Continuing Education Single Session Classes |
- WHEN AND HOW TO FINESSE (two sessions): OCTOBER 23 AND NOVEMBER 6, 9:15 - 11:30 A.M. – RICK JOHNS. "This class will focus on finesses: when to finesse; when not to finesse; how to finesse properly; how to decide which way to finesse when missing the queen; and common mistakes to avoid when finessing. Each class will consist of a brief over view of the topics followed by an opportunity to bid, play and discuss instructional hands specific to each topic. Cost is $8 including handouts for each session.
- NEW MINOR FORCING- NOVEMBER 13, 9:15 TO 11:30 A.M. – RICK JOHNS The class will consist of a brief overview of the topic followed by an opportunity to bid, play and discuss instructional hands. Cost is $8 including handouts.
Beginning Bridge I (Introduction to Bidding & Play) |
Topics include:
♣ Getting started
♣ Opening the Bidding (Major and Minor Suit Bidding)
♣ Responding to Opener's Bid with Weak and Strong Hands
♣ Opener's Rebid
♣ NT Opening Bids (and Responses) and The Big Hand
♣ Pre-emptive Bidding
♣ Competitive Bidding, Overcalling and Advancing
♣ Takeout Doubles and Responses
♣ Opening Leads and Declarer Play
Each lesson will include practice deals, with students bidding and playing the hand.
Basic Bridge II (Play of the Hand) |
(includes directed play)
This is the second in the basic bridge series for beginning players or those wanting to refresh their playing skills.
Topics Iinclude:
Playing a No Trump Contract
♦Counting wiinners
♦Developing tricks-Promotion, Length & Finessing
♦Developing a plan-Analyzing alternatives
♦Coping with opening leads
♦Maintaining communication
♦Playing Strategies
Playing a Suit Contract
♦Counting losers
♦Eliminating losers-Ruffing & Discarding
♦Developing a plan-Analyzing alternatives
♦Managing the trump suit.
Inferences-Solving the Bridge Puzzle |
This two session class is for bridge players of all skill levels. During the auction and play of the hand, numerous clues are provided which can be used to reach the best contract, to win more tricks as declarer, or to play better defense. This class will identify what those clues are, how they can be used to achieve better results, and the skill set one needs to accomplish this. Whether you have 10 masterpoints or 2000 masterpoints, the numerous examples provided will show you how you can up your game.
Two over One (2/1) Game Force |
Whether you want to learn the 2/1 Game Force system, or want to refresh what you already know, this is the course for you.
In this seven week class you will learn the fundamentals of the popular Two over One (2/1) Game Force bidding system. Using the 2/1 system, reaching the best game and slam contracts is easier and there is less danger of being left in a part score contract because of confusion in the bidding process. Players already using 2/1Game Force will find the material in this course refreshing and helpful.
Each class will include a presentation on a specific topic, and students will bid and play at least 4 practice hands illustrating the principles in the lesson. Each practice hand will be fully discussed and analyzed with respect to bidding, playing and defense.
The basic text book is: 2/1 Game Force by Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell. The text book is not required, but is highly recommended.
Classes will be held at the Lansing Bridge Center.
Directed play Option: Putting what you learned into practice with help from the instructors .
Preregistration is required (a minimum of 12 students is necessary to conduct the class). See any game director to register. Early registration is appreciated to allow the instructors time to prepare materials and purchase books.
Instructor: Helen Van Amburg - Accredited ACBL Bridge Instructor
Mentoring |
The Lansing Bridge Club offers a 6 month Mentorship Program that pairs novice players with Life Masters. The mentor plays with his/her mentee at least twice a month at regularly scheduled games and spends an additional 20 minutes/session discussing bidding techniques and play strategies. Mentoring sessions start April 1st and September 1st.
If you are interested, contact Rick Johns at (517) 290-5045 or