Charity Number 1179979
Release 2.19r

Our bank details are:

Account County Bridge Club; Sort code 40-28-06; Account number 41071378. 

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Table money
Table Money

I am aware that a few members have missed the various announcements about increases in our table money.  At our committee meeting on Saturday 10th September, following a request from some members, there has been a few changes to our policy on visitor fees.

Our Charges

On-Line – our charge remains at $3 (American Dollars)

From September 1st the basic table money at the club has increased to £4.00

There will be an additional fee of £2 for non-members except on line.


Monday evening, our joint venture with Westcotes, all are welcome with no additional charge for non-members.

Thursday am/lunch/pm is £6 (and an additional visitor fee of £2).  

Visitors who have applied for membership will be charged member rates till a decision has been made.

Reason for increases

I am sure everyone is aware of the current inflation level (thanks Putin).  Electricity has already more than doubled and will probably get worse.  Food prices for our Thursday lunch are going up.  Plans are underway to reduce our energy usage, more details will be published shortly.