Castle Morpeth Bridge Club
Registered Charity No. 1203651
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SGM Minutes 25/08/15

CASTLE MORPETH BRIDGE CLUB Storey Park Community Centre Morpeth


Minutes of Special General Meeting held at Storey Park Community Centre, Morpeth at 6.50pm on Tuesday 25th August, 2015


In attendance: Aileen Cunningham, Alfred Scott, Ann Noble, Anne Bell, Anne Coates, Anne Hauxwell, Audrey Croft, Azhar Mahmood, Barbara Thompson, Bob Lyon, Carole Newton, Cecily Manghan, Chris Stenning, David Gunn, Don Eadington, Dorothy Craig, Fin O’Driscoll, Freda Simpkin, Garry Matthews, Helen Sadler, Hetty Jackson, Ian Hudson, Janet Brough,Jean Armstrong, Jean Wilkinson, Jill Harrison, Jim Hodgson, Jo Lormor, John Hall, John Towers, Jonathan Noble, Keith Harbour, Ken Reed, Ken Waugh, Ken Wharrier, Kenneth Bodenham, Laura Marriott, Laurie Monkhouse, Malcom Hargreaves, Margaret Fenwick, Margery Dodds, Marilyn Ross, Marjorie Waugh, Mary Rayner, Mike Craig (chair),  Mike Rowlands, Monica Tuke, Moyra Booth, Norman Henry, Peter Marshall, Ray Rayner, Sarah Cleverly, Sheena Hudson (Secretary), Sheila Myers, Simon Hedley, Sonia Ashurst, Stephen Reay.



Apologies:  Ian Eckford, Vivien Bennett, John Wiltshire, Cyril Meehan



Meeting held to discuss proposed changes to Castle Morpeth Bridge Club Constitution resulting from our recent application for Gift Aid which was turned down by HM Revenue & Customs on the basis that our Constitution was not in strict charitable form in law.  The proposed changes were:


2.  Objects – change to Charitable Objects


  1. The advancement of amateur sport by promoting the game of bridge for the benefit of   the residents of Morpeth and surrounding area


  1. The provision of facilities for the learning, teaching and playing of bridge for the  benefit of the residents of Morpeth and the surrounding area with the object of improving conditions of life


  1. The club is a “No Fear” club and visitors are welcomed, to learn, improve and play duplicate bridge in a friendly and supportive atmosphere subject to “Guests and Visitors” below


15.  Winding up – wording changed to


  1. In order for a resolution that the Club shall be wound up to have effect at least two-thirds of the votes cast on the resolution must be in favour, and in addition the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution must exceed one-half of the number of members of the Club entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting at which the resolution is put.


  1. If a resolution that the Club shall be wound up is effectively passed, the Committee shall be responsible for winding up the affairs of the Club, and unless the winding up has been initiated with a view to amalgamating the Club with some other club (in which case any surplus assets and funds shall be transferred to such other club), any surplus assets and funds shall be transferred to such of the organisations mentioned in clause 15c as may be specified in the resolution initiating the winding up, and if no such organisation is so specified, to such of those organisations as the Committee may think fit.



  1. The organisations referred to in clause 15b are, the English Bridge Education and Development, registered charity 1153543, The North Eastern Bridge Association, and any Registered or recognised charitable body.


The changes were proposed by David Gunn and seconded by Peter Marshall. A vote was taken and 100% of those in attendance and all proxy votes received were in favour of the changes.


No further business and meeting closed at 7.00pm.