Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19s
Emergency CBC Contact

CBC's no. is 01242 522502. If an emergency please call Steve Bunker on 07901 173432 or email Steve

Play at the Club
Play at the Club

Cheltenham Bridge Club runs an extensive range of events to suit all levels of skill.

We will increase or decrease the number of club sessions in response to attendances, and try to maintain a balance between Club and Online sessions. We expect that some Online sessions will continue for the foreseeable future.

Occasionally we may need you to book your partnership seats for special events. If you don't need to book, then you can just turn up with your partner or on your own for those sessions for which we offer a standby service.

If you are an 'Online Only' player, then you are very welcome to convert to a Full membership and join us at the Club.


The club's preferred method of payment is by bank transfer into your personal Member's Account; It is suggested that you pay in a lump sum from which debits will be made after each Club or RealBridge session that you actually play in. You can view your balance at any time by logging in to the Members Only area, and checking the Payments tab, and you will be sent a monthly statement by email.

If you are unable to pay by bank transfer, then we will accept a cheque brought to the club. Unless otherwise stated club sessions are £3.50  (£5.50 for Visitors) and RealBridge sessions are £3.00.

If you wish to pay for your partner, please contact us in advance.

Click the "How to Pay" button opposite for a description of your personal club Member's Account, and how to pay into it. If you have read this, and are still having difficulty, please contact us for help.


Booking Your Seats (if required)

Very occasionally you will need to book, for special sessions and sessions where high numbers of players are expected. This will be shown on the calendar.  One member of the partnership should make the booking for both seats. 
Bookings can be cancelled by starting the process again and clicking 'Remove'.

If the session is fully booked, PLEASE BOOK ANYWAY; you will be on then be on the 'waiting list' should there be a cancellation. If you are on the waiting list, please keep checking the Calendar session to see if you have been promoted to playing.

Click the "Bookings" button opposite to find out how to book your seats for you and your partner.

If you have read this, and are still having difficulty, please contact us for help.

Pairs League - Competition Format


The Pairs League is a competition for pairs but scored using Teams IMPs. A key aim is to encourage players of all abilities to enter and to play against opponents of a similar standard. The same computer-dealt hands are played by all divisions, with hand copies available at the end of each evening.

Pairs who register to play will be grouped into divisions commensurate with their skill level and previous performance on the League.


It is essential for the successful running of this competition that everyone turns up for all five evenings in the series. When you cannot make an evening you must arrange a substitute, even if that substitute has already played in the competition for another pair. Please remember it is your responsibility to make these arrangements. If you cannot find someone please contact John Skjonnemand .

It is also important to turn up at 6.55pm or before. Should you be held up please ring Cheltenham Bridge Club on 01242 522502.


The cost of each series will be £17.50 per player, deducted from player accounts after completion of the first game in the series. So it would be helpful if players could ensure there is sufficient credit in their accounts to cover this.

Promotion & Relegation

All pairs in a division will play each other with 2 pairs being promoted and 2 relegated at the end of the season.


A “standard” division comprises 8 pairs and on any evening you will play a 9-board match against each of the pairs in the same half-division as yourself.  

At the end of each match every East-West pair will score up with all the North-South pairs in their division, and convert their total IMP score to Victory Points. The Victory Point scale will be provided. You then return to your opponents, check your VP score matches theirs, initial the Match score slip if you agree, and hand it in.


The event will be normally played with a playing Director.

By observing the expected courteous and sportsmanlike behaviours it is hoped we keep the event as stress-free as possible, with minimum demands on the director.

Slow Play

Playing 27 boards in an evening requires a brisk pace. Pairs cannot start a new board of a 9-board match if one hour has elapsed since the round began and everyone else in their division has finished. Unless it has been brought to the attention of the director that one pair is particularly slow, both pairs are fined 2 imps per unplayed board, with non-offending pairs scoring +2 imps.