Castle Morpeth Bridge Club
Registered Charity No. 1203651
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SGM Minutes 4th Jan 2011
SGM Minutes 4th Jan 2011


Minutes of SGM held on 4th Jan 2011 at Storey Park

Those attending: Janet Angel, Bill Aynsley,  Eric & Anne Bell, Vivien Bennett, Janet Brough, Sarah Cleverley, Anne Coates, Mike & Dorothy Craig, Alan & Dorothy Dearing, Peter & Margery Dodds, Susan Dodds,  Ian Eckford, Pat Elliot, Liz Gray, David Gunn, Malcolm Hargreaves, Jill Harrison, Mary Harrison, Eileen Hall, Norman Henry, Syd Hetherington, Ann Hopper, Betty Hutton, Tessa Lee, Joyce Liddell, Jo Lormor, Derek Mansfield, Peter Marshall, Gary Matthews, Betty Matthewson, Mel McQuillan, Cyril Meehan, Brenda Mueller, Barbara Park, Vincent Price, Stephen Reay, Helen Sadler, Jo Schueller, Alfred Scott, Margaret Sewell, Freda Simpkin, Enid Smith, Janet Springett, Trevor Stone, John Summerside, Barbara Thompson Sheila Thompson, Bob Willliamson, John & Heather Wiltshire,

The Chairman opened the meeting and wished everybody a Happy New Year from the Committee.   This is the SGM that had been planned for 30th November 2010 but was postponed due to the bad weather.

The only item on the agenda is to approve and adopt the revised Constitution dated October 2010 for Castle Morpeth Bridge Club.   The draft has been displayed on the Club notice board and website for several weeks.   The Chairman said that some comments had been received and responded to and as far as he knew there were no outstanding comments.

The Chairman asked for a Proposer and Seconder to the motion that Castle Morpeth Bridge Club approve and adopt the draft Constitution.    Tessa Lee proposed and Peter Dodds seconded  the motion.     All members of the Club were asked to vote by a show of hands and  the motion was carried unanimously, with no abstentions.

The Chairman thanked the members for adopting the Constitution and reminded them that in doing so they had agreed to abide by the Laws, Regulations and Policies of the EBU (clauses 4 & 13a).   These documents are quite detailed and to help members an extract has been put on the website “Points of Law, Etiquette & Procedure” and in addition a summary has been prepared by the Committee “A gentle reminder.......” which has been placed on each table.

This concluded the business of the meeting.    Peter Marshall kindly thanked the Committee for their good work.

28th January 2011