Cheddar and Wedmore
with Axe Virtual Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

Congratulations to Jane Hall & Peter Dawes who won the recent  Cheddar Championship pairs event.  The Wedmore Championship pairs event will take place on the 17th March.

The Cheddar session on the afternoon of the 26th February will be a heat of the Somerset-wide Michael Coda Cup charity event.

Find a partner

Members requiring partners may use the 'Find a partner' item in the left hand menu.  For helpful instructions, see the Partners item at the end of  'Where and When' under 'Information'.

Welcome to the Cheddar and Wedmore Bridge Club.  On Mondays we play in the Wedmore Masonic Hall at 7 pm and on Wednesdays we play in the Catholic Church Hall in Cheddar at 1:30 pm.  On Wednesday evenings we collaborate with Winscombe to run our 'Axe' virtual bridge sessions on Bridge Base Online at 7 pm. See 'Axe Virtual Bridge Club' in the left hand menu for details. (For those of you who are wondering, the river Axe runs through the Wedmore, Cheddar and Winscombe triangle.)  

We are affiliated to the EBU and the Somerset Contract Bridge Association.and extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to play with us.  Visiting pairs may attend face to face sessions without notice but visitors without a partner should contact us in advance. 

If you are a rubber bridge player who has yet to play duplicate bridge then why not give it a try?   With everyone playing the same hands you don't have to be dealt good hands to win!  You just have to do better than other people with the same hands.  Use our contact form if you would like to have an introduction to what goes on and how it all works. Just mention in the comments that you are a rubber bridge player who is interested in trying duplicate and we will arrange a short introduction to duplicate for you.

Wedmore Duplicate Pairs
Director: Gillian
Scorer: Gillian
Cheddar Championship Pairs
Director: Steve
Scorer: Gillian
Axe Wednesday Duplicate
Wedmore Duplicate Pairs
Director: Steve
Scorer: Gillian
Axe Wednesday Duplicate
12th Feb 2025
Cheddar Duplicate Pairs
Catholic Church 1:30 pm
12th Feb 2025
Axe Wednesday Duplicate
BBO 7 pm
17th Feb 2025
Wedmore Duplicate Pairs
Masonic Hall 7 pm
19th Feb 2025
Cheddar Duplicate Pairs
Catholic Church 1:30 pm
19th Feb 2025
Axe Wednesday Duplicate
BBO 7 pm
Recent Promotions

Congratulations to our members below who have recently achieved promotion to the Masterpoint ranks listed.

Jane Hall  Advanced Master
Joanna Hemmings  County Master

The list of possible ranks can be found here.