Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19s
Emergency CBC Contact

CBC's no. is 01242 522502. If an emergency please call Steve Bunker on 07901 173432 or email Steve


We welcome Visitors to join any of our club sessions at Cheltenham Bridge Club (CBC)

A full program of sessions available can be found on the club Calendar which is available in the link in the information menu.
It would be appreciated if you could email using the email shown below to let us know which session/s you would like to play.   We will let the director of the session know in advance that you will be visiting.  
Our club operates a Player Account system. This means we do not collect payment at the club. In order that we can register you on out database and set up an account for you, please email.

Payment in advance would be appreciated, as it saves admin.  The visitor fee is £5.50 per person and can be paid by bank transfer to:-

Payee             Cheltenham Bridge Club
Sort code:      40-17-53
Account:        01572253

We will refund any monies paid if you find that you are unable to visit for any reason.

Health and wellbeing whilst within 4 Tivoli Road

  • There is a defibrillator in the corridor on the ground floor - there are clear instructions for its use.

  • First Aid boxes are located on each floor of the building, with instructions for use, and Accident/Incident forms should they be required.

  • Fire Alarm call points are located on each floor; fire drills are held regularly.

  • If you have mobility issues there is a lift available to all floors. This can be accessed using the entrance from the car park at the rear of the club building.

 Additional information

There is parking available at the front and rear of the club, and along Tivoli Road. Some sessions get very busy, so we advise that you arrive early for daytime sessions when there are parking restrictions applicable on nearby roads. The parking zone restrictions are lifted in the evenings.

Tea, coffee and biscuits are available at break time.