Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Emergency Contacts
The Club landline number is 01242 522502,  but in the case of an emergency please call 07515 398027 (Pauline Sanderson) or 07787 148152 (Lesley Harrison)
BBO Lists
BBO Lists

This page holds BBO Include Lists for various sets of players. The main club list can be supplemented by appending other lists as required.

Use the URL below to manage your include / exclude lists:

The host enters their username and password, selects whether they want to manage the include or exclude list, and chooses one of the operations: replace, append, remove, or download.

Replace -> re-writes include list
Append -> adds new users to include list
Remove -> deletes include list
Download -> downloads the list as a .txt file


BBO Main Club Include List

Main Club Include List for CBC members.
This includes full members, online members, and student members .