This page contains links to other sites or pages of interest to members.
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ACBL Unit 390 Calgary |
This is the Calgary ACBL Unit 390 page.
You will find all sorts of information here including clubs in our unit, bridge results, game times, reference material on conventions etc. Anything you want to know about bridge in Calgary, you will find it here.
The official site of the American Contract Bridge League.
A good place to search for tournaments and club games in any city.
ACBL members can log in to check on their masterpoints and personal information.
The Canadian Bridge Federation runs the annual Canadian Bridge Championships.
Their Richmond trophy race and Mini-Richmond trophies recognize the top Canadian masterpoint winners for all categories of players for the year.
WASUMI ACBL District 18 |
Our district is presently made up of Wyoming, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Utah, Montana and Idaho. This is a great place to find out about North American Pairs, Grand National Teams and other competitions.
The World Bridge Federation gives you information about bridge including competitions outside of North America.