As you may be aware, Master Points are now being issued for the Wednesday Afternoon
Tournament. Points going back to July 2014 have been issued.
The points are put to your SBU online account. You access this though the website.
The printed results for each competitions and web site show the points won. There is also a list of
points won from July 2014 to August 2015 (see Competitions/Wednesday Intermediate).
In order to be awarded points, you need to be a member of the SBU (Scottish Bridge Union). This
means that we have not been able to issue points to a number of players. You become a member
when you join an affiliated bridge club - such as the Carlton! Joining the Carlton is easy. Pick up at a
form at the catering counter, fill in the details and get two existing members to sign the form. The
cost is £65 for a full year plus £6 SBU membership. If you join through the year, the membership fee
is reduced proportionately.
If you join by the end of April 2016, points earned will be added to your account.
For information on how to join click here.