CASTLE MORPETH BRIDGE CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 8 June 2010 Minutes Present: N Henry, D Gunn, P Marshall, B Newton, J Slater, M Tuke, K Bodenham, C Jones, V Price, P Christensen, M Rayner, R Rayner, T Lee, S Ashurst, L Monkhouse, M Dodds, J Springett, F Springett, A Bell, E Bell, J Creswick, A Scott, P Dodds, J Liddell, J Lormor, J Angel, J Hicks, C McNeill, M Fenwick, J Hall, M Porthouse, K Waugh, J Armstrong, A Hopper, D Mansfield, N Oliver, S Kitching, M Craig, D Craig, I Eckford, C Walton, S Parker, R Richardson, B Mueller, K Wharrier, V Bennett, S Young, M Spencer, M Sewell, A Hauxwell, F Simpkin, L Gray, J Harrison Apologies received from R Stanners, J Wiltshire, C Meehan, B Hutton, John Bailey, Jean Bailey, Alan Dearing, Dorothy Dearing, Ian Hudson, Sheena Hudson, B Matthewson, A Simpson, B Osborne Owing to The Chairman’s absence Freda Simpkin chaired the meeting 1. Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes were adopted as a true record. Proposed by Dorothy Craig, seconded by David Gunn 2. Matters Arising There were no matters arising. 3. Chairmans Report The Chairman was ill and therefore not present. The acting Chairman read out his report which noted that the membership numbers had varied little since last year and the club continues on a sound footing. He added that the club also continued on a sound financial basis in no small measure due to your highly efficient and hard working Treasurer. The Chairman then reported on the NEBA’s decision about complaints which were made shortly after last year’s AGM. The NEBA has written that “there is no written or verbal evidence that you (the Chairman) carried out a prolonged and vicious diatribe against Mr. Bodenham”. This was the only item before the NEBA Disciplinary Committee as the other complaints were found to be without foundation apart from Mr. Simpson’s concern about his human rights - the Committee withdrew the reprimand and expressed their regret in suitable terms. There is another matter still in discussion with NEBA and members will be informed as soon as it is settled. “These matters have been somewhat protracted owing to difficulties experienced by the committee in finding out exactly what the complaints were and who made them. The time taken must seem unnecessarily long but, at last, we are nearing the end of the matter. We thank all members who have been patient whilst awaiting closure. Before concluding this item of your Chairman’s report I would ask you all to note that while the NEBA and the EBU do have provision, quite rightly, for investigating complaints, and here your committee has co-operated fully with NEBA, they do not have any remit within their respective constitutions to interfere in the running or management of a bridge club (even if that club is associated with those organisations). It is clear to us that there are lessons to be learned by all from this and it is my intention once all matters have been finally resolved to make constructive proposals to the English Bridge Union (hopefully with an input from NEBA) concerning procedures in investigating complaints” The Chairman ended by thanking all those who have contributed to the welfare and operation of this club throughout the past year. For the assistance in a variety of ways and on a regular basis - too many to mention all by name - thank you all. We have been extremely fortunate to have had the services of Judy Creswick in organising the Refreshment Committee. Tea and biscuits are a necessary sustenance for most of us! Many thanks to Judy and her helpers. Next I have been most thankful and, at times, touched by the expressions of support that have been made by a number of you. You have been most kind and I am most grateful - thank you. And finally to your committee - I am especially grateful to Freda Simpkin, Liz Gray, Trevor Stone and of course Jill for their unfailing support and loyalty throughout the past twelve months: without their hard work and application this club would not have flourished as it has 4. Acting Secretary’s Report There had been requests to postpone the Constitution discussion until a later date and the Committee had withdrawn it from the agenda. Ron Stanners has decided to resign as Chairman with effect from 6 July 2010. He regrets this untimely announcement. 5. Treasurers Report Freda gave an update on the finances of the club. There was a slight loss this year chiefly owing to the increase in rent and the club had purchased another set of boards during the year. The club is in a healthy position, enjoys a strong membership but must be prepared for change with Pay 2 Play now functioning. The accounts were adopted: proposed by David Gunn, seconded by Steve Kitching 6. Election of Auditor Norman Gray had agreed to act as auditor Proposed by Alfred Scott, seconded by Jo Lormor 7. Competition Secretary's Report Liz said that this was the second year the club entered the interclub teams of eight competition. Freda had often found it difficult to gather eight members together and had returned from holiday to play in one match! The newcomers and improvers competition run by Castle Morpeth was won this year by a team from the club, Marjorie Porthouse and Ken Waugh, Mary Rayner and Ray Rayner We also continue to run 5 SimPairs events which we subsidise as well as all four of the NEBA heats 8. Adoption of new Constitution was removed from the agenda 9. Motions from the Committee Owing to the onset of Pay to Play Freda advised the Committee that it was hard to estimate the future cost to the club and recommended the first two motions below: 1. The annual membership fee to be increased from £7.50 to £10.00pa as from January 2011. A show of hands indicated 35 for the motion and 7 against. The motion was carried. 2. The members were asked for permission to raise the Table Money by 50p per person in six months if it became necessary. A show of hands indicated 40 for the motion and none against. The motion was carried. 3. To allow a short overlap of two weeks with the retiring Chairman the Committee proposed the temporary post of Chairman designate. Members were asked if there was any dissent - there was no dissent. Nominations for Chairman should be sent to the Secretary by 22 June 2010 in the usual manner. Voting will take place on 22 June 2010. 10. Motions from Members There were no motions from members. 11. Election of Officers Secretary: There was one nomination - Sheena Hudson proposed by Mike Craig, seconded by Alfred Scott. There were no other nominations so Sheens was duly elected. Treasurer: Freda’s 3 year term had ended but she was prepared to stand again. There were no other nominations so Freda was duly re-elected. Committee member: Liz Gray’s 3 year term had ended but she was prepared to stand again. There were no other nominations so Liz was duly re-elected. 12. Any Other Business: K Bodenham made a request concerning the new Constitution but was informed that was not under discussion Jill Harrison informed members that Ian Eckford had kindly offered to be a scorer for the club. The Committee is most grateful. 13. Presentation of trophies: Club handicap pairs Malcolm Hargreaves & Garry Matthews Club mixed pairs Freda Simpkin & Syd Hetherington Club mens pairs Alfred Scott & Peter Marshall Club ladies pairs Moyra Booth & Marje Gilholm Individual Club shield Neil Oliver Club championship pairs Noel & Jean Bailey Most improved newcomer Dorothy Dearing Slam champion Norman Henry Newcomer slam champion Alan & Dorothy Dearing Newcomers & Improvers Teams of Four Marjorie Porthouse and Ken Waugh Mary Rayner and Ray Rayner |