General Competition Rules |
Club Championship Pairs – 3 Rounds – 1 Substitute allowed
Club Teams – 2 Rounds, 1 Substitute allowed
GNOTs Teams – 3 Rounds, subs allowed, but constituted players must play at least 2 rounds
Invitation Events An Invitation Event is run over at least 5 nights, under the following conditions:
1 The least favourable result is eliminated
2 Players may play with the same partner as often as they wish, but only the first result with the same partner will be counted towards the competition. However all master points earned will be credited.
Club Rules for Competition
- To qualify for a competition players must be Club Members. Visitors may play but round in which they play will not be counted, but any Master Points earned will be credited.
- Constituted Players cannot substitute in another Team/Pair as score for that round will not count.
- For a full list of Rules see By-Laws.