Charlottetown Duplicate Bridge Club
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CDBC Executive  2023/2024


Sally Goddard

Vice President:

Jayne Hinchliff-Milne

Past President:

Ken Kerr


Rolf Tomlins


Pearle MacCallum

At Large:

Lynne Eager

Barb Woodhead

Edna MacDonald

Director Rep:

Ray Malone

Club Manager:

Erroll Jenkins

Social Committee:

Lynda Sharpe


CDBC Disciplinary Policy

                   CDBC Disciplinary Policy



ACBL has recognized that ACBL clubs are not franchises, but rather, independent legal entities. They have stated that while the ACBL has a responsibility to see that all sanctioned club games are conducted in accordance with the Laws of Duplicate Bridge, unacceptable behavioral issues fall within the club management’s purview.

Unacceptable behavior includes but is not necessarily limited to:

  1. Violation of ACBL Zero Tolerance Policy;

  2. Unethical practices; or

  3. Cheating.

CDBC has therefore decided that the adoption and enforcement of a consistent disciplinary process is essential. All cases of unacceptable behavior will be dealt with fairly and promptly by:

  1. The Director; or

  2. The CDBC Disciplinary Committee.

CDBC will adhere to ACBL guidance concerning disciplinary matters which highlights the fact that no player can be suspended based upon race, creed, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, national origin, physical handicap or proficiency at bridge.


The Director

In most cases, the Director is first on scene to handle any matters involving unacceptable behavior. They will resolve the situation as they see fit, based on their experience. No limits are put on the Director’s powers in this regard. If a Director believes that a suspension is warranted, he would normally refer the matter to the CDBC Disciplinary Committee.

There could be a case of a Director however, determining that in order to maintain order and discipline, immediate action must be taken. Under Law 91 the Director is empowered to immediately suspend a player for the remainder of the game. A decision such as this is final and cannot be overruled by any appeal process.

The Director may at any time, for any reason, decide that a situation involving unacceptable behavior should be dealt with by the CDBC Disciplinary Committee.


CDBC Disciplinary Committee

A Disciplinary Committee has been established for the purpose of dealing with instances of unacceptable behavior which have been reported to them (normally by a Director). This committee will consist of the following members:

  1. Chair – CDBC Vice President;

  2. Member – CDBC Past President; and

  3. Member – CDBC Director Representative.

Should any one of the above be directly involved in the infraction being dealt with, a member of the CDBC Executive will replace them for the duration of the Disciplinary process.

The Disciplinary Committee shall not be bound by rules of formal law, evidence or procedure, and shall be liberal in receiving evidence.


CDBC Appeals Committee

The CDBC Appeals Committee will be established for the purpose of listening to and deciding upon any appeal that has been brought forward by someone who disagrees with how they were dealt with by either the Director, or the CDBC Disciplinary Committee. This committee will consist of the following members:

1. Chair – CDBC President; and

2. two members of the CDBC Executive appointed by the Chair. The Chair will ensure that these members have not been previously involved with the matter being appealed.

If a punishment awarded consists of a suspension of an ACBL Member from any ACBL, unit or district sponsored games, the CDBC Appeals Committee cannot hear the appeal. The appeal must be heard by the Unit Disciplinary Committee.

If an ACBL Member feels that he was awarded a suspension based on upon race, creed, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, national origin, physical handicap or proficiency at bridge, the appeal can only be heard by the Unit Disciplinary Committee.