The Bridge Club of Chiang Mai
Release 2.19q
Contact Us

If you wish to join us in a game of contract bridge in a friendly, congenial atmosphere, please contact Jim.

We hope you like what you see and that we will be playing bridge with you at the Club soon!

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CBLT Membership
CBLT Membership

Anyone who wishes to become a member of the Contract Bridge League of Thailand can do so by emailing Vallapa Svangsopakul , CBLT Vice President of Foreign Affairs.

      You will need to provide the following:-

  1.     Your name and address in Thailand.
  1.    Membership fee.

The membership fee is Baht 200 per annum and the CBLT year runs from January 1st through to December 31st.

You will receive news and results of CBLT events.

CBLT Registration

The Bridge Club of Chiang Mai was first registered with the Contract Bridge League of Thailand (CBLT) on Wednesday, 04th March 2009.