Spring 2024 Pairs League - Competition Format
The Pairs League is a competition for pairs but scored using Teams IMPs. A key aim is to encourage players of all abilities to enter and to play against opponents of a similar standard. The same computer-dealt hands are played by all divisions, with hand copies available at the end of each evening.
Pairs who register to play will be grouped into divisions commensurate with their skill level and previous performance on the League.
It is essential for the successful running of this competition that everyone turns up for all five evenings in the series. When you cannot make an evening you must arrange a substitute, even if that substitute has already played in the competition for another pair. Please remember it is your responsibility to make these arrangements. If you cannot find someone please contact John Skjonnemand ctd@cheltenhambridgeclub.com .
It is also important to turn up at 6.55pm or before. Should you be held up please ring Cheltenham Bridge Club on 01242 522502.
The cost of each series will be £17.50 per player, deducted from player accounts after completion of the first game in the series. So it would be helpful if players could ensure there is sufficient credit in their accounts to cover this.
Promotion & Relegation
All pairs in a division will play each other with 2 pairs being promoted and 2 relegated at the end of the season.
A “standard” division comprises 8 pairs and on any evening you will play a 9-board match against each of the pairs in the same half-division as yourself.
At the end of each match every East-West pair will score up with all the North-South pairs in their division, and convert their total IMP score to Victory Points. The Victory Point scale will be provided. You then return to your opponents, check your VP score matches theirs, initial the Match score slip if you agree, and hand it in.
The event will be normally played with a playing Director.
By observing the expected courteous and sportsmanlike behaviours it is hoped we keep the event as stress-free as possible, with minimum demands on the director.
Slow Play
Playing 27 boards in an evening requires a brisk pace. Pairs cannot start a new board of a 9-board match if one hour has elapsed since the round began and everyone else in their division has finished. Unless it has been brought to the attention of the director that one pair is particularly slow, both pairs are fined 2 imps per unplayed board, with non-offending pairs scoring +2 imps.