Castle Golf Club - Bridge
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Bridge at Castle

Bridge at Castle is played in the Clubhouse on Monday evenings from mid-September to mid-April.  Play begins at 7:15pm.  Players are requested to be seated by 7:05pm to facilitate the organisation of the game.  All adult members of the Club are welcome to play.  Spouses of adult members are also welcome.

Centenary Trophy

The Centenary Trophy is a team event which will be played on two successive Mondays commencing on Monday 7 November.  Team consist of four players and no guests are permitted.  Pre-entry is required and entries will close at 11:55 p.m. on Sunday 6 November.


1. Teams shall consist of any four players.
2. No guests are permitted.
3. All players must sit as directed by the Tournament Director.
4. A substitute is permitted on week two.
5. Any team which fields a substitute will only be eligible for a session prize.
6. Only one prize will be awarded to each team.
7. The prize for the first session will be awarded before the prize for the second session.