Cheddar and Wedmore
with Axe Virtual Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

Congratulations to Jane Hall & Peter Dawes who won the recent  Cheddar Championship pairs event.  The Wedmore Championship pairs event will take place on the 17th March.

The Cheddar session on the afternoon of the 26th February will be a heat of the Somerset-wide Michael Coda Cup charity event.

Test Find Partner

Members requiring partners can use the 'Find a partner' service.  Click 'Calendar Month' in the menu above.  Mouse over the event for which you need a partner (or touch it on a touch screen device) then click on 'partner required'.  Log in if necessary and a form with options along the bottom appears.  Use  'Add and email'  to add a note to the calendar that you require a partner and also send an email to all members.

No information has been set up for this page at present.