Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19s
Emergency CBC Contact

CBC's telephone number is 01242 522502. In case of emergency please call  the club Manager (Steve Bunker) on 07901 173432 or email manager @

Playing Bridge Online

The club wants to encourage its members to play on-line - both to keep them stimulated and also to keep them in touch with each other.

There are three major facilities available :

In order to help newcomers to use any of these we have lined up a set of buddies who will play a game or two with a newcomer to make sure they know what to do and are comfortable. Click on the links above to find a buddy for a bit of help to get you started. If you don't know how to contact them then ask for contact details by an email to If you know enough to act as a buddy on any of these systems, and are willing to do so, please email