The Bridge Club of Chiang Mai
Release 2.19q
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If you wish to join us in a game of contract bridge in a friendly, congenial atmosphere, please contact Jim.

We hope you like what you see and that we will be playing bridge with you at the Club soon!

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Competition Rules

Competition Rules    

posted 18 OCT 2014

The Summer session runs from April 1st to September 30th.

The Winter session runs from October 1st to March 31st.

There are three competitions in each session:

  • Best Pair in the Summer or Winter Pairs,
  • Best Pair in the Friday Pairs and
  • Most Improved Pair.
  1. Summer or Winter Pairs will be based on the average percent over all the games played on Wednesday or Sunday, and Friday Pairs on the results from the Friday game. 
  2. Only sessions where there are at least three tables playing will count for the competition.
  3. A minimum of twelve games is needed to qualify for the Winter Pairs competition.
  4. For Summer Pairs or Friday Pairs, a minimum of ten is needed.
  5. Winners in the Best Pair competitions will be awarded trophies.
  6. There will also be awards for second and third places in these competitions.
  7. Only pairs in which both players are club members in good standing will be considered qualified and eligible for awards.

To be eligible for the Most Improved Pair competition:

  1. Pairs will have to have played and qualified in both the current and the preceding session.
  2. Results will be calculated from either Summer/Winter Pairs results or Friday Pairs, with like compared with like. 
    For example, a pair who played and qualified in the Friday Pairs and got a 50% result during the winter and then get a 52% result in the summer will have a 2% improvement.
  3. The winner will be the pair with the greatest improvement in percentage in either competition.
  4. Each player will be awarded a trophy to keep for six months.


Good luck!

Competition Rules

Competition Rules

posted 3 OCT 2019

The Summer session runs from April 1st to September 30th. Wednesday and Friday games are now combined into two flights in the format of stratified pairs.

The Winter session runs from October 1st to March 31st. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday games are now combined into three flights in the format of stratified pairs.

There are three competitions in the summer session and four in the winter session:

  • Flight A and B winners in the Summer Pairs
  • Flight A, B and C winners in the Winter Pairs
  • Most Improved Pair each session
  1. Summer or Winter Pairs will be based on the average percent over all the games played on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday games. 
  2. Only sessions where there are at least three tables playing will count for the competition.
  3. A minimum of fifteen games is needed to qualify for the Winter Pairs competition.
  4. A minimum of twelve games is needed to qualify for the Summer Pairs competition.
  5. Winners of the Stratified Pairs competitions will be awarded vouchers and listed on the Winners Board.
  6. There will also be awards for the three second place finishers in the winter competition and the two second and third place finishers in the summer competition.
  7. Only pairs in which both players are club members in good standing will be considered qualified and eligible for awards.

To be eligible for the Most Improved Pair competition:

  1. Pairs will have to have played and qualified in both the current and the preceding session.
  2. The winner will be the pair with the greatest improvement in percentage.
  3. Each player will be awarded a trophy to keep for six months.

 Good luck!