Carson Tahoe Bridge
4 Weekly Games at 4 Scenic Clubs!
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2025
NO Gardnerville Game Monday, Jan. 20 for MLK Holiday
Unit 465 Annual Meeting Re-Elects Directors, Outlaws Rudeness

Conducting a fast-paced annual membership meeting, Unit 465 Board President Vicki Rowe covered an agenda Wednesday, Jan. 15 that led more than three dozen attendees to seat three current directors for new terms, approve the treasurer’s report, and adopt a resolution declaring the unit’s clubs as no-rudeness zones.

That last item, while humorous in tone, is serious in intent. Vicki asked for a show of hands from those who consider it rude to chat in the background while a game director tries to talk; the response was a sea of raised arms.

She pointed out that it is difficult for directors to make important announcements if people are talking. She asked for and got approval of a motion that declares that Unit 465 clubs have a no-rudeness doctrine. That will empower people, she explained, to remind talkative players to hush.

Regarding the director election, Vicki noted that three directors had expiring terms: herself, Paul Pugsley and Barbara Jones. An email asking for anyone else interested in running for the Board was sent out last fall but no one stepped forward. All three incumbents were re-elected unanimously. At a future board meeting, the directors will select their officers.

Vicki noted that if she continues as president, which is expected, she intends to publicize all future board meetings and encourage members to attend so there is a better understanding of what the board does and why participation is important.

In the other key portion of the meeting, Treasurer John McCall presented the annual fiscal report for 2024. The Unit begins the 2025 year with $10,330 in its bank account after income of $2,616 and expenses of $4,588.

As he noted, the expenses were unusually heavy in 2024 due in part to buying new cards and refurbishing the dealing machine. In addition, there were one-time expenses tied to the Unit assuming ownership of the Carson City game, which going forward will be a source of revenue for the unit. Finally, there were several membership events, including the Shrimp Boil and the Holiday Party.

A listing of Board members and recent meeting minutes can be found under the Unit Board tab on the navigation bar.

Recent Happenings
Recent Happenings

Celebrate! Glen Rowe Receives Goodwill Award
Gardnerville Director Glen Rowe is the recipient of the ACBL District 21 Goodwill Award. He shares the honor with only four people in the huge district, which spans from Monterey and Fresno in the south to Santa Rosa and Reno in the north and includes the huge bridge-playing populations in California’s Central Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. 

The award goes to volunteers who stand out as bridge players dedicated to helping their community. An article in the current District 21 newsletter notes that Glen “kept his local game alive both during and after the pandemic. He stepped up as Director when no one else would do it. He teaches a free bridge class in Carson City, NV, which has brought in many new players.” The article, written by the chair of the committee that selected the award recipients, notes that Glen and wife Vicki (who is president of our Unit 465 Board) “started fun social events like the Shrimp Boil…and December Holiday party.” 

Glen and Vicki were on hand January 8 during the Monterey tournament to receive his award.

One player moved up in rank in December
New Ruby Life Master (1,500 points)
Sheldon Zimbler

Congratulations to December high scorers at our three clubs (Incline Village is closed until January 12):
74.17% for Paul Jorgensen and Roxanne Hart(Gardnerville, 12/16)

70.00% for Beth Symons and Donald Harriman (South Lake Tahoe, 12/3)
64.58% for Barbara Mickle and Gary Nitzberg (Carson City, 12/4)

Question of the Month

For January 2025: New Year’s Resolutions

A webmaster usually stays in the background, unseen and unknown. But for this Question of the Month, it is important that you know these are Kathy Beasley’s personal duplicate bridge New Year’s Resolutions. They are not targeting anyone’s behaviors but my own. They are shared here just in case others may benefit as well.

#1. Call the director immediately if something is wrong. Yes, it is a friendly game and none of us want to be “mean.” But it takes less time away from play if the director comes immediately, sorts out the facts, and issues a decision. Also be aware that the person who calls the director is the one who talks to him.  

#2. A dummy’s role is extremely limited. Refrain from gasps, frowns, smiles and comments (“lucky you, the suit broke!”). Don’t tap on the table, reach for a card before it is called, or do anything else that can be interpreted as you directing declarer in his/her play.

#3. Do not reach for the bidding box or hover your hand over it until you have decided what bid to make. Especially don’t touch the stack of potential bids, hesitate, and then mutter “oh, never mind,” and pull out a pass card instead. This behavior illegally conveys information to partner and opponents.

#4. Know the pre-announcements, announcements and alerts you are required to make and do them at club games just as you would at tournaments. For example, your partner’s 1NT opener should always prompt you to give the range. A Jacoby Transfer bid is responded to with the target suit. Next month’s Question of the Month will cover these kinds of issues in more detail. 

#5. Try to make life easy for the people who have volunteered to run the game. That means show up in plenty of time to find your partner and get seated, play each round in a timely manner, and take your mess with you as you move from table to table. 
To read past answers, go to Questions of the Month on the navigation bar at left.

South Lake Tahoe CA
Incline Village
Carson City
South Lake Tahoe CA
Incline Village
Carson City
South Lake Tahoe CA