Castle Morpeth Bridge Club
Registered Charity No. 1203651
Release 2.19r
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Committee Meeting 21st Apr 2010
Committee Meeting 21st Apr 2010



Minutes of Committee Meeting Longhirst 21 April 2010


Attendance: Liz Gray, Freda Simpkin, Jill Harrison, Ron Stanners.



There were no apologies




Minutes of 12 January 2010 approved after amendment to item 6 which should read:

                        ‘It was agreed at the SGM on 24 November 2009 that we would write to the

                        NEBA regarding setting up an Appeals Committee to consider Mr.

                       Bodenham’s suspension.




Matters arising: 

Re item 6. Reply to Chairman’s letter to Ken Spragg stated that he would support any attempt to settle matters quickly but with no suggestions

Re item 7. At a recent meeting with the NEBA The Chairman asked if he could send a copy of the draft Constitution for their perusal and comments.  This was agreed.




Treasurer’s report:

There has been a slight loss this year of about £50 - the accounts are currently with the auditor.

The P2P implications were discussed.  

The Committee will  proposes at the next AGM that the membership fees be increased to £10 per annum from 1 January 2011

The Table Money rate will be reviewed in 6 months.

The Committee has decided not to subsidise or to participate in the EBU SimPairs in each January. This means that the number of EBU/BGB SimPairs will be reduced to 4 per year which will save in excess of £100 per year. The cost of subsidy is £2 per playing member

The Committee decided also the club will not play in the NEBA SimPairs as it is difficult to run two events and not economic.




The Chairman reported on the NEBA Disciplinary Committee meeting on 20 April 2010.  We await the outcome.





The date of the AGM will be 8 June 2010 as two Committee members will be away during May (including May 25).

The draft Constitution will be put forward for ratification at the AGM.
Since no further suggestions for amendments have been received by the Committee it is the one circulated at the SGM on 24 November which will be the final draft with the proviso that if the NEBA cause the Committee to reconsider then their suggestions will be published for debate.

One Committee member is retiring after completion of 3 years and will not offer herself for re-election.

The post of Secretary is still vacant and needs to be filled as a matter of urgency. 

The above vacancies will be advertised in the normal way.  The Club Championship heats will now be on 1, 15 and 22 June. The final is still on 6 July.





  1. A letter will be sent to Mike Craig thanking him for becoming our Chief Scorer and Webmaster.  He is doing a brilliant job.

2.   Calendar dates were discussed and will be available later.




Date of next meeting Thursday 3 June at 2pm at Hebron