Carson Tahoe Bridge
4 Weekly Games at 4 Scenic Clubs!
Release 2.19r
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Lessons and Practice Sessions in Carson City and Reno

Although no formal bridge classes are currently offered by the Carson Tahoe Bridge Unit, Gardnerville game Director Glen Rowe provides handouts and tips during practice sessions from 9 to 11 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Carson City Senior Center. The Carson City game follows at noon. Those attending both the practice sessions and the ACBL-sanctioned game have the option of dining in the senior center cafeteria for lunch before the game starts at noon.

The nearby Reno club, which is in a different ACBL unit, offers both lessons and practice sessions. Full information can be found at their website, (click on Reno Bridge Academy or Lessons). For Fall 2024, they are offering the following special event and regular classes:

* Thursday, September 12: Celebrity Bridge Teacher Michael Berkowitz (a member of Larry Cohen's teaching team and a featured columnist in the Bridge Bulletin). This day-long event begins with coffee and pastries at 8:30 a.m. followed by Berkowitz's seminar on "Competitive Bidding Decisions: Pass, Overcall or Double?" at 9 a.m., lunch at 12:15 p.m. and a game (Open/299er/99er) at 1 p.m. There is a $60 registration fee and registration deadline is September 10. Go to https:/ to register.

* Four separate eight-week courses will be taught from mid-September to early November. The levels are Bridge Basics (Mondays), Bidding & Play (Wednesdays), Bidding & Play Plus (Tuesdays), and Declarer Play in Trump Contracts (Thursdays). The cost for each eight-week session is $80. More details and information about registering can be found at by clicking Reno Bridge Academy.