

SLO: Saturday, February 8th, prior to the Unit Game  (Online sign-up here.)



Many games this month are special events and award extra points.  These events are all shown in the Schedule on the website's home page!

February 7, 2025
SLO 12:30
(Sign Up)
February 8, 2025
SLO 12:30
(Sign Up)
February 10, 2025
SLO 12:30
(Sign Up)
February 10, 2025
PASO 12:30
Release 2.19r
Unit 540 Bylaws
Unit 540 Bylaws





The name of this unit is San Luis Obispo Unit 540, hereinafter referred to as “the Unit”. The Unit is chartered by the American Contract Bridge League, hereinafter referred to as “ACBL”.


The objectives of the Unit are:

  1. To preserve and promote the best interests of, and to stimulate interest in competitive duplicate contract bridge and any modification thereof;
  2. To cooperate with and assist ACBL in the promotion and conduct of contract bridge tournaments;
  3. To encourage the highest standards of conduct and ethics by its members, and to enforce such standards;
  4. To promote the development and organization of affiliated clubs within the Unit;
  5. To cooperate in ACBL’s charity program and to sponsor and conduct events to raise funds for worthy humanitarian causes;
  6. To conduct such other activities as may be keeping with these objectives.



The geographical area within which the Unit shall have jurisdiction shall be such area as is presently, or may in the future be, assigned to it by the Board of Directors of the ACBL. As of September 28, 1972 that area is San Luis Obispo County, California.



A. Any Person of good moral character and residing within the jurisdiction of the Unit is eligible for membership in the Unit. No person shall be denied membership because of race, creed, gender or color. Membership in the Unit requires membership in the ACBL.

B. Such person, upon favorable action, shall become and remain a member in good standing, unless:

  1. The member changes his/her residence to the geographical area assigned to a different unit and does not act to obtain District approvals necessary to become a non-resident member of the Unit as required by ACBL.
  2. The member fails to pay his/her dues when billed by ACBL, and becomes delinquent, and after a SIX (6) month grace period the name is removed from active membership roles. A member may be reinstated as provided by ACBL regulations.
  3. The member has been suspended or expelled from membership as provided by ACBL regulations by the Unit; provided, however, that such suspension or expulsion shall be in accordance with rules of due process applicable to membership corporations, and in conformity with the ACBL Code of Disciplinary Regulations.



A. Annual dues shall be in the amount fixed by ACBL.



A. There shall be an annual meeting of the members which shall be held within the Unit jurisdiction during the month of January.

B. The Unit Board of Directors shall fix the time and place of the annual meeting and shall give appropriate notice by announcement as soon as possible, but not less than two (2) weeks before the event.

C. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Unit Board of Directors or by the President or by petition of twenty-five (25) members. Notice of the time and place of any special meeting shall be given by announcement two (2) weeks before the event and subsequently announced at all Unit and club games within the Unit during the two-week period.

D. A quorum for the transaction of business at any annual or special meeting shall consist of not fewer than twenty-five (25) members.

E. No voting or non-voting proxies shall be permitted.



A. Term of Office

Each Director shall hold office for a period of two (2) years and shall continue to hold office until his/her successor shall have been duly elected.

B. Nomination and Election of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) voting persons, all of whom are nominated and elected by Unit members. Terms shall be staggered so that four (4) Directors are elected each even numbered year and five (5) Directors are elected each odd numbered year. The immediate Past President shall become a non-voting member of the Board. The nominating committee shall consist of three (3) members elected by the Board, one (1) from the Unit Board and two (2) from the members at large. The Committee shall select its Chair and present four (4) or more candidates for the Board of Directors and place their names in nomination at the annual meeting.


Vacancies that occur between elections on the Unit Board of Directors shall be filled by the Board of Directors.

D. Meetings

The Unit Board of Directors shall hold a minimum of two (2) regular meetings a year.

E. Quorum

The quorum of the Unit Board of Directors for the transaction of business shall consist of no fewer than five (5) voting members.

F. Powers and Duties

In addition to the powers herein granted by the laws of the State of California, the Unit Board of Directors shall have powers and duties including, but not limited to:

1. The conduct, management, supervision, and control of the business of the Unit:

2. Conduct of Unit tournaments

G. Disciplinary Action

Discipline of a Unit member must be in accordance with “ACLB CODE OF DISCIPLINARY REGULATIONS.”



A. Number

The Officers of the Unit shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

B. Election of Unit Officers

Unit Officers shall be elected by the members of the Board of Directors from their number at a regular or special meeting held as soon as practical after the election of the Board.

C. Vacancies

Vacant offices, due to death, resignation or other cause, shall be filled by the Unit Board of Directors.

D. Duties

The duties of the Officers shall be those duties usually performed as a function of the office held or as may be assigned by the Unit Board of Directors.



Any Officer or Director of the Unit may be removed for cause at any meeting of the Unit Board of Directors provided three-quarters (¾) of those present, constituting a quorum, shall so vote. Any Officer or Director against whom impeachment charges shall be brought shall be notified in writing, by registered mail, of the charges against him/her at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, and shall be given an opportunity to be heard before the Unit Board of Directors and to be represented by counsel of his/her choosing at his/her expense. Absence from more than two (2) consecutive Board meetings may be cause for removal of a Director.



A. The President shall appoint Standing Committees, with the approval of the Board of Directors, to include, but not limited to, the following:

1. Tournament Committee

This Committee will plan, arrange, and generally supervise tournaments of any Unit sponsored event in all areas where responsibility is not retained by ACBL.

2. Conduct and Ethics Committee

This Committee shall receive and process any complaint or charge against any member that involves conduct or ethics at Unit functions, or upon request from the clubs. It also serves as an Appeals Committee for all Unit events and in that capacity for all clubs within the Unit upon request.

3. Membership Committee

This Committee strives to stimulate interest in Unit activities, especially among new members, to increase Unit membership, and to encourage membership renewals. The membership Secretary will normally become Chair of the Committee.

4. Publicity Committee

This Committee publicizes Unit activities and events and attempts to increase public awareness and acceptance of ACBL and the social contributions made by the Unit to local and national communities.

B. Other ad hoc Committees may be appointed by the President which do not require Board approval. Such specific purpose assignments shall not extend six months past their date of appointment.



A. The By-Laws shall become effective only after approval by the Unit members at a regular or special meeting.

B. Proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors, which may delegate a Committee to recommend changes. The Board may present proposals for approval or disapproval by the membership at a regular or special meeting.

C. The petition of ten (10) or more members for a special membership meeting may include a proposal for a change to the By-Laws. Such a proposal shall be voted on at such a meeting and adopted by a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those voting.

By-Laws revised at Annual Meeting, January 17, 1999