Castle Golf Club is one of the most mature 18 hole parkland golf courses in Dublin. Hidden from the hustle and bustle of its surrounding neighbourhoods of Churchtown and Rathfarnham, Castle Golf Club offers its members and visitors unparallelled playing conditions and facilities. The club celebrated its centenary in 2013 and the course is an excellent example of golf course design, originally by Harry Colt.
Centenary Teams - Winners |
Congratulations to the winners of the Centenary Teams 2025. Pictured are the winning team of Angela O’Connor, Martha Jones, Eleanor Fitzgerald and Mary Bourke.
Aggressive bidding prevents slam |
 O'Kennedy Cup at Dun Laoghaire Bridge Club - Sunday 19 January 2025
Q. Paul Williams
I am in the West seat playing Strong & 5, club can be 2, non-forcing. I open 1♣️ and my left hand opponent overcalls 2♦️, alerted as a weak jump. Partner bids 2♠️ with South calling 4♦️. I bid 5♣️ followed by three passes. How could or should we have overcome the opponents bidding to reach a slam?
#1 Kevin O'Dea 24-Jan
Preempts work. If you were playing against me, I would have bid 5♦ as South over East's 2♠. What would you bid now? I think your 5♣ bid is enough. Perhaps your partner could have bid 6♣ , given that you had bid a 5♣ (Vulnerable)? The East hand has improved a lot when opponents bid & support ♦ . East's ♣ Q5 is great support.
#2 Denis Mortell 24-Jan
As Kevin says, preempts work. West has opened the bidding and East has a five loser hand - though no fit as yet. Double-dummy, a t/o double works well here. But, if West's 1♣ opening was intended to be a more common 12-14, 1NT rebid, e/w may need to find their 5/3 major fit, if there is one. So, I prefer East's 2♠ to a t/o double. Over 4♦ by South, if West passes, suggesting 12-14, I rebid 4♥ with East's cards. In the actual hand, after a free bid of 5♣ by West vulnerable, isn't East worth 6♣? With three tricks, a singleton diamond and Qx in trumps, I think so.
Please be seated by 7:05 p.m.
Play begins promptly at 7:15 p.m.
The Tournament Director(s) needs to know the number of players before they can set up the competition(s).
Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.
 DOUBLE DUMMY is the unexpected and thrilling look at the fiercely competitive game of bridge. The film follows the USA 1 Under 21 team to China as they battle it out at the World Youth Team Championships, the most prestigious event in junior bridge. DOUBLE DUMMY bridges the generation gap and explores the game of bridge and its growing popularity with younger generations.
Play up...... Play out...... Play often........
Thomas MacCormac - Grandmaster and Bridge Teacher

Standard English Modern ACOL
System Booklet

Laws of Duplicate Bridge CLICK HERE
Autumn 2024
Paul 086 251 0791
C.B.A.I. Diary
Dublin South Region |
Click HERE to see the DSR list of events for the current season.
- You know you're in trouble when the first thing the opponents decide to do is draw trumps, and you're the declarer.
- The real test of a bridge player isn't in keeping out of trouble, but in escaping once he's in.
- If 3NT is a viable proposition - then bid it.
4th February 2025 |
Weekly game |
Director: Tom Woulfe |
30th January 2025 |
Bridge morning followed by lunch |
Director: Paul Williams |
27th January 2025 |
Centenary Teams 2 |
Director: Bernard Higgins |
20th January 2025 |
Centenary Teams 1 |
Director: Bernard Higgins |
10th February 2025 |
Weekly game |
Director: Paul Williams |
17th February 2025 |
Weekly game |
Director: Gerry Dunne |
23rd February 2025 |
Rose Bowl |
Director: John Royds |
24th February 2025 |
Weekly game - no conventions night |
Director: Ciara Gleeson |
9th March 2025 |
Grange v Castle |
6:30 p.m. |