Charlestown Bridge Club


Our next game is Invitation Pairs on Friday 20th September 2.30pm start. 

Players are encouraged to play with a different partner for this event.

Please register by clicking on "Bookings"(or "Partner") in the right hand box (Calendar). You may use your name or email to register, however if you are new to the club, you will not be able to register until you have joined up and been put into our database.  You do not have to book, but you will need to be at the club before 2.15pm to allow for the movement to be resolved.  If you are having difficulties booking please contact the webmaster at 



  Please be seated by 2.15pm.



Next Committee Meeting  2pm Thursday 7th November at Cynthias.



Please see report on GNOT Regional Final on Sunday August 4th in menu under NEWS






Release 2.19r
Report on GNOT Regional Final
GNOT s at Newcastle on Sunday 4th August

The Grand National Open Teams Regional Final was held at Newcastle Bridge Club on Sunday 4th August.  24 Teams attended representing most of the clubs in the region, from Hawks Nest in the North to Belmont in the South and Maitland in the West, 9 clubs in all.  Charlestown was represented by Jill Achurch, Colleen Wilson, Enza Di Stefano and Alan Hemmingway.  The arrangement was 6 x 9 board matches over the day with teams playing the nearest team on the ladder after the first round.

Charlestown was seeded 12 and played Hawks Nest (Seeded 24) in the first round.  They had a comfortable win, with the highlight being Jill playing 3 diamonds doubled as west on board 7 making with an overtrick to score 870, while Enza made 3 Hearts as South at the other table, total score 1010 and plus 14 imps.  This brought them up to 4th position and the next match was much tougher against Tomaree 2 (Seeded 5).  Charlestown lost by 11 imps and dropped to 11th to face Maitland 4 who were 7th seed. Another loss saw them drop to 14th with 2 bad boards being the difference.  Now they faced the 18th seeded Maitland 2 team against whom they had a good win of 29 imps with only one negative board.  So back up to 8th position and next opponents the 4th seeded team from Tomaree, with another good win by 19 imps, with no negative boards. So now for the last match with Charlestown in 4th position, pitted against the top seeded team of Newcastle 1 (Sharon and Greg Mayo, Paul McGrath and Michael Simes, all grand masters) and the expected loss by 19 imps.  A valiant attempt, finishing in 7th position overall and earning more than 1 gold masterpoint for their 3 wins.  In addition Jill And Alan were 8th out of 48 in the pair datums! Well done Charlestown!

Other Charlestown players at the day included Linda Thomas and Margaret Vale playing for Belmont with 2 wins (15th),  Cheryl Pletz and Lesley and Charles Bowen-Thomas playing with Diana Ellis in the "House" team  with 3 wins (20th), Jody Swaine partnered by Paul Rooms, with Deanna and John Stuart (Newcastle 2) finished 5th,  Kerrie Stien and Caroline Carey played for Lake Macquarie and our old friend Ronnie Antill was playing for Toronto .

Ken Wilks controlled the day superbly and the Newcastle Club provided a great range of snacks to keep 96 hungry bridge players very happy.  A very competitive day enjoyed by all, with the top 3 teams going on to a three day knockout on Real Bridge in September.


John Stuart 5th August 2024