Carson Tahoe Bridge
4 Weekly Games at 4 Scenic Clubs!
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2025
Unit Board
Unit 465 Board of Directors

The Board strives to provide a vibrant and engaging environment for duplicate bridge players throughout the Carson Tahoe basin. Board members are guided by both a Unit purpose statement and bylaws, as well as Amercian Contract Bridge League (ACBL) regulations. Among other duties, the Board oversees the management of weekly games and occasional tournaments. Income is derived from an additional $1 table fee collected once a month at each club for designated unit games (a portion of that fee is sent to ACBL). Revenue also flows from Unit-sponsored sectional tournaments. Expenses include operating sectional tournaments, membership events such as annual social gatherings, and incidental, operating or special expenses as approved by the Board. Financial data for the unit is reported at Board meetings and is reflected in the minutes for those meetings.

Members are elected by the general membership of the Unit annually to serve interwoven two-year terms. The 2024 Board members are:

Pres. Vicki Rowe V. Pres. Paul Pugsley Sec. Barbara Jones Treas. John McCall










Direc. Midge Breeden Direc. Chris Roden Direc. Jerrold Zell