Diary Dates

1st-3rd November Junior Bridge Camp Woldingham School

11th-13th November Children in Need Sim Pairs

22nd-24th November 2024 Thame Bridge Weekend 

18th December 10:00 - 16:30 Christmas Lunch Bletchingley Golf Club

21st-23rd March Weekend away South Lawns Hotel Milford on Sea

3th-15th June 2025 Weekend away at Marsham Court Hotel Bournemouth

Release 2.19q
Online Tuition - Learn Bridge & Improve Your Game

Open to all

Beginning Bridge Course

- Sign up for more info

Private Partnership Tuition - Tues, Wed, Thurs

- Review an entire session or hands of your choice with Tony. 1 or 2 pairs.

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Tony's Top Ten Tips

Tony’s top ten tips; these are designed as an aide memoir for our less experienced players to be read before a session. Don't forget there are always exceptions but these actions will be correct at least 80% of the time.

1. When you have values for game make sure partner cannot Pass below game level

2. Respond to partner’s suit bid with 6+ points you need 10+ to bid a new suit at the 2 level

3. When you have pre-empted do not bid again unless prompted by partner

4. Use Stayman and Transfers

5. Lead your partner’s suit

6. Don’t lead your opponent’s suit

7. Don’t underlead an Ace against a suit contract 8. Second hand low, third hand high

9. Discard suits you do not want partner to lead

10. As declarer count your top tricks then look for extra tricks

Tony’s top top ten tips; these are designed as an aide memoir for our more able players to be read before a session. Don't forget there are always exceptions but these actions will be correct at least 80% of the time.

1. Bid to the level of fit

2. Bid good slams

3. Use unassuming cue bids in competitive bidding situations

4. If opponents agree opener’s second suit as trumps lead a trump

5. Lead passively when declarer has shown a very strong hand rather than an active lead from a four card suit

6. Use the rule of 11

7. As declarer make a plan once you see dummy

8. Use encouraging/discouraging signals at trick one

9. Use the principle of restricted choice

10. Count your opponents points as declarer or defender