Release 2.19q
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Saturday Lecture Series

Links to handouts and recorded videos for

AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

The BCA has an AED in a cabinet on the south wall of the main room. A short video is available which explains its use.

Charity Games
Charity games award extra masterpoints. The extra charge is split between the ACBL Charity Fund and Posada Esperanza, a local charity the BCA supports which provides shelter for immigrant women and children escaping domestic abuse.
Unit Championship
Club Games (Copy)

PLEASE REGISTER Players are encouraged to preregister for all games at the Bridge Center using this form to be guaranteed a spot to play. You may also email Beth Tobias directly or call the BCA at (512) 300-2743 and leave a message. Registrations must be submitted by 6 pm the day prior to the game.

The BCA is taking COVID precautions including spacing the tables further apart. This may limit the number of players that we can accomodate.  If we exceed that number of registrations or if there are insufficient registrations for a game to make, we will notify you. If you have registered, but cannot play, please notify us.

VACCINATIONS REQUIRED Please note that proof of vaccination is required from all players prior to the first time playing at the BCA and will be checked at the door prior to entry the first time you play. The last required dose of the vaccine must have been received at least two weeks before the game in which you plan to play. You can email Beth Tobias proof of vaccination (photo or scan) in advance of the game (at least one day) to avoid having to show it at the door.

MASKS Masks are not required, but players may wear them if they wish.

HAND SANITIZERS Hand sanitizers will be at each table. Players will be asked to use it when arriving at and/or before leaving the table each round. 

FOOD AND DRINKS No coffee, water dispenser, or ice will be available. Bottled water, canned drinks, and individual packaged snacks will be available for purchase. Players may bring their own food and/or drinks; however, no food will be allowed at the tables. A 10 minute break will be provided midway through the game as an opportunity to eat.

NOTIFICATION REQUIRED If you become ill after a game, please notify us so that appropriate notification measures can be taken.