Question of the Month |
For September 2024, we explore the colorful world of points.
Non-bridge people often ask players what they get when they “win.” The short answer is points.
The longer answer covers different elements of a system that ranks players in a way that reflects their skill and experience. In other words, it gives players documented bragging rights!
Masterpoint colors. According to the ACBL, Masterpoints are pigmented to reflect the level of competition. When players win at a local club game, their achievement is not rewarded as much as when they win at a large regional event that has drawn huge crowds of expert competitors. Both the color and number of possible points awarded changes depending on the setting of the game.
The easy way to think about the colors is that a player can win black points at local clubs, silver points at sectionals, and red or gold points at regionals and nationals. But there are nuances and exceptions, so click HERE for a more comprehensive explanation.
To read past answers, go to Questions of the Month on the navigation bar at left.
Recent Happenings |
Celebrate! Three players moved up in rank in August.
New Junior Masters (5 points):
Lois Hauch
Carol Murdock
New Ruby Life Master (1500 points):
James Breeden
Congratulations to August high scorers at our four clubs:
74.44% for Gary Nitzberg and Bruce Moon (Gardnerville, 8/12/24)
67.50% for Lori Bard and Nancy Croom (Incline Village, 8/4/24)
66.48% for Kathy Lane and Gary Nitzberg (Carson City, 8/28/24)
66.0% for Neal Herzstein and Donald Harriman (South Lake Tahoe, 8/27/24)
And a nod to high-performing C-ranked players: Dick and Gerry Trapp came in first, not just once but twice in a row in Carson City. Playing East/West both times, they scored 63.66% on August 14 and 59.13% on August 21.
When and Where to Play Bridge |
12:30 p.m. Mondays
(Closed on federal holidays)
Carson Valley Bridge at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV
Director Glen Rowe, 775-315-5611,
1 p.m. Tuesdays
(Closed on federal/CA state holidays; arrival at 12:45 recommended)
Bridge by the Lake at the South Lake Tahoe Senior Center, 3050 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe CA
Director Barbara Jones, 530-541-3973,
Noon Wednesdays
Carson Cube Bridge at the Carson City Senior Center, 911 Beverly Drive, Nevada Room, Carson City NV
Director Paul Jorgensen, 775-741-0836,
1 p.m. Sundays
(July 10, 2024 through the end of September; January through March time/place TBD)
Incline Village Bridge at the Incline Village Library, 845 Alder Avenue, Incline Village NV
Director Richard Reiter, 910-297-1828,
For more details about these and the Reno club, click here.