We know that most of the time, our members try to be fair and honourable in the way they play the game of bridge and in the way they treat opponents and partners. Playing online presents challenges for us, and can raise concerns about unethical behaviour. One example is taking advantage of hesitations – even though we can never know what is happening in other people’s homes and things that may appear as hesitations could be a drop in reception or someone at the door!
But whether we are playing at the club or online, we do need a way to report things that we think are unethical or unfair.
Our Gloucestershire County Bridge Association (GCBA) has organised a “Recorder” process which it has invited our bridge club to use; details of the process can be found at CLICK HERE. The recorder is independent of any conduct committee or disciplinary panel. If you witness an incident that causes you concern, you can directly, or through the Director of the event, send a confidential note to the Recorder.
You can contact the Recorder by email GCBA.recorder@gmail.com
After you have reported the incident, you can forget it and leave it up to the Recorder to follow up - there is nothing further you should do. The Recorder files the note and watches for a pattern of incidents. If appropriate the Recorder can ask the GCBA conduct committee to take over. Records of the Recorder are held in confidence and your name will never be disclosed without your consent.
This process is now available for all our members to use respectfully. We thank GCBA for giving us this confidential service.
Judith Sanis