Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Emergency Contacts
The Club landline number is 01242 522502,  but in the case of an emergency please call  07787 148152 (Lesley Harrison)
Bridge Club Live

Cheltenham Bridge Club is registered as an online club at BridgeClubLive (BCL) - please (click here) to go to the site for more information and to join.

1. To benefit, you must be a full member of BCL. Once you have joined, please add your username to the list on this website (click here).

2. One BCL, go to the CLUBS page under Members/Clubs and 'join' Cheltenham Bridge Club. You will see a list of all other club members.

3. Play at any time in the DIDO room and see your results on the CLUB page - look for Cheltenham Bridge Club.

4. When online, you can press the LOCAL CLUB button and see only the members of Cheltenham Bridge Club and whether they are online.

5. For information on BridgeClubLive 'clubs' please (click here).

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Playing Bridge Online with BCL

to be added

Bridge Club Live

Click here to access the Bridge Club Live website       Bridge Club Live