To Apply for Membership
Please read and complete the form below, if you do not have an email address, please contact the Membership Secretary to make other arrangements
Cheltenham Bridge Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union EBU and by joining the club you will automatically become a member of the EBU and of Gloucestershire County Bridge Association GCBA and the personal information on this form will be passed across to them.
The club's preferred method of contact is by email.
If you play online using Bridge Base Online (BBO), we ask for your BBO username for CBC online sessions. If you don't have a BBO account, enter 'none'.
Members should observe the behaviour code described here: Best Behaviour
Members should observe the Rules of CBC shown here: CBC Rules
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, we need you to confirm how you wish us to handle your personal data and communicate with you. Please read the club's Privacy Notice for how we use your data and for what purpose.
Please make the Chairman or Membership Secretary aware of any physical/medical difficulties you may have which would be helpful for us to know (either privately or in the form below - this is optional).
The Club is only able to function due the support of volunteers. If you would be happy to help, please describe any skills, expertise or general areas of interest in the form below.
Annual Subscription
Full membership: Depending on date of joining: £25 January to March, £18.75 April to June, £12.50 July to September, £6.25 October to December
Junior membership: £2 per calendar year regardless of joining date
Student membership Free for the calendar year of application.
Please pay your subscription using online bank transfer to:
Payee: Cheltenham Bridge Club
Sort Code : 40-17-53
Account: 01572261
Table Money
£3.50 per F2F Club session or £3 per RealBridge online session is paid into a separate Members Account
(please see 'How to Pay into your Members Account' under the Information section of the menu)
4BB$ per Bridgebase Online (BBO) session is paid via your BBO Account
Questions marked with an asterisk * are compulsory.