Board 22 from 2nd July
At two tables the EW pair reached 4 Hearts, at one the EW contract was 3 Hearts and at the remaining tables the contract was 2 Hearts.
Why just 2 Hearts? Because the East West pairs were using the loosing trick count method.
West opens 1 Heart. Perfectly reasonable considering the lenght of the Heart suit and the point count. North is not going to get involved. East certainly wants to encourage West, but by how much?
Loosing trick counts helps. OK it is a bit mathematical but is does gives results. Criteria Number One. At least four card support for partners suit. Yes! Check
Criteria Number Two. Do you have a good four card suit that partner should be told about before supporting partners suit? No! Check
Now the maths. How many loosers do you have? In the Spade suit 2. Hearts 2, Diamonds 3 and Clubs 2 Total 9. Take the 9 from 11 (it is always 11). Answer 2. So bid 2 Hearts.
West can now complete the sum. West counts the loosers in West's hand Spades 1, Hearts 2, Diamonds 2 and Clubs 2 Total 7. Add this 7 to East's 9. Total 16 Take the 16 from 18 (it is alway 18) answer 2. So pass 2 Hearts.
West usually made 9 tricks. Two obvious Diamond loosers, How the Heart suit is played could loose a trick to South and good luck with the clubs with the KJ sitting over the Q.