Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19s
Emergency CBC Contact

CBC's no. is 01242 522502. If an emergency please call Steve Bunker on 07901 173432 or email Steve

Room & Eqpmnt Bookings
Room & Equipment Booking

The club is reintroducing an online system for managing use of the club's facilities for all events other than the club’s regular Face 2 Face games, whether chargeable or not and hire of equipment.  
It is hoped that use of this system will reduce the possibility of conflict of bookings and hence disappointment.
To make a booking please check availability via this link to the Bookings Calendar which shows the club's regular games, tuition sessions and other Room and Equipment bookings.
Use the form below to request a booking for your proposed event. This will automatically advise the Booking Monitor and Treasurer of your needs.

Please do not proceed further until you receive confirmation that your Booking is accepted.
You should receive this confirmation within a few days.

For further information here is a link to the Schedule of fees and also, please read the Use of Facilities document.

If in doubt just fill in the form and the Bookings Monitor will make contact and help you through the process.

Once your booking is confirmed and if payment is appropriate, please pay in advance by online bank transfer to the following account.
NB late payment will result in an additional £10.00 charge.


Cheltenham Bridge Club
HSBC account
Sort Code
Account No.

Please Note:

While CBC is pleased to allow others to use its facilities occasionally, we are not able to offer any guarantees or endorsements of non-CBC events or their organisers

Questions marked with * are mandatory