Release 2.19q
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Pages viewed in 2025
Saturday Lecture Series

Links to handouts and recorded videos for

AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

The BCA has an AED in a cabinet on the south wall of the main room. A short video is available which explains its use.

Charity Games
Charity games award extra masterpoints. The extra charge is split between the ACBL Charity Fund and Posada Esperanza, a local charity the BCA supports which provides shelter for immigrant women and children escaping domestic abuse.
Welcome to the Bridge Center of Austin

Welcome to the Bridge Center of Austin - where the best game in the world is played. We offer a variety of friendly beginning, intermediate, and open games and a full array of classes. All games feature pre-duplicated boards, hand records, and tabletop scoring devices. Come see us at 6700 Middle Fiskville Road, Suite 408, Austin, TX  78752 or call us at (512) 300-2743.

Upcoming Events

Earn GOLD at all BCA  games this week!

ACBL has announced that this week, Feb 10-16, any live club that is running a regular club game will be awarded 25% gold 75% black points. All games at the BCA this week qualify.  Come play!

The BCA is getting a facelift in 2025!

The Unit and the BCA have partnered to purchase new carpet for our facility. We are repainting the interior walls and refreshening our exterior with replacement awnings and a refurbished sign. We could use still your help to make this happen.

The carpet installation is taking place by the contractor on two Friday evening/all day Saturday sessions February 7/8 and February 21/22. The main room has been completed! We will return next Sunday February 16th to paint the back room. If you can give us a few hours to help next Sunday, please email Tom Bell at, and he will be in touch.

The BCA Board thanks you very much!

For BCA Club Games see below or use the Calendar & Game Registration tab on the left. The Monthly Schedules are annotated with special games offering extra points and provide a means for registering for a game or requesting a partner. Click for other Unit 207  club games.
     No food at tables - A hospitality break halfway through each game provides a chance to eat.

     See above for Special Games and Tournament announcements.

         Game Schedule at the BCA

  • Monday 10:30 am 1LM
  • Tuesday 10:30 am 0-1500 (guaranteed partner)
  • Wednesday 10:30 am 0-1500
  • Wednesday Noon 0-20 (guaranteed partner, pre-game lesson)
  • Wednesday 7:00 pm Open
  • Thursday 10:30 am 0-500 (guaranteed partner, pre-game lesson)
  • Thursday 11:00 am Open
  • Friday 11:00 am Open (lite lunch provided)
  • Friday 12:30 pm 0-200 (guaranteed partner)
  • Saturday 1:30 pm Open

1LM: Maximum of One Life Master per pair
The schedule will likely continue to change. Check this website and our newsletter frequently.

Game Registration

Game Registrations and Partnership Requests are made using the Calendar & Game Registration tab in the menu on the left. Click to go there.
If you have questions or need instructions, click here.

Note that you must first be registered in the Player Directory. If you need to be added, click here to go to Members Only: and submit a Membership Request.

If you need to Cancel a Registration - return to the Calendar, select Registration Required for the game you wish to cancel, and enter the exact partner name you used when making the reservation. Click Remove.


If you are listed in the Player Directory and are in search of a partner and/or are willing to partner with someone new to the BCA, please click on the Partnerships tab on the left. If you are looking for a partner for a specfic game, use the Calendar & Game Registration tab. Click here for details.

Open 25% Gold
0-200 25% Gold
0-500 25% Gold