Castle Morpeth Bridge Club
Registered Charity No. 1203651
Release 2.19r
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Competition Winners 2014/15



Competition Winners 2014-15


Club Championship Pairs             24th Jun 14    Peter Marshall & Vincent Price


Club Handicap Pairs                     26th Aug 14   Mike & Dorothy Craig


Club Championship Teams           25th Nov 14    Anne & Eric Bell

                                                                             Janet Angel & Jim Hodgson


Club Mixed Pairs                             3rd Feb 15      Ken & Marjorie Waugh


Club Ladies Pairs                            24th Mar 15    Sarah Cleverley & Janet Brough


Club Mens Pairs                              24th Mar 15    Peter Avery & Guy Herzmark


Individual Club Shield                    Apr – Mar       Frank Springett


Slam Champion                               Apr – Mar       David Gunn


Most Improved Newcomer              Not awarded this year


Newcomers Slam Champions       Not awarded this year





(1) Based on av % score over year 1st Apr – 31st Mar.  Must have played half of

available match pointed pairs events  (47) & best 24 scores included.    


Newcomers: Not more than 4 yrs as player or Club member

No higher than County Master (2500 MP’s)


Slams:            Points awarded for each slam 3 for grand and 1 for small