Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Emergency Contacts
The Club landline number is 01242 522502,  but in the case of an emergency please call  07787 148152 (Lesley Harrison)
Leaderboards Explained

Leaderboards are competitions held over a quarterly period for the club's regular online sessions.

Every time you play, you are automatically entered on to the relevant Leaderboard. We currently operate the following Leaderboards:

  • The 'Open' Leaderboard for all of our regular events Monday to Saturday (Excluding Gentle, Danish and Imp sessions).

  • The 'Pairs' Leaderboard for the same events as for the Open Leaderboard but you are entered as a Pair.

  • The 'Gentle' Leaderboard for all of our regular Gentle Bridge events

  • The 'Danish' Leaderboard for all of our regular events on Wednesday 1930

Individual results are used, so that scores with different partners are all counted together. The exception is  'Pairs', where your scores as a partnership are counted. If you play with different partners, then you will appear on the Pairs Leaderboard separately, for each partnership.  Robots are restricted from all Leaderboards.

Scores are averaged over the sessions played, and the Leaderboards show current rankings. At the end of each quarter, whoever is top of the Leaderboard is announced as the winner.

So there are 4 Leaderboard winners each quarter.

To qualify you need to have played a given number of sessions. The qualifying number is 24 for the Open Leaderboard and 12 for the others (or fewer if there are fewer than 12 sessions in that quarter). These numbers may change slightly each quarter. This means that the more sessions you play, the greater chance you will have to win, as you will drop your lowest scores once you have played more than the qualifying number.

So that you can appear on the Leaderboards early in the quarter before you have played enough sessions, the qualifying number increases during the month. So, for example, for the Open Leaderboard, the qualifying number of 24 applies only at the end of the quarter, and before that, it increases from 1 at the start, all the way up 24 at the end. As the quarter progress your worst scores will be dropped, and your average calculated from your best scores. If you check the current Leaderboard, the dropped scores are shown in red with a line through them, and the current qualifying number is shown in the rightmost 'Qualify' column.

At the top of each Leaderboard, you will see some options:

  • Those players who have not played in sufficient sessions to appear on the main 'Competition' page can be listed by clicking the 'Non Qualifiers' button. So that it is possible to check how many more sessions you need to play in to get back onto the Leaderboard. This list is in first name alphabetical order.

  • The other buttons for 'Players' and 'Events' list your scores in Player and Events order, so you can find results either by player or session. Click on them to see your results listed in different ways.

Note that the Leaderboard has been set up so that robots are not allowed to feature, although your scores with a robot partner will count (this may change in the future).