CMBC play Protocol for return to F2F Bridge
- We expect all players to be double vaccinated and not play if asked to self isolate or have any infectious condition. We will retain a list of players in the hall and if anyone tests positive for Covid after playing they must immediately inform the Secretary, Sheena Tel. 01670 504 973.
- Doors and windows will be open for good ventilation so you may want to wrap up more warmly.
- We will limit the number tables to 12 so that social distancing may be observed and we will ask players to pre-register every time they play to control the number of tables.
- We expect face masks to be worn on arrival but would not expect them to be worn during the evening although each table can decide if there is a particular reason to wear them during play.
- We will provide hand sanitizer for use on arrival.
- The sanitized bidding boxes will already be put out on the tables. E/W should keep the same box all evening and move it with them as they go to the next table and leave it on the table at the end of the evening. You may bring your own bidding box if you prefer.
- Sanitized Bridgemates will also be put out and should only be handled by North. E/W should check the scores as usual but North should accept. Again leave on the table.
- Playing cards will be pre-dealt in good time before the evening but players are asked to exercise care in handling cards and avoid face contact.
- We will play a Mitchell movement with all North’s sitting, without arrow switches to minimize movement in the hall.
- There will be no refreshments provided and no access to the kitchens. Players may bring their own drinks but are asked not to put them on the table.
- Table money of £2.50 will be collected as donations two months in arrears preferably by bank transfer to our Club a/c or by cheque to Freda (as now for BBO games).
- We will do everything possible to minimize the risk of playing F2F but it is impossible to remove all risk.
- We are intending to continue playing BBO and hope to merge the two results playing the same boards. We will try to match as closely as possible the number of boards played by each group so we may reduce the F2F boards to 18 or 20 initially.