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday games which are currently being collected by Stewart and Jim Peukert  The Committee agreed that these funds can now be deposited directly into the Club bank account by Jim and Stewart, with the deposit receipt(s) submitted to Penny for her records.


Table fees for club players were a topic of discussion.  Table fees were raised earlier this year in anticipation of creating additional income to pay for the card-dealing machine (See Item 7 below) that the Committee is planning to purchase.  The question was raised as to when do we revert to the original fee?

The consensus of the Committee was that we do not reduce the fees until after the card dealing machine has been purchased.  Neil suggested that we reconsider the fee amount at that point to see when and if the fees might be reduced to former levels.  Some discussion ensued, highlighting the possible need for the Club to accumulate as large a cash cushion as it could reasonably acquire through fees from the members in order to build a reserve for any future, unanticipated financial needs.



Martin reported that he has been unable to get enough orders for the proposed bidding booklet, printed locally, to meet the printer's minimum order requirement.  With a minimum of twenty needed, Martin has only received orders for nine. The Committee agreed to place this project on hold for the time being and perhaps later when more members return it can be accomplished.

With regard to the new member Bidding Notes handout, the Committee, at Martin's suggestion, voted to change the response to a 2C opening from "step response" to the 2-Diamond "waiting" response.



Due to the increasing use of various conventions among the club partnerships, Neil presented a printed basic description of the use of Alerts, the sheet showing specific bids that do need, or do not need, alerting.  This sheet was subsequently emailed to all Club members.

This led to a discussion of Convention Cards and the fact that all the members should have and use a Convention Card for Club play.  Martin offered to create a Club Convention Card that will be coordinated with the Alerts that may be required.


A discussion on the low attendance at the Sunday games was highlighted by an attendance report prepared by Martin showing that this is a rather normal situation and perhaps not one the Committee should be alarmed about, as it appears that the attendance has always had this fluctuation.  Ideas had been presented offering different formats for the Sunday game in an attempt to increase interest, etc., but this low attendance appears to be a feature of the seasonal comings and goings of our members as shown by Martin's graph.  Penny suggested that Martin might do the attendance analysis for a two-year period to give a better picture and he indicated he could do that.  Neil suggested that we wait and see if the Sunday attendance follows the past trend and increase and if it does then no changes or alterations are needed.



Chris spoke briefly and presented a flyer on behalf of PFM, our sponsor, detailing a new program they are offering and would like to make available to any interested Club members.  The Committee approved this unanimously.



Chris noted that some members had spoken to him about a lack of transparency with regard to the Committee actions, and specifically as reflected in the meeting minutes with regard to the card dealing machine which the Committee had decided to purchase earlier this year.  He pointed out, correctly, that no cost figures for the machine had been given in any of the minutes . 


A day following this meeting, Martin talked with the representative of the dealer unit and submitted via email to the entire Committee the cost.  That cost is shown below in these minutes since it became available prior to the minutes being prepared:


Machine Dealer4 = 140K, delivered price


(The Swedish supplier representative will deliver the machine to the Committee and provide a demonstration of the unit, probably in November this year)


 The writer notes that while a specific price was not mentioned in early comments about the dealing machine, Neil did address the purchase of this machine in the Annual General Meeting of March 5, 2011 (at which only 9 members of the Club, other than the Committee, attended), the minutes of that meeting stated that:


"……… Neil noted the Committee did not anticipate any large expenditures but advised the members present that a future possible large expenditure would be the purchase of a new, or refurbished, card-dealing machine and due to the cost of this item we would need to accumulate more in the account before such a purchase."


In defense of the Committee on the issue of transparency, it should be noted here that the Committee members had no exact cost for the dealer machine available for the earlier minutes (other than an estimated price and that the Committee knew it would be expensive)  Different makes and models were being looked at, a new one or a refurbished one, would we have sufficient funds, etc.


Nevertheless, had even an estimated price been placed in the minutes, it is agreed that the issue of transparency may have never arisen.  Lesson learned.


8. AOB:

Stewart reminded the Committee that he would be away in September for several weeks.  Martin will be gone for a week or so also in September and this would require someone to step in as Director for the days they will be absent.  Chris, John and Martin indicated that between them they could fill in the vacancies.


Martin reported he would begin a new round of beginner classes on Monday August 1st.  He currently has 3 new players and indicated he will probably need someone to sit in as a 4th if he can't get another prospective player.


Bernard Garwood, Secretary

July 31, 2011



  BCCM Committee 1 June 2011

Minutes - BCCM Committee Meeting of JUNE 1, 2011

The Pub, Chiang Mai, Thailand


 Members present:  Neil Robinson, Chris Hedges, Penny Ellis,    John Bucher, Martin Bagnall, Stewart Simpson, Bernard Garwood




Neil called the meeting to order and the meeting began with current business items. The Committee dispensed with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting of April 6, 2011.




This matter of business was carried over from the previous Committee meeting of April 6, 2011.  The Committee approved the opening of a Club savings account, the account to be used as a repository for the Club excess funds  Neil and Bernard will arrange a trip to Bangkok Bank to open this account. 




With respect to club-related supplies and expenses, the Committee agreed that routine expenses directly related to the normal week-to-week operation of the Club should be reimbursed immediately.  Any other expense not in this category will need prior approval of a majority of the Committee.


Penny advised the Committee that she would like someone else to begin handling the routine purchases of Club supplies and Martin agreed to take-on this job.  The Committee expressed its thanks to Penny for her time and efforts on this in the past and also to Martin for his willingness to take on this additional task.




Penny indicated that no significant changes in our financial condition had occurred since our last meeting.  The Club membership growth is proceeding well and weekly playing fees continue to provide growth to our account balance.  The Club is in good financial condition and the major concern at this point is the proposed future purchase of the card-dealing machine that will allow the Club to eliminate pre-dealt hands.  The machine will also save us a great amount of time involved in setting up these hands.

See Item VI for additional details on this subject.




This was a topic for considerable discussion.  Martin indicated that pre-dealt hands are costly.  John pointed out that in general Club members should not be involved in the dealing and creation of wallets for the duplicate sessions.  In addition, he pointed out the difficulty of getting people to do this and the time involved, etc.  Also, when the Club obtains the card-dealing machine under discussion, this would eliminate this situation altogether.

After the discussion, and by a vote of the Committee, it was agreed that the Club would continue with pre-dealt hands.





As background:  The Club purchases Pub "vouchers" from Grahame at a value of 100 baht per voucher, these being redeemable only at The Pub.  In addition to using these vouchers for Awards in our bridge competitions, they are also used to show the appreciation of the Club towards the Monday Training coaches and assistants for their time and effort per Monday session at a rate of 2 vouchers for the main Coaches and 1 voucher for assistants.  During the club high season, this is weekly but during low season it is only once per month.

Martin indicated that he thought the use of vouchers is unnecessary and should be discontinued.

Stewart pointed out that the playing fees for Monday play more than covers the cost of these vouchers and in truth excess funds are generated each Monday that go into the Club treasury.  From December 20, 2010 to end of May 2011, the Monday play generated 13,590 baht, with a voucher expense during that period of 6,800 baht, leaving a net 6,790 baht for Club treasury.  More importantly, the vouchers make an effective and valuable contribution to our Pub host Grahame in that the Club has no rental or any electric expense for our use of his facilities.  It is beneficial to Grahame as he has staff expenses for cleaning our bridge area each week and occasional replacement of broken glasses, cups, etc. 

As to the use of the vouchers for the coaches/assistants, the comments from other committee members indicated their strong feelings that the coaches are providing a service to the Club which is normally much more expensive in comparable clubs and strong support for coaches deserving some remuneration for the time, effort and topic preparation they do for the Club members.


Following the discussion, and by a vote of the Committee, it was agreed that the Club would continue with the voucher program.




The Committee agreed upon a "revised" purchase plan for this device, i.e., the Committee will wait until the Club has the full funds in hand, including any fees for shipping charges, import duty, etc. which might be incurred with this purchase, so that the Club finances will not be severely depleted and that adequate funds are left on hand for routine operations.

Penny advised that based on her projections, the Club should have the funds available for the dealing machine purchase by December of this year (2011).  She will advise the Committee when the funds are indeed available and at that time the Committee will meet again to plan the actual purchase of the machine.

The Committee voted unanimously to accept this plan.




Background:  The BCCM Committee has in the past had a "dinner meeting", combining their regular meeting function with a dinner at a local restaurant.  This is done twice a year, with the cost of the dinner, per committee member, not to exceed 500 baht, paid for from Club funds.  This item has been included in the accounts distributed to members.


Martin indicated that he did not think the Club should fund this expense for the Committee members.  There was considerable discussion of this expense versus the value of all that the Committee members do, in time and expense on their own, which is not reimbursed in any direct monetary fashion.  This practice is in line with other clubs. 

Chris expressed his view that this is a fairly common practice and certainly within the budget of the Club.

John remarked that the various Committee members are charged with performing Club tasks that at times seem thankless.  The functions that the various Committee members perform often take a fair amount of their time and, occasionally, some personal expense and John indicated that this is one of those things that bring out the leadership qualities of a good president, whose duties, among others, is to create a sense of camaraderie and make the Committee members feel appreciated, which is, in John's opinion, exactly what the twice-a-year dinner meeting provides.


The general feeling of the Committee was that if any members do disagree with this policy then they could bring it up at the Annual General Meeting.  Penny indicated that in July she would send out half-year accounts (Jan-June) by email to all members. They will show the relatively small cost of these dinners in relation to the Club's overall income and financial condition.  In future,  half- year accounts will be sent out on a regular basis..  Martin indicated that even if the membership concurred with this expense, he, personally, would not accept the remuneration.

Following the discussion, and by a vote of the Committee, it was agreed that the Club would continue with this policy.




New Members:

Stewart expressed his concern that new members should be more formally recognized and welcomed, perhaps even including the creation of a new member "welcome packet" which would include information about the Club, the Club website, a welcome letter from the Club president,  a Mission statement, etc.


This would be especially meaningful in light of Martin's new Monday beginner training, and the welcome packet might also include a booklet of basic bridge bidding and playing information, to be furnished at no cost to the participants of Martin's beginner classes and also available to regular members if they wanted to have a copy made at their own expense.  Martin has such a booklet and Neil suggested that we get a master copy of the booklet, along with five (5) copies and leave it to Martin's judgment for getting it to the beginning players.

Several of the Committee members commented on Martin's good work with this beginner group and the success of it to date.

The Committee voted unanimously to have Stewart proceed with the creation of the new "welcome" packet


Use of the Bid Sheet (handout) by Players:

John offered that in his opinion, the Bid Sheet handouts that the newer players are furnished are becoming a crutch to some players as he sees this item being used in too many bridge sessions and it is much better if a player quit relying on the handout as quickly as possible and in any case only use it on Friday play sessions.  Martin indicated he would emphasize this on his Friday sessions.


Other items:

To improve the lighting situation, the Committee unanimously approved the purchase of two (2) new standing light fixtures similar to the one we have now at The Pub.


With no further business, Stewart moved that we adjourn, seconded by Martin.  Neil closed the meeting.


Bernard Garwood, Secretary

JUNE 10,  2011

  BCCM Committee 6 April 2011

BCCM Committee Meeting of April 6,  2011

The Pub, Chiang Mai, Thailand


Members present:  Neil Robinson, Chris Hedges, John Bucher, Martin Bagnall, Stewart Simpson, Bernard Garwood




APPROVAL OF MINUTES: -The minutes from the previous meeting of March 5, 2011, as posted on the Club website and copied to all members, were unanimously approved.  It was agreed that in the future, the Club meeting minutes, when approved, should be posted to the Club website for the viewing of all members.



The Committee made the following appointments for the various club functions:

President:                                                         Neil Robinson

Scorer:                                                              John Bucher

Coach/Membership Sec/Special Events:         Chris Hedges

Monday Coord./Publicity/Partnering:             Stewart Simpson

Treasurer/Web Site Coordinator                    Penny Ellis

Friday Coord./New Member Training            Martin Bagnall

Secretary:                                                         Bernard Garwood


A discussion followed regarding the desirability of adding a Thai national as a representative on the Committee and how we might do that.  This topic was tabled for further discussion at the next meeting.

Also, it was thought that on occasions the Special Events projects coordinator might need some additional assistance.  Sheila Bagnall was nominated for this. Sheila was contacted and she agreed to assist Chris with Special Events on as "as needed" basis.


There was a discussion regarding the training of one or more members to learn how to do the computer scoring and enter the data onto the website, with the idea of providing the club Scorer with assistance when needed.  No decision was reached on this topic.


John Boucher and Martin Bagnall agreed that they would standardize on a common software for entering Friday score versus the scores from the other days of play.

Chris volunteered to take on the role of Membership Coordinator.

Neil advised the Committee that this would be his last year as President.  He expressed the opinion that the position should open up to make room for new people, new ideas, etc. and should in general be good for the club.




(done at earlier  meeting of March 30th @ the Pub, with all Committee

members present except Chris Hedges and Martin Bagnall.)

Penny reported that our financial picture continues to look good (see report).

Club Bank Account

The Committee agreed unanimously that a joint bank account would be set up upon Penny's return from her trip to England.  The account would have co-signer(s) and ATM cards for access by the co-signers for situations where Penny is traveling or unavailable.


Payment to The Pub re a/c

Penny reported Graham has been paid the 4800 baht for the a/c work in dining room of the Pub.


Potential purchase of card dealing machine and possible loans and/or increase in table fees to speed this acquisition

Neil made a motion that the Club purchase a card dealer machine, new rather than a refurbished one, sometime before the end of September 2011 and to expedite this purchase playing fees for club members/non-members would be temporarily increased by 10 baht per session, beginning April 15, 2011.  Chris seconded the motion, with all members concurring and the motion was passed unanimously.  This additional income, supplemented by a portion of the funds that we now have on hand , should allow us to purchase the device before the end of September.  To expedite this project, Neil, Penny and Stewart volunteered to provide individual loans to the Club if needed, such loan to be paid back to them when Club funds were sufficient.

The safe keeping and storing of the dealing machine was discussed and it was generally felt that it could be kept in our current file cabinets in the Pub dining room but that the cabinet should be locked, with a key for the Club president and another key to be kept by Graham, the Pub manager.  Some discussion followed on whether we needed another storage/file cabinet in addition to the two we have, but no decision was made on this.


The Committee was in agreement that the Club sessions were

going well, especially the Monday training sessions.  To improve upon this, we will continue with the scheduled, announced topics for each Monday.  Chris will coordinate the selection of Monday topics from the coaches and summarize the information to be made available to the members via email and/or through the Club website.  Bernard will, as requested, provide pre-dealt hands to reflect the subject of the Monday topic.


For brand new members or prospective members with no bridge play experience, Martin volunteered to organize and present a training program designed to get this category of player ready to enter the Monday group.  This would be done on Monday at a table in a separate area, in the Pub dining room, over a specified number of weeks, with the beginning date to be announced.  It was discussed that a training course fee be charged to each participant, and although no conclusion was reached on the exact amount, the committee thought that an amount of 500 baht would not be excessive. 



Stewart offered to contact Steve Yarnold of City Life Magazine regarding photos of the Club session(s) and perhaps an article in the magazine promoting the Bridge Club of Chiang Mai.  Also, Chris said he would arrange for Stewart to speak briefly to the Ex-Pats Club of Chiang Mai regarding our Club and what we have to offer for anyone interested in the game of bridge.  Chris also suggested that Stewart could put an advertisement in the classified section of the Ex-Pat newsletter.



Chris and John have located an alternate location for our out-of-town bridge trips. It is considerably closer than Chiang Dao and is a local resort by the name of - Krisdadoi

Highlights and salient points from a Bridge event perspective:


The resort is located on the Samoeng "loop", 12km east of the junction between the Samoeng Road and the Canal ( 121 ) Road ( that is, about 22 km from the moat and easily accessible by taxi ) ( max 30 mins from the city centre ). The resort is actually a botanical garden - which charges a B60 entrance fee if you are not staying overnight  - set in lush grounds and home to the tinkling music of many waterfalls, large and small. 

The resort is at an elevation of 700m, thus providing some relief from the heat of the day. The restaurant, whilst not at the excellent standard set by CDN, does seem to offer above average quality fare, with some Western dishes available. 

As a further special concession to our group, the resort will not charge corkage for members bringing their own wine.


Playing accommodation - with good lighting and adequate space - is available with outside playing facilities also an option. The accommodation - in pleasant 1 or 2 person chalets - with aircon and interesting bathroom facilities included in a special price of B950 net per chalet per night.

The Committee is considering two dates - 4th/5th or 11th/12th June ( Sat and Sun ).  Members will be contacted regarding this upcoming trip and asked to advise Chris of their thoughts, participation, etc.  Chris will coordinate this event coming in June.



Neil is in process of obtaining trophies/awards for the Club year just finished.  It was agreed that the awards will be given out just prior to the upcoming Club dinner at The Pub on Wednesday , April 27th.  This way, members can attend the awards ceremony without having to participate in the dinner, if that is their wish.

The Committee agreed that the awards format should include mention of all players who showed positive improvement.  In addition, the Committee all agreed that the Club award for the person who has made the most contribution to our Club this year should go to Graham, our Pub host.

Martin suggested that next year we try to have the competition results tallied and the trophies/awards presentation as close to the end of the bridge calendar year as possible so that this can all be done before too many of our players depart on their annual sojourn.


Bernard Garwood, Secretary

April 9, 2011

  BCCM AGM 5 March 2011

AGM - March 5, 2011, 10:30 a.m.       BRIDGE CLUB OF CHIANG MAI

The Pub, Chiang Mai, Thailand




Neil Robinson welcomed those members present for our meeting with an acknowledgment of our obvious growth, with a recent 10 and a half tables being played on a Friday session and also the success and popularity of our Monday training sessions.  The Club is in good financial condition.  Members present for the meeting were:  Chris Hedges, Bernard Garwood, Connie Geller, Michael Geller, Jim Peukert, John Bucher, Martin Bagnall, Murray Forgie, Neil Robinson, Sheila Bagnall, Stewart Simpson, Mark Barber-Riley, Mike Williams, Norman Moreau, and Rado Nordtvelt.



Bernard reported a good growth in membership since last year, with 60 regularly active, paid members now, five people playing regularly on a "pay as you play" basis, and six or eight persons who play on an irregular basis when they are in the city.



The group had no current financial statement as the treasurer was out of town and Neil therefore presented the group with the most recent statement, end of December 2010.  Neil did not anticipate any large expenditures but advised the group that a future possible large expenditure would be the purchase of a new, or refurbished, card-dealing machine and due to the cost of this item we would need to accumulate more in the account before such a purchase.



Neil reported the results of the recent election of Club committee members for the upcoming Club year.  They are:

Martin Bagnall,
John Bucher,
Penny Ellis,
Bernard Garwood,
Chris Hedges,
Neil Robinson and
Stewart Simpson



Martin asked about the status of a bank account to be opened for the handling of Club funds. Chris indicated that he had talked with Penny about this recently and she would do this on returning from her trip.


Chris thanked Bernard for his work on the Monday training session and he also advised that the firm, Personal Financial Management , (PFM), has renewed their sponsorship, good news for the Club.


Norman inquired if our Pub host, Graham, was happy with the current arrangement with BCCM.  Several members who had talked with Graham recently about this confirmed that Graham was satisfied with the arrangement.  Moreover, Graham had indicated that he has plans underway to improve the air conditioning in the Club dining room.  Stewart reminded the group or the need to continue encouraging members in all sessions to buy their drinks, coffee, snacks, etc. from Graham during the bridge sessions.


Considerable discussion then followed regarding the management of playing time during the sessions and various ideas on improving slow play, thoughts on lowering the allotted time per board on the Friday sessions and the Sunday sessions,  the problem of players starting a board after the clock warning has sounded, people having to wait for slower players, etc.  No specific remedy or solution was arrived at and it was left to those in charge of those sessions to consider changes or try different approaches which might help. Murray pointed out, however, that the newer players on Friday liked this extra time for critique and hand evaluation after the play since it was valuable in their increasing their understanding of the play and what went wrong, or right.  Those present were in agreement on this point.

Rado pointed out the differences in the Mitchell and Howell movements regarding the North/South positions versus East/West positions and the frequently related sit-outs, and some members preference for specific seats.  No conclusion was reached regarding this.


Martin raised the subject of cards being returned to a board and placed in the wrong direction. This has become a problem recently during the Friday sessions, where fines have been imposed on culprits. It was asked if a ruling was necessary forbidding players to handle cards other than their own. Neil said it wasn't a problem during Sunday or Wednesday sessions. Martin agreed to ensure that the regular Friday players were made aware there is this problem and for them to take extra care when looking at hands after a board has been played.


Sheila proposed that more members should be involved in the job of collection playing fees for each session and that perhaps a roster of volunteers could be created from which to draw a person who would agree to collect the money for a one month period.


Stewart suggested a new approach to publicity for the Club by trying to get coverage in City Life and also making an announcement at the Expats club.  There was general agreement that this should be done.


Mark Barber-Riley proposed that the meeting be adjourned and his motion was carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned 11:30 a.m.


Bernard Garwood, Sec.

  BCCM AGM/Committee 5 December 2010

Minutes of Club Member Meeting & Committee Meeting


Held at  1)    The Pub, 11:45 a.m. Monday 5th December

                     (Committee plus members who attended)

  •               2)    Oregano Restaurant, Canal Road, 7 p.m. Monday 5th December

                     (Committee only)


An announced meeting of interested members of the general membership and the Bridge Club Committee was held at the Pub at 11:45 a.m. on Dec. 5th, followed by a meeting of the Club Committee at the Oregano Restaurant at 7 PM the same day.  Purpose of the meeting with the members was to discuss topics previously submitted by the membership related to areas of our Club activities that might be improved.

Club Committee members present at the Pub meeting were:

         Neil Robinson, Chairman

         Chris Hedges, Coach

         John Bucher, Scorer

         Bernard Garwood, Secretary

Neil opened the meeting at the Pub with the purpose of addressing the specific topics that had been submitted by the membership as potential areas of improvement or need for discussion.  These, and the action taken, were:



  1.     Exposure to mosquitoes outside:  at times this is necessary and so members should anticipate and be prepared with suitable clothing and/or repellent.
  2.     Thanks to our Pub host:  This is being done now and will continue to
    be emphasized on an ongoing basis.
  3.     Slow play:  It was decided that the players, particularly North position, should take a more active role. North is to remind players as needed of the necessity for prompt play and the North position will be changed so that North faces our time clock and can be better aware of the time situation.  North should solicit the help of his partner to assist in this., e.g., North keeps score and South be in charge of making sure the cards are placed back in the board in correct positions.
  4.     Penalties for board mix-ups:  Leave status as is for time being but it is hoped that with the changes as per Item 3 above, the number of board mix-ups will decline or be eliminated.


Monday Session

5.  More structured Monday sessions: This has been implemented, with

specific topics and related practice to be done in future.  Stewart recommended that Monday attendees at the training session be charged a fee of 30 baht to cover training supplies, coaches' time and related supplies. This was subsequently raised and approved at 50 baht by the Club Committee, effective Monday 6th December. It was approved that the Monday coach be reimbursed 200 baht per session and the assistant coach(es) 100 baht each.

Chris will put out a call for coaching volunteers and from the results create a registry whereby coaches and assistant coaches can be assigned on a monthly basis.

It was suggested that a Monday training session be offered on "time", i.e., timely bidding and play of the cards along with table etiquette.


Friday Session


6. Choose hands to coordinate with those of Monday sessions. Martin
     indicates this is being done already.

7. Play some duplicate boards simultaneously, with discussion:  Agreed
     that this will be done on  some Monday sessions.

8. Keep Friday sessions as is, more informal than Wed/Sun:  Agreed




  1.     Go other places besides Chiang Dao: Agreed, but where?  This will

need further research.  Club committee looked into this some time ago and found it very difficult to find an appropriate place at reasonable expense.





  1.   Martin recommended that the minutes of the Club Committee meetings be posted on the Club website.  All were in agreement.
  2.    Transition of Players Between Sessions: Players attending the Monday coaching session who do not already play in another session and who wish to advance to play in the Friday relaxed duplicate session should discuss this with the main coach on Monday before making that transition. The Monday coach should announce this policy at each Monday session. The same applies to those playing in the Friday session and who wish to advance to play on Wed/Sun. They should discuss this with the director of the Friday session beforehand. The director should announce this at the Friday session.
  3.   Club Venue: It was suggested that the club might look for an alternative venue to The Pub. The substantial majority feeling of the meeting was in favour of staying at The Pub.




In the subsequent meeting of the Club Committee, the following committee members were present:


         Neil Robinson, Chairman

         Chris Hedges, Coach

         John Bucher, Scorer

         Bernard Garwood, Secretary


Neil opened the meeting and the following items were discussed or


  1.     Nature of the type of play on the upcoming Club Day…… stay with the team concept or use the "barometer" play where duplicate hands are played by every table.  Since the idea of duplicate boards played by all and then discussed seemed to appeal to many, it was decided to use the barometer play if possible.
    Committee agreed that a "trial" of the barometer method would be
    done on Monday 13th December to see member's reaction.
  2.     Table Fees – it was decided to leave present club fees, other than Monday, unchanged.
  3.     Awards – The committee discussed some form of awards program to recognize individuals who had made significant contributions to the Club.  Nothing definite was concluded at this meeting.
  4.     Agreed that the minutes of the Club Committee meetings be posted on the Club website.

Bernard Garwood, Secretary