The AGM was successfully held on December 9th. Here is a picture of the President cutting the Christmas Cake! The President's Report follows:
Presidents report
Charlestown bridge club
By Janice McKay
December 2022
Here we are at the end of 2022 – another pandemic year! We have welcomed some new players to the club again this year which has been great and our numbers seem to be fairly stable at around 5 - 6 tables which probably isn’t too bad considering the pandemic; but I am always hopeful of greater numbers. I was out of action for a while with my broken jaw, and away for 2 months in winter and I thank you all for keeping everything running so smoothly.
Your committee members have been working hard. We had to lodge a financial statement to Dept of Fair Trading for 2020, so we had to have an AGM for 2020 which was a pandemic mix-up. We have kept the club open all year and we have swapped and changed partners as various members either had Covid or were close contacts. We still have members who are wary to play at present. We continue with our covid-safe practices.
We purchased a new laptop during the year and our Bridgemates are operating quite consistently each week – a big thankyou to Rosemary for her massive effort, to Sarah for helping set up the new computer and to John for taking over so successfully when Rosemary was away. We are delighted that Margaret and Linda are becoming Bridgemate operators which really takes a lot of pressure off our small team – thankyou Linda and Margaret. With Rosemary’s great manual, it is pretty straight forward, and if anyone else wants to have a go, just let us know – especially as Rosemary is stepping down from this role.
Our 3 pm starts seem to be suiting most (but not all) of our members so we will continue with this from now on. We will continue to skip the supper break while the pandemic is on, and will reassess later – it certainly does save some time. There is still some time for socialising before and after the game.
Very sadly this year, we lost Robert Shearer and a number of members attended his funeral (some of us did so virtually). Robert was a Grand Master in bridge and had been a member of our club more than 30 years ago. Dennis told me he was of great assistance in getting Belmont Bridge club up and running and he was a regular player there, as well as at Quicktricks and Newcastle. He is missed by many.
Robert had been in training to take over the master point role from Dennis and Dennis has kindly continued to look after our master points which is fabulous – thankyou Dennis. Secretary Cheryl has been keeping us running smoothly as always, Brigitta has been faithfully looking after our money, Sue has been running tournaments, directing, organising our program and doing lots of jobs such as running our mid-year AGM, Rosemary has taken care of our Bridgemates and continued to update the manual, John has been directing as well as managing the web page and the bridgemates; and Enza has stood up for me in my absence with my broken jaw and my trip away, audited the books, and she is a fountain of information with much of our organisational tasks. Two committee members are rostered on each month to unlock, set up and lock up. Thank you to all our committee for all your efforts.
Thanks also go to our non-committee helpers – our directors – Dennis, Kerrie and Hans; and to Bob for all the running around he does for me. All your help is very much appreciated. As I said last year, it really is a team effort at this club so a big thank you to all of you who assist with setting up and tidying up – many hands make light work!
There will be no increases to our table fees for next year. I’ve also had a request to give a bit more education, for example, which bids are alertable, so we might re-introduce that next year.
We are now purchasing pre-dealt hands from Newcastle Bridge Club which has been a lovely initiative. We are lucky to afford such a luxury for such a small club. We can play without dealing, and we can have the hands loaded straight onto the computer. Thankyou to Brigitta and Cheryl and others who drop the cards to Newcastle and pick them up for us.
While I have been President, I have awarded my special prize each year – usually to non-committee members who have gone above and beyond. This year I’m donating a different prize. In memory of Robert, who LOVED penalty doubles and constantly winged to me that players don’t use them enough, I have purchased four free bridge tokens which will be awarded to the first four successful penalty doubles played tonight or on subsequent weeks. Please call to me when it occurs. Robert told me, not long before he died, that an inexperienced player had recently doubled him at Belmont Bridge Club and he had gone down a number of tricks. He was so proud of this person who had doubled him!!
We have our programmes here and you can start filling in your invitation partners today, so grab a card and start making bookings. Most of our experienced players are happy to play with beginner players on some of the invitations, so don’t be afraid to ask. It is also a good opportunity to invite one of your other bridge playing friends to play with you on one or more of those nights to introduce them to our club.
Thank you all for your great bridge and for your support this year. Please feel free to give us your suggestions throughout the year. I wish you and your families a very safe, healthy and happy festive season and I look forward to playing Friday bridge with you in 2023 – hopefully in less turbulent times.